Bea Underwood Family Newsletter
September 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have had a great start to our school year. Our teachers are working with your students to build classroom communities and increase their learning. If you have any questions or concerns we encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher. We are here to support your student and want to partner with you.
If you are dropping your student off at school please remember to use the parent drop off section of the parking lot. If you need to get out of your car, please park in the parking lot so we can keep the flow of traffic moving smoothly. Please remind your student to cross in the crosswalk where an adult can help them stay safe. Our bus drop off is strictly for busses, not cars.
If you are needing to change the method that your child is going home after school, please reach out to the school office by 2:30. The office gets very busy at the end of the day and we want to assure that all messages are received and passed on to your child. If you have any questions, please reach out at (970)285-5703.
Warm regards,
Amber Scott - Principal
Ioana Costas - Assistant Principal
Note from our School Counsleors
Our counselors Mrs. Sherraden and Ms. DeMaio have been pushing into your child’s classroom. We are excited to get to know each student and help them build their success through academic, social and career lessons. The first lesson focused on getting to know the students, as well as them getting to know us! We worked on individual jigsaw pieces to put together as a whole school community. The next lesson will focus on teamwork within their classroom community.
Please come join Mrs. Sherraden and Ms. DeMaio for our first
Coffee with the Counselors
September 27, 2024
8:30- 9:30 in the Conference Room at BUE
This is a great opportunity to meet our counselors! Please join us!
Music News from Mrs Humphrey
Wow! The first weeks of school have flown by. Right now in music, all classes are working on music theory (lines and spaces of treble clef staff, note values, notes names, etc). So far this is what we have been working on…
2nd grade: learning the names of the notes on the Treble Clef Staff. (EGBDF-Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge & FACE)
3rd grade: reviewing the lines and spaces on a treble clef staff and 1st 5 notes of C Major Scale
4th grade: reviewing lines and spaces as well as learning notes of C Major Scale
5th grade: reviewing lines and spaces and learning C Major Scale as well as all notes from Middle C to High A
Save the Date: Put these dates on your calendars:
Winter Concerts at BUE (in the gym): Dec. 17 & Dec. 19
2nd Grade (Spencer, Austin, Strong, Mayerle): Dec. 17 at 6pm
3rd Grade (Helzer, Bordelon, Sigmon, C. Myers) & Scilla (all of Scilla’s class): Dec. 17 at 7pm
Musical: A Pirate Christmas
4th Grade (Aldrich, Morris, Fazzi, Reed) & Drake: Dec. 19 at 6pm
5th Grade (Mendoza, Nelson, Emmalyn & T. Myers) Dec. 19 at 7pm
1st semester of choir is Sept. 17-Nov. 5
Veteran’s Day performance at our All School Veterans Day Crew on Nov. 8 at 2pm.
From the Gym with Ms. Stark
Good day from the gym at Bea Underwood Elementary. My name is Sarah Stark, formerly known as Ms. Kinsey, and I am your student's teacher for PE. I have been teaching at Bea Underwood for the past 20 years. I went to school here as a 3-5 grader and graduated from Grand Valley High School. I am also a mother of 3 girls and a farmer when i am not in the gym teaching your children.
So far this year we have focused on demonstrating good sportsmanship and defining what that means in Bea Underwood. We use our 5 habits; collaboration, respect, integrity, service and perseverance; to define sportsmanship in PE.
We have also just finished our first unit of kicking and dribbling with our feet. In elementary PE I use the Colorado State Standards to drive my instruction so with that being said, never fear we will do another unit with kicking and dribbling involved. I base your child’s grades mostly off of participation, coming prepared(gym shoes) and sportsmanship(following rules and being kind.)
If you ever have any question please feel free to reach out to me via email, skinsey@garfield16.org, this is the best way to get in touch with me as I also coach high school volleyball and have 2 daughters in multiple sports, or call the school, 970 285-5703 and dial my extension at 2248.
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English Language Learners at BUE
At BUE, we are proud to support our English Language Learners (ELL) through a comprehensive program to help students develop strong English language skills. Our dedicated ELL team—Jessica Hartman, ELL Teacher; Erik Lionberger, ELL Teacher; and Emily DeKam, ELL Paraeducator—works closely with students to enhance their English listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, ensuring they succeed academically and socially.
This year, we are excited to implement a new curriculum, Reach by National Geographic, which engages students with real-world content and a global focus. In the first unit, running throughout September and October, 2nd graders learn about their community, 3rd graders explore the importance of helping others, 4th graders study traditions, and 5th graders learn about different cultures. These topics help students improve their English and broaden their understanding of the world around them.
If you have any questions or want more information about the ELL program, please get in touch with one of our ELL staff members.
Click on Bus Icon for New 2024/25 Transportation Information
Important Events
September 27th Picture Day!
Coffee with the Counselors 8:30 - 9:30 am
Oct 2nd - 2/3 MA to Library
3rd Grade Trail through Time Fieldwork
Oct 8th - 11th Homecoming Week (See link above for dress-up days)
Oct 9th - 10th - 5th Grade Challenge Course
Oct 11th - Early dismissal of students @ 11:30 to allow students and families to attend the Homecoming Parade
Oct 15th - 4th Grade Fieldwork Rifle Arch
October 18th - End of First Quarter
October 31st - Halloween Parties
Trunk or Treat @ BUE (watch for more details)
Bea Underwood Elementary
0741 Tamarisk Trail
Parachute, CO
Mrs. Scott and Ms. Costas
Principal and Assistant Principal