Riverside Report
September 2024
Dates To Remember
Monday September 9, 2024 PTO Meeting 6:00 in the Riverside Conference Room or via Webex
Friday September 6, 2024 Fall Fundraiser Kick Off!
Wednesday September 11, 2024 Picture Day
Thursday September 19, 2024 Mrs. Stortecky & Mrs. Kluever Twin Oaks Field Trip
Friday September 20, 2024 Mrs. King & Mrs. Cornish Twin Oaks Field Trip
4th Grade Fust Farm Field Trip
Last Day of Fall Fundraiser
Wednesday September 25-Friday September 27, 2024 Vision & Hearing Screening
Monday September 30, 2024 No School for Elementary Students
Thursday October 3, 2024 PTO Fall Festival from 4:00-7:00 at Schairer's Autumn Acres
Tuesday October 8, 2024 Mr. Podeweltz's class to Little Red School House
Wednesday October 9, 2024 Mrs. Wendorf's class to Little Red School House
Thursday October 10, 2024 Mrs. Gauger's class to Little Red School House
Friday October 11, 2024 Mr. Lekie's class to Little Red School House
Monday October 14, 2024 PTO Meeting 6:00 in the Riverside Conference Room or via Webex
Thursday October 24, 2024 NO SCHOOL
Friday October 25, 2024 NO SCHOOL
Tuesday October 29, 2024 Picture Retake Day
Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30
Fall Fundraiser Pick Up 4:00-7:00
Monday November 4, 2024 NO SCHOOL
Parent Teacher Conferences 11:30-7:30
Fall Fundraiser
On Friday September 6, 2024, our school kicked off our Fall fundraiser with Cherrydale. It will run from September 6 2024 through September 20th 2024. The fundraiser will be with both online and in-person order forms. Your child(ren) will come home with a books and order form, along with an information sheet. For online selling you will need to register online at www.ShopFund.com. Once registered, you will be able to share the link with family and friends. You can sign up multiple students under one account. Also the dashboard will track your sales and show you what prizes you’d receive. There is free shipping to your home with any $99 order. Otherwise we will be having a pick up at school on October 29th, 2024, from 4:00-7:00. Please reach out to Riverside PTO with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support during the school year!
Picture Day
Photographers from Lakeshore Photography will be at Riverside on Wednesday September 11, 2024 to take student pictures. All students will be photographed for the yearbook, so please dress accordingly—and don’t forget your smiles!
After picture day, you will receive a proof order form and can order pictures online. More information will come after picture day.
Welcome New Staff
Officer Zwicky- School Resource Officer
Mr. Yang- School Social Worker
Mrs. Carlson- Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Loy- Occupational Therapist
Myles Paulson- Special Education Associate
Mr. Lee- Special Education Associate
Mrs. Zuelke- Special Education Associate
Ms. Xiong- English Learner Associate
Mrs. Koval- Custodian
We also have some staff who have taken new positions within our building.
Mrs. Cornish will be teaching our 2nd grade Advanced Learner classroom this year.
Mrs. Mesenberg will be teaching in our 3rd grade Advance Learner classroom.
We are excited for another great year at Riverside!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Formal conferences will be held twice each year to permit teachers and parents to discuss a student's progress in school. An e-mail will be sent out to parents to select a 15-minute conference time that works best for your family. Since it is important for a teacher and parents to communicate with one another, the school annually sets a goal of 100% parent participation at conferences.
Tuesday October 29, 2024 from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Monday November 4, 2024 from 11:30-7:30 p.m. (No School Day)
Thursday February 20, 2025 from 11:30-7:30 p.m. (No School for Elementary)
Tuesday February 25, 2025 from 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Fall Festival
Thank you to the Riverside PTO for setting up the Fall Festival event at Schairer's Autumn Acres! (154 US-45, Birnamwood, WI 54414) The event will be on Thursday October 3, 2024 from 4:00-7:00 p.m.
The kids will enjoy 2 corn mazes, “I Spy,” duck races, corn box/play area, bale fort, human hamster wheels, petting zoo, pumpkin checkers and apple launcher and Barnyard Basketball.
It is a great time for parents and families to meet and chat with all of our wonderful families here at Riverside. We hope you can join us!
A Message from D.C. Everest Student Services
D.C. Everest Families,
D.C. Everest School District looks forward to beginning the 2024-2025 school year with you and your student(s). The D.C. Everest Student Services team is preparing for the first weeks, and will be here to assist you and your student(s) with educational, career, personal/social and health needs. We have a variety of staff available, including our community partners. Our role in Student Services is to provide students with assistance as needed and connect them with relevant school and community resources. We encourage you and your student(s) to reach out and we will find a way to assist and/or support. Primary student services contacts can be found on our D.C. Everest website.
Please click the blue buttons below to view the 24-25 Riverside Student Services Team Flier, and the Student Services Flier.
D.C. Everest School District also has a collaborative partnership with the North Central Health Care Center Crisis Center, Everest Metro Police, Rothschild Police, Wausau Police, and Marathon County Sheriff’s Department for immediate mental health emergencies.
Immediate Crisis Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the following numbers:
North Central Health Care Crisis Line: 715-845-4326; 800-799-0122
National Suicide Prevention Line: 988 : National Crisis Text Line: 741741
Call 911 for any emergency
We look forward to a positive 2024-2025 school year. Please reach out at any time if you or your student(s) is in need of any academic, career, personal/social, or health support.Your school's student services team can be reached via email or phone. For additional questions you may also reach out to Erin Jacobson, Mental Health Navigator/ School Social Worker, ejacobson@dce.k12.wi.us
End of Year Awards Criteria
At the end of every school year, we recognize student achievements, growth and perseverance throughout the year, with an end of the school year awards assembly. Listed below are the awards that will be given to students this year, as well as the criteria that we use for these awards. This may be a great opportunity to discuss with your child(ren) the purpose of these awards and set goals with them about how they can achieve them. Some teachers will also have their own additional awards that they choose to recognize students in their classrooms. Please note that this year we have included a Principal Award. This award is based on the portrait of an elementary graduate which identifies skills, competencies and behaviors that are often aligned with future success in middle school, high school, college, future careers and life in our local community.
Principal Award (Gr. 3-5)- based on Portrait of a Elementary Graduate (see below)
Grade Proficiency in both reading and math per end of the year iReady assessment
Attendance (less than 10 days absent- special consideration for medically excused absences)
Behavior- 1 or less major behavior referral for the year
Participation in at least 1 school club or outside sport/activity (options offered at recess, after school, or in our community-will be self reported by student/parent)
Civic Readiness/Community Service- 5 hours of volunteer service either at school or in community (i.e. helping to set up chairs during recess for a parent event, helping a teacher during recess, volunteer at our Ice Cream Social Event, volunteer to help in our local community-will be self reported by student/parent)
Outstanding Academic Growth (K-5)
200% or higher growth in iReady for Reading or Math
Outstanding Academic Achievement (K-5)
Above grade level (blue) in iReady for Reading or Math
Blue Jay Way Character Award (K-5)
Students who regularly demonstrate our core Riverside values (being respectful, being responsible, being productive, being safe, kind to others)
Art, Music, STEAM, Physical Education, Excellence Awards (3rd-5th only)
Students who regularly demonstrate positive attitude, leadership in area, hard worker
Presidential Award of Academic Excellence (5th grade only)
Forest Goetsch Award (5th grade student)
An award given to a 5th grade student who demonstrates determination, perseverance, dedication, motivation and character. Forest was a Riverside student who passed away during a cross country practice at the JR. High in the 8th grade. He will always be remembered for his sense of humor being a good friend, love of sports, love of the outdoors, and love of school.
Hearing & Vision Screening
Marathon County Health Department staff will be at Riverside to conduct a vision and hearing-screening from Wednesday September 25th, Thursday September 26th, and Friday September 27th 2024. Students in grades K, 1, 3, and 5 are screened.
This program is only a screening. Participation in the screening is optional. If you do not want your child to participate in the screening, send a written, signed note to our Health Assistant, Jennifer Lilly, telling us you do not want your child screened. If your child wears glasses, please make sure that they wear their glasses for the vision screening.
Any student who does not pass the initial screening will be re-screened by the health department staff in 4 weeks. If your child does not pass the re-screening, you will receive a letter and a phone call from the health department to discuss their findings and their recommendation for your child.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite Campus is one way that we will communicate information to you. Campus Student and Campus Parent put school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules, and more!
If you have never set up an Infinite Campus parent portal, please send an e-mail to Riverside's Administrative Assistant, Jessica Krautkramer, at jkrautkramer@dce.k12.wi.us to request your activation code and set up directions. Please provide your name, and your child’s name.
If you have set up an account in the past, and are a parent/guardian experiencing difficulties with registration or log-in, please email PortalAccount@dce.k12.wi.us. Please provide your name, your child’s name, and school they attend.
For Infinite Campus directions and also helpful information on how to set up notifications, click on the blue button below.
Volunteer Tracker
All volunteers must complete a volunteer application via Volunteer Tracker.
Level 1 volunteers do not require a background screening. Background checks will be conducted for
Level 2 and 3 volunteers as part of the online application.
Level 1 volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
• Book Fair Helper
• Campus Beautification Crew
• Classroom Party Parent Helper
• Concession Stand Helper
• Fundraising/Family Night Helper
• Guest Speaker
• Judge
• One-day Class Project Helper
• Performing Arts Volunteer
• Proctor for Testing
• PTO Event Volunteer
• Track & Field/Sporting Event Volunteers
Level 2 volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
• Booster Club Member
• Building/Classroom Clerical Helper
• Class Project/Multi-Day Helper
• Classroom Help: Academic Support
• Field Trip Chaperone
• Library Helper
Level 3 volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
• Academic Tutor — Semester/1x week
• Assist with Transporting Students
• Community Partners/Agencies in Building Mentor — Semester/1 x week
• PTO Board Member
• Reading Buddy — Semester/2-4x month
•Volunteer Youth Recreational Sports Coach
After creating an account, you will be able to log-in and see the current available opportunities. If you have questions about the volunteer tracker application process, please contact the Community Outreach Coordinator, Sara Pinsonneault, at 715-359-6561 x4326. Want more information about the volunteer levels? Click on the blue button below.
Riverside PTO
Your PTO Board members for the 2024-25 School Year are:
President: Carissa Brittenham
Secretary: Holly Pagel
Treasurer: Megan Behnke
The PTO meets the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:00-7:00 - Please mark your calendars! Meetings take place in the Riverside Conference Room. If you cannot join in-person, join us Via Webex by clicking here.
We appreciate the continued support and dedication of these individuals, and we welcome new members ideas and support!
Please reach out to the PTO, with questions or ideas, riv-pto@dce.k12.wi.us
The Parent-Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) is a vital part of education at Riverside School. Parents work with teachers to help our children receive the best education possible.
PTO Officer Needed- Vice President Nominations
The Vice President's role:
- Assist the President
- Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President or inability of that officer to serve
- Assume the office of the President in the event of the vacancy of that office
- Advance to the office of the President upon the completion of the President's term of office
- Assist the parent representatives to assign chairpersons to committees
- Serve as a chairperson for the Open House in August
- Serve such other duties as may be delegated (attending major PTO events, when possible, such as Fall Socials, Sledding events, Ice Cream Social etc.)
To be considered for this position, or to nominate someone for the Vice President Position, please send the following information via e-mail to riv-pto@dce.k12.wi.us:
- Your name or the name of the person you are nominating (they must consent to serve, if they are nominated)
- The name of your child (children) currently attending Riverside
- Register in our Volunteer Tracker as a PTO Board Member (Level 3)
Blessings In A Backpack
Love And Logic
Family Matters
Counseling Connection with Mrs. Tatro
Welcome back to another school year! It is going to be a GREAT year and we are anxious to see the hallways bustling once again with lots of chatter and smiles!
Have you asked your children how their first few days of school have been, and they reply with a one-word response, something like 'okay?’ If this happens often and you were hoping to find out more about what went on during their day, here are some ideas that might help, shared by author of “Little Spot of Emotions” Series, Diane Alber. It's important for children to learn good communication skills and teaching them a variety of questions that encourage conversation can help!
So, what questions can you ask instead of "how was school?”
This question lets you change up the word every day so your child can get comfortable with speaking on any topic. Sample words to fill in the blank could be: best, most challenging, funniest, boring, shocking.
2. Tell them something about YOUR day.
Once again, this gives you a lot of freedom to choose the direction the conversation would go. You can tell them a fun part of your day and ask if there was something fun or exciting in theirs.
3. Play/Invent a Game
Playing quick games is always a fun way to communicate with children. They get really into it, and you can see the enjoyment they get out of it. A great example of a game for this would be two truths and a lie.
4. Ask them how others are doing?
Sometimes children have a hard time speaking about their life, but they’re pretty good at chatting about other people. So you can ask them:
How are your teachers doing? Did any of your teachers help you out with something today? How are your friends doing? This way, they’ll naturally start speaking about their interactions with others and how they were doing throughout the day. And if something rare occurs, like one of their teachers was sick that day, you can help them express gratitude by writing a quick note for the teacher once they return to school.
5. Ask them about specific details in their day?
- What book was read in class today?
- Can you tell me about it?
- Who did you sit next to at lunch?
- Was there something that someone else was eating at lunch that you would like me to get for you?
- What game did you play at recess?
- Who did you play with at recess?
- Did you make a new friend?