Weekly Family Communication
The mission of Holy Rosary School is to help each child discover and fully develop their God-given talents. As a Catholic School community, we strive for excellence in our students’ spiritual, academic, physical, mental, aesthetic, and social-emotional growth. It is our intention that those who attend this institution mature into active citizens leading a committed faith life and reaching out to help others locally, nationally, and internationally with their wisdom, time, talent, and financial resources.
Principal's Message
Dear Holy Rosary Families,
Westfest weekend is here! Our "Carnival of Community" is one of our most important community building events to start the year. I want to thank all of our chairs and volunteers for the tremendous work planning this weekend's events. I do hope you'll all come to make some memories and bring your friends!
In Christ,
**Volunteers are especially needed Saturday between 12 and 10 pm to operate the carnival games in the gym. Any parent/family member who signs up for a shift to work the games in the gym Saturday between 12 pm and 10 pm will receive 1 free dress pass per child in the household per shift.
Upcoming Dates
- Sep 20th - Noon Dismissal (No BASE)
- Sep 20th-21st - Westfest
- Sep 30th - Covid/Flu Shots
- Oct 4th - Glow Bowl (5pm)
- Oct 11th - 8th Grade Pizza Lunch
- Oct 16th - Parents Club
- Oct 19th - Fall Open House
- Oct 22nd - Picture Retakes
Faith At Home
Feast of Saint Matthew – September 21, 2024
St. Matthew is one of the twelve apostles and one of the four evangelists, credited with writing the first of the four Gospels. Though he was a Jew, he was considered a traitor to his people because he worked as a tax collector for the Roman government. Matthew’s answer to Jesus’ call is impressive. “As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he rose and followed him” (Mt 9:9) All it took was those two words and Mattthew got up and left a pile of silver coins on the table to follow Jesus. To celebrate the feast day, make silver dollar pancakes to remember Matthew’s counting table.
Notes & Reminders
Westfest Spirit Day Friday!
Show your HRS Spirit by wearing a WestFest shirt! If you don't have one, wear any Holy Rosary Gear.
2024 HRS Glow Bowl
Join us as we continue this fun and popular tradition! This event is hosted by the Parents’ Club and all proceeds go toward funding our class parties and teacher/aide/specialist birthday gifts.
When: Friday, October 4, 2024- 5:00 PM- 7:30 PM
Who: All Holy Rosary School Students & Their Parents* (Pre-K thru 8th Grade)
What: An Incredibly Fun & Memorable Time Bowling w/Friends
Theme: Neon or come as you are, and we’ll provide the glow!
Where: West Seattle Bowl – 4505 39th Ave. SW – westseattlebowl.com
Cost: $40 per person. Your SchoolAdmin account will be charged prior to the event.
Last day to sign up is end-of-day October 2, 2024
Cost includes bowling, shoes, pizza/chicken strips/fries, cookie, and glow gear.
Questions? Michele Bleser, michele.bleser@outlook.com, 206-696-1292
Drop Off & Pick Up
If you are dropping off in front of the school in the morning, please pull as far forward as you can, do not exit your car and drop off quickly. This will help us and our neighboring school get safely started for the day. Out of respect for our neighbors, please do not block driveways or parking spot. This includes behind the church and parish office. Thank you!
School Directory
The School Directory is available online. You can access it through the Family Portal. We will not have printed copies available.
Covid & Flu Shots On Campus
Holy Rosary School will once again host a fall Covid and Flu shot clinic this fall to help families who wish to have their students vaccinated. Family members of students are also welcome. We will have Seattle Visiting Nurse Association nurses on campus after school on September 30th and October 28th. Sign ups are available using the QR code on the linked flyer. Parent volunteers are needed to make this happen. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Tiffany Jones (tiffany@tiffanyejones.com). Click here, if you have questions about the shot clinic.
Action Items
8th Grade Pizza Lunch Is For EVERYONE!
We have 9 Pizza Fridays this year! This amazing fundraiser helps pay for the many events throughout the year for the graduating class. Events include retreats, fun day, baccalaureate dinner, graduation, and the graduation reception. Gluten Free option available. Over 90% of students order. We appreciate your support! Sign ups close at 9pm on Sunday, September 29th.
Sign Up Now! Your student will thank you!
Gator Gear Order Window Open!
New Logo Gator Gear is now available for purchase. Order window closes September 30th. Next window will open mid-November. Sample sizes available in the Development/Admissions Office.
Priority Application Window Open
The priority application period for parish members & current school families is September 15th and goes until November 15th for the September 2025 – June 2026 school year. If you have a new student to Holy Rosary School, please complete our online application at: https://holyrosaryws.org/applynow/. All current Preschool-7th grade students will complete re-enrollment in January. Any questions, please contact: admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Cadet Jackets Available!
The cadet jacket is a fan favorite with the kids and can be part of perfect uniform days as well as everyday wear. Please click on this link to order. You can pick up in the office anytime between 8am to 3pm or the first day of school.
Used Uniforms
If you are in need of uniforms from our used uniform closet, please contact our point volunteer, Ellen Voelker at ellenvoelker@gmail.com. She will get back to you as soon as possible. And as always, we are always happy to take your used, clean and in good condition Holy Rosary Branded clothing. Please do not donate any pants, shorts or polo shirts. These items are not accepted.
Development & Fundraising
Westfest is September 20/21, below are some links to help make the Carnival of Community unforgettable. Admission is free.
Westfest Volunteers Needed
Sign up for your volunteer shifts NOW to get a head start on your volunteer hours!
**Volunteers are especially needed Saturday between 12 and 10 pm to operate the carnival games in the gym. Any parent/family member who signs up for a shift to work the games in the gym Saturday between 12 pm and 10 pm will receive 1 free dress pass per child in the household per shift.
8th graders get your services hours by signing up here.
Westfest Punch Cards & Wristbands
Westfest Cake Walk
Drop off desserts from 12-4pm on Friday, Sept 20th in the GYM office.
1 dessert is = 1 volunteer hour. Additional info here.
Westfest Toddler Time
Toddler time is on Saturday, September 21st from 10am to 12pm. Come see princess story time and appearances by superheroes.
Volunteer Opportunities
See Westfest Links
Volunteering & Safe Environment
Take a few minutes to log into your Safe Env account and check your status. You may need a 20-minute refresher. Checking your status now will save staff time in contacting you before you can volunteer.
New families: Please complete your background checks and SE training before volunteering! If you haven't set up a volunteer log-in yet to record hours, here is the link! One parent must be the main account user, a 2nd parent can be added to the account as a sub-account. Instructions will be on the main account user’s page on how to add a sub-account.
Extracurricular Activities
CYO Basketball Registration Is Open!
Winter is right around the corner, which means it is almost basketball season! 4th-8th graders will begin practicing around Halloween, but registration is open NOW!
Registration fees increase after October 4th, so register your players today! We will be registering individual teams on October 18th, and the quantity of players registered for each gender/grade on that date will determine how many teams we register.
Discovering Chess
Again this year there will be a chess class offered after school on Thursdays from 3-3:45 in 7A starting in October. Grades 3 and up are welcome to come play, no prior experience necessary. Cost is $20 per month. Email Mr. Ritscher, mritscher@holyrosaryws.org to get on the list. The sign up is just month to month, so if the 20 person cap is exceeded you’ll be put on the waiting list and notified if kids move on.
UW Volleyball
We are excited to invite CYO out for a huge outing with UW Volleyball! CYO will be our "Team of the Game" and will get access to special shoutouts, a pre-game photo on the court, and a select group getting onto the court for pregame warmups.
This will be a day full of fun here with UW Volleyball. Doors will open 1 hour before First Serve.
Upon purchasing tickets contact Mark Webb and include:
- Numbers of students attending
- Name of School
Contact info:
Mark Webb
Director of CYO Athletics
We will communicate arrival time for the group photo at the court once that becomes available.
Tickets will go quick! Purchase at this site: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Catholicyouth5
Celebrate Sr. Juanita
Twenty-five years of Serving, Supporting, and Educating our Community
Sr. Juanita is celebrating her Silver Jubilee (25 years of Religious Vows). She began teaching at Holy Rosary School in 2007. Help us honor her service at Holy Rosary Parish on Sunday, October 6, 2024 after 10:30am Mass at Coffee and Donuts in the School Hall.
If you would like to help with her celebration, please email Deyette at dswegle@holyrosaryseattle.org and Sr. Stella at SrStella@holyrosaryseattle.org
Contribute to Sr. Juanita’s Gratitude Jar
Write a “gratitude” note to Sr. Juanita on strips of paper left in the School Office. Or email a note to Deyette at dswegle@holyrosaryseattle.org.
Donate for a Retreat for Sr. Juanita
Cash or check made out to Holy Rosary (in memo line write Sr. Juanita’s Retreat). Drop off at School Office. For more information, see our parish website.
Women With Purpose
- More information: Check out our flier for more information.
- Register: https://holyrosaryseattle.org/wwp-registration
Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
Youth Confirmation - Registration for 2024-25 is Open!
7th and 8th grade https://holyrosaryseattle.org/youth-confirmation
Welcome Circle
See our Flyer for more information.
Baptism for Children
1st Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Preparation
OCIA Adapted For Children (Former RCIA)
Becoming Catholic: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW)
We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word year round at Sunday 10:30am Mass.
Other Opportunities For Children
- Parish Children’s Choir YouthChoir! (Grades 3-6) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Seattle, WA (holyrosaryseattle.org)
- Altar Serving (5th -High school)–email Paul Dolejsi at Pdolejsi@holyrosaryseattle.org for more information.
Adult Confirmation
Rain City Water Polo
Have you ever wondered about Water Polo? RAIN CITY WATER POLO- FALL INFO/REGISTRATION for ALL PROGRAMS. We are hoping for more players at AH pool. Practices at AH M, W, Th. 10u is 7-8pm 12u & 14u are 7-9pm **Pools: We have practices at Sand Point County Club, Arbor Heights Swim & Tennis Club, Overlake Golf & Country Club **Ages: 5 yrs to high school **Website: https://www.raincitypolo.com/register **Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raincitywaterpoloclub/ FREE TRIAL **Free Trial athletes welcome **https://www.raincitypolo.com/freetrial
Taste Of West Seattle
Please join The West Seattle Food Bank for an evening of delicious food, refreshing drinks and community spirt at our annual Taste of West Seattle. Grab your tickets today
Art Class
After school art classes are being offered right across the street at Hope Lutheran School. Holy Rosary students (grades 1-6) are welcome to enroll. Classes are held on Tuesdays from 3-5 and consist of 4 8-week sessions that run throughout the 2024-2025 school year. This program is taught by former HRS art teacher, Lacey Reuter. More info and registration here: www.rainbowparrotart.com (This is not a Holy Rosary School program.)