Wednesday, May 22nd
All Weekly Messages Can Be Found On Our School Website Page Through PUSD
5th Grade Chromebooks at DUE FRIDAY, MAY 24th
Thursday, May 23rd- SBAC State Make-up Testing
PTA Board Meeting 8pm
Friday, May 24th - SBAC State Make-up Testing
Pre-K Promotion Ceremony 9:30am MPR
5th Grade Picnic 10am-1pm
Student Store Open During Lunchtime
Attendance & End of the Year Logistics
Ms. Barbara Kolb has served as our sub Attendance Clerk for a majority of this school year. As she has devoted her retirement time to assist our school we have been thankful for all that she has completed for us during her time here at Field Elementary. As we are closing the school year, please direct your attendance questions and concerns to both Ms. Carol Ko (email- and Ms. Ning Cui ( Your patience is appreciated as we are short staffed and dealing with end of the year wrap up!
Promotion EARLY DISMISSAL Requests
If you have intentions of taking your child with you at the conclusion of your promotion ceremony and brief celebration (Kinder and 5th graders) please complete and return the early dismissal sheet no later than the day before your scheduled promotion. NO EXCEPTIONS. We do not have enough staff to accommodate processing and releasing all students on the day of the ceremony.
Kinder will distribute the form on Thursday, May 23rd to be return by Friday, May 24th
5th grade will distribute the form by Tuesday, May 28th to be returned by Wednesday, May 29th
Pre-K please follow the direction of your child's teachers.
All PUSD schools are closed campuses including Field Elementary for security of students, teachers and staff. As a parent you are not authorized to walk about the campus without first signing in and being cleared by the front office staff after stating the purpose of your visit and duration. Pick-ups from school on Monday's after 1pm and 2:30pm Tuesday-Friday have not been permitted since October 2023 as stated via Sunday and Wednesday messaging and parent meetings such at Tea & Talk with the Principal due to a continued breach in security of our school site. A video message in November 2023 explaining the reasoning for this implementation was also shared with the community. The policy and rational for this implementation was explained to the community and added to all messaging for several months. This has not changed. In order to protect our students, teachers and staff our closed campus will be enforced, especially as we open our doors for promotion events that will leave us vulnerable. Please do your part as a concerned and responsible parent of our community by abiding by the rules that have been put in place for security reasons, protection of our instructional minutes and flow our of our school day for all students/staff that attend Field Elementary. When you are visiting campus you must call the front office first and then be invited in to sign in at the front desk to attend to your busy on campus. If you are visiting for promotion, please ensure that you sign in and receive a visitors pass in order to transition to your ceremony location. Finally, if you see something, say something. The only way we are able to remain safe is if you practice and follow through with guidelines that have been put in place to keep your children safe and educated without fear of others who may wish to do harm to our community and who are watching your actions of noncompliance.
Field Elementary Class of 2025 Fundraiser
Field Elementary Class of 2025 Fundraiser
(Incoming 5th Graders)
Purchase a candy lei for your loved ones promoting from
Pre-K, Kinder & 5th Grade
Cost: $15
Promotion Dates:
May 24 - Prek Promotion
May 28 - Kinder Promotion
May 30 - 5th grade Promotion
Leis will be ready for pickup on campus the week of 5/20 - 5/23. Likely before and after school.
Please order here:
Field Elementary Intent to Return
Greetings Returning PUSD Students/Families,
As we plan for the coming school year, your intent to return to our school and/or another PUSD school site is important for staffing and class configurations purposes. This form is to be completed by all Pre-K-5th grade families. The deadline is Friday, April 26th. Families that complete this first form will receive an additional link to make requests for the coming school year. Your request will be taken into consideration but our class placement criteria (see below) will ultimately be used and implemented to establish all cohorts for next school year.
Field Elementary Intent to Return
Class Placement Criteria:
1. Native Mandarin and Non-native- English-only and balance
2. An adequate gender ratio balance
3. A full range of aptitudes within each class
4. An even proportion of abilities/learning styles across the classes at each grade level
5. An equal number of pupils in each class per grade level
6. An even proportion of children with English language proficiency
Please note that individual requests have been taken into consideration but final decisions and selections of class placements reside with the school officials. All placements are on a “stay-put status” during our enrollment count period the first two to six weeks of school. No changes will be made during this time.
Teacher Request Form School Year 2024-2025
This is a request form that will be taken into consideration along with our class placement criteria listed above. This is not a guarantee placement for your child(ren). All final selections for student placement for the coming school year resides with the school (teachers/administration) based on the criteria listed above. This form will remain open until Friday, May 31st. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your intent to return information is not verified and/or pre-registration (new students only) information is not complete, your teacher request indicated on this form will not be considered. You can access the form HERE.
Field's Student Store Grand Opening
We will host a grand opening/regular hours for our student store on the following dates during lunch recess:
Friday, May 24th
AAPI Month is Here!
If you are interested in your child or family being featured on our PUSD school website, please list your information HERE.
Field has hosted 3 Summer Academic Bootcamps since 2021. We will not host a Summer Bootcamp this summer. Both LEARNs and PEF are hosting summer programming for students this summer. Please reference the following links below for information:
PEF Summer Enrichment June 10th-July 11th
The Summer Spark Program Application Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024. For more information, call (626) 396-3614 or visit