Congdon Park Weekly News 5/22/2024
Powerful Learning in a Peaceful Environment
Important Dates - new items to the list in bold
May 20 - PTA Mtg 6pm
May 24 - All library book returned to the library
May 27 - No School - Memorial Day
June 3 - 5th grade celebration
June 4 - 5th gr to St. Paul
June 5- Fun and Field Day
June 5 - Last day of school
The yearbooks have arrived. They will be distributed to students the last week of school. We do have some extra if you would still like to order. Cost is $25, cash/check up front on a first come first served basis. The yearbook will be held in the office until we do the mass distribution to students who ordered one.
End of Year Planning
If your child is in Kindergarten through 4th grade this year and they will be attending a different school next year and/or you are moving, please notify the office right away. It helps us in our planning for next year to know who will be here.
"Once again, the PTA is offering prepackaged school supply packs for sale as a convenience for our Congdon Park families! These kits can be ordered now at , using code CON036 (3 letters/3 numbers). Place your orders by 6/2/2024 for the lowest price! Proceeds from the sale support PTA-funded activities."
So much thanks
What an incredible spring concert we had last Friday. So many people were involved in making this such a wonderful experience for our students, staff and families - our music teacher, Mr. Garland, our teachers for making adjustments to their schedules, runners that went to each classroom to make sure the classes got to the gym on time, our art teacher Ms. Ellingson for displaying so many of the incredible works of art our students have created, piano player Tom Wegren, our engineer, Steve Kolberg, and custodial staff who spent hours setting up the stage, the risers and over 400 chairs, Michelle Palmer, our kitchen manager and her staff for making adjustments to the lunch schedule to accomdate the concert times.
Volunteers are needed for fun end of the year activities.
The end of the school year brings lots of fun activities, but these activities can't happen without your hlep. Please consider volunteering your time to make these activities happen for our students and staff:
Bike Rodeo - May 14th -
Field Day -June 5th -
Staff Brunch - June 7th -
Thanks for helping to support our Congdon community!
Many Many Many Volunteers Needed for Field Day!
What is Field Day?
Field Day is a K-5th grade event that we try to have every school year. 3 grades participate in the morning, and 3 participate after lunch. Here is this year's schedule:
Date ~ Wednesday, June 5th (No Rain Date)
Grades K, 1, 2 ~ 8:15am to 10:45am
Grades 3, 4, 5 ~ 11:00am to 1:15pm
Food for volunteers will be available 10:30-11:30. We encourage afternoon volunteers that want to eat, to eat at 10:30 so they have time to get to their station by 10:50. Morning volunteers will after their shift.)
Volunteers are needed to make this event happen! If you would like to volunteer please click HERE
You can sign up for the morning session, the afternoon session, and/or the extra help for set up or a floater. Feel free to sign up for one area or the whole day!
For safety reasons...we are unable to allow visitors to this event due to the large amount of students on the field. However, you are more than welcome to sign up as a volunteer!
Thank you to all who donated to the CHUM food drive!
Thank you so much for your generous donations to our food drive. We collected 227 pounds of food to share with our neighbors in need.
Blended Learning From
Every year parents are asked to sign the Blended Learning Form - yes this needs to be completed every year. By signing the form your child is able work on chromebooks and have access to other technologies. If you child will be attending Excel this summer it is very important you fill out the form right away. The permission you granted for the 2023-24 school year ends on the last day of school. For all other families you are encouraged to fill out the form now as well, it will be one less thing to do in the fall. Here is the link:
Bike Rodeo
The 4th annual Congdon Park bike rodeo 2024 was a tremendous success! We had over 150 kids and their families attend. We had a bike safety course setup in the parking lot as well as Duluth DEVO mountain biking course in the field and food trucks for dinner. Kids enjoyed seeing their friends and learning a little about pedestrian safety, too. Attendees donated over 100 lbs. of food for CHUM and were entered into a raffle to win one of 2 bikes (donated by Marshall Hardware), 100 water bottles, 20 bike locks or 10 bike repair kits (donated by Skihut). Over 75 kids received new bike helmets that were properly fitted and free as part of the MN department of transportation Safe Routes to School grant. Special thanks to the Congdon Park PTA for organizing, the Duluth bike patrol and K9 and Duluth fire department for stopping by; Super One foods donating water and granola bars; Lauralloons, Great Lakes Aquarium and Spirit Mountain volunteers. Thanks mechanics from Skihut and Continental for donating their time to get everyone's bikes ready for summer!
Your input is needed
Duluth Public Schools' Social Studies Curriculum Committees are in the process of reviewing the current social studies curriculum in order to meet the 2021 Minnesota K-12 Social Studies Standards to be implemented during the 2026-2027 school year. To aid in this process, they are looking for feedback on the social studies curriculum from families and community members . If you are a district family member or community member, we would appreciate it if you took a moment to provide any feedback on the curriculum using this link. The survey will be open until June 15th. Thank you in advance!
Thank you so much to all the parents who showed such love and appreciation for the teachers and staff at Congdon Park. A special shout out to our PTA and Ashley Moseley, Amanda Sutton, Brianna Halvorson, Jamie Messina, Stevie Haasken and Kayla Foley who provided veritable feasts in the staff lounge every day. There were raffle drawings on Friday from a number of local restaurants and all staff were given flowers to bring home to add to their gardens! We cannot thank you enough for your support.
Chapter Books Needed
We are celebrating the end of the year with one last game of Bingo on June 4th. We are in need of chapter books to give away as prizes. There will be a box in the lobby if you have some to donate.
Find out more about Keyzone at Congdon, dates, times registration etc.
Summer 2024 Keyzone - Registration is Open
Looking for a way to help our teachers and staff?
You may remember our teacher wish tree from the hallway of the school. Teachers would list items they need for their classrooms and parents could take down the apple, purchase the item(s), and return the item(s) to school. The tree is gone and the list is virtual! Teacher wishes are in a sign-up and will be updated throughout the year, so keep an eye on the list! Once you purchase the item, tag it with the teacher's name and drop it in the labeled bin in the school lobby.
Here are our teacher wishes so far.
Free Dental Care June 7 & 8 at the DECC, check out the flyer below.
3rd-5thgrade - interested in Duluth East Football or Cheerleading ?- see below
Summer Activities/Camps Info
Please reference last week's newsletter for all information previously posted about summer camps and activities for kids.
About Us
Kathi Kusch Marshall - Principal
Location: 3116 E. Superior St
Phone: 218.336.8825