Center School Chronicle
Friday, February 21, 2025
Dear Center School Community,
Another short but wonderful week at Center. Looking forward to some warmer temperatures and outdoor recess next week.
Please enjoy this week's Chronicle.
Have a great weekend,
Invention Convention
Congratulations Finalists!
McKenna Flynn invented Scented Stressies.
Nicholas Briere created the Safe Cross.
William Clark developed The Pawsitive Post.
Camden Karabetsos crafted The Fun Food Hat.
Notes from the Nurse
Please let your building nurse know if your child is diagnosed with any illness (such as strep, flu, pneumonia, covid, mono, pink eye, etc.) as the nurse’s office tracks illnesses. Please be specific when you notify school with any of the symptoms your child is experiencing.
Here are some guidelines that are helpful for families.
Consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
- Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
- Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
- Mild headache and/or stomachache
- Fatigue
- Keep your child home for treatment and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms:
- Fever (100.4 degrees or higher. May only return to school after 24 hours of no fever WITHOUT fever reducing medications)
- Vomiting (Wait 24 hours after last vomit episode to return to school)
- Diarrhea (may return to school after 24 hours since last episode)
- Chills
- General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness, and/or muscle aches
- Frequent congested, wet, or croupy cough
- Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
Please remind your child(ren) about good hygiene habits:
- Wash hands frequently
- Do not touch eyes, nose, or mouth
- Cover mouth and nose when sneezing/coughing and then wash hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Often when a child awakens with vague complaints (the way colds and flu begin) it is wise to observe your child at home for an hour or two before deciding whether to bring them to school. Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in school. Please send in a copy of the doctor’s note if they are seen. Thank you in advance for helping to make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Health Concerns
- If your child has a new health concern which you would like to speak to the nurse about you can e-mail the school nurse at their email below.
- If you have any specific concerns that arise during the school year (such as stitches, concussions, broken bones/fractures, etc.) please send in a doctor’s note with dates, guidelines, and restrictions, so we can all be on the same page and keep your child safe.
The EHPS Nurses
Beth Kelpen, RN
East Hampton High School
Phone 860-365-4030
Fax 860-365-4034
Melanie King, RN
East Hampton Middle School
Phone 860-365-4060
Fax 860-365-4064
Jordan Morehouse, RN
East Hampton Center School
Phone 860-365-4050
Fax 860-365-4054
Katie Williams, RN
East Hampton Memorial School
Phone 860-365-4020
Fax 860-365-4024
Michelle Lemire Health Aid
East Hampton Memorial School
Phone 860-365-4020
Fax 860-365-4024
Jordan Morehouse RN, BSN
Center School Nurse
Phone: 860-365-4050 ext 3
Fax: 860-365-4054
Pride of the Month
Important Dates
February, 14-18, No School-February Recess
Thursday, February 20, Student Council Meeting 7:45 AM
Wednesday, March 5, Early Release-Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, March 6 Early Release-Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday, March 7, No School for students-Professional Development for teachers
Sunday, March 9 Scripps Regional Spelling Bee 1:00 University of St. Joseph’s West Hartford
Tuesday, March 11 Step-Up Concert March 12-Snow Date
Yearbook Information
Parks and Rec Offerings
Attendance Matters
If a student has four unexcused absences in one month or 10 unexcused absences in a year they are classified as truant. If a child misses 18 or more days in a school year – excused or unexcused absences – the student is classified as chronically absent.
Access to the East Hampton attendance policy is available HERE
Email process for reporting an absence:
To increase the ease of reporting an absence and documenting parent approval of the absence for a student’s first 9 absences, the East Hampton Public Schools has created email addresses that parents can use to contact their student’s school and report an absence. Effectively immediately, the following email addresses can be used by parents to report and document their approval of an absence:
- Memorial_Attendance@easthamptonct.org
- Center_Attendance@easthamptonct.org
- EHMS_Attendance@easthamptonct.org
- EHHS_Attendance@easthamptonct.org
If you have successfully emailed the school, you will receive an autoreply that notifies you that the absence communication has been received and recorded. This process is effective for your student’s first 9 absences. After your student has more than 9 absences, additional documentation or communication will be required to excuse the absence. Please use the email to continue to notify the school that your child will not attend. You may call your child’s school at any time to report an absence, as well.
School Lunch
School Meals are a great value to our students! Prepayment is expected for all cafeteria purchases. Families eligible for free and reduced meals may qualify by completing an application online on [easthampton.familyportal.cloud]Easthampton.familyportal.cloud or by paper application here: Application for Free and Reduced School Meals(also available in the school’s Main Office). Families with children enrolled in HUSKY or Temporary Family Assistance programs will have their status transmitted directly by the State of Connecticut to the District.
During the month of February students are able to enjoy locally sourced kale prepared in a variety of ways. Kale chips will be offered as samples in the near future. Thanks to Cold Spring Farm in Colchester for this delicious and nutritious vegetable.
To deposit funds on your child’s account, please visit [easthampton.familyportal.cloud]Easthampton.familyportal.cloud . Our Cafeterias also accept checks made payable to “East Hampton Cafeteria Fund".
If you have questions, please contact Director of Nutrition Services, Kate Caselli at kcaselli@easthamptonct.org or 860.316.7324.
For all school menus, click the link below to view our nutritional services page: