March 2025 Rocket Review

March 2025
From Mr. Patin's Desk
It's not too late to get involved! Studies show that the more students are involved in extracurricular activities, the better their grades are in school. If your student is involved in anything after school, be sure to have conversations with them regarding their school day, and how their sport, club, or activity went. If your student isn't involved but would like to be there are plenty of opportunities to still get involved. We have spring sports that are going to start soon. Track, baseball, and softball are all getting ready for the opening practice. We have a spring play that is looking for students to get join. We have numerous after school clubs that students can still sign up for. Stop by or call the athletic office (532-1594) to sign up for spring sports. Stop by or call the counseling office (532-1593) to find out what clubs you can get involved in. Finish the school year strong so that you can immediately get involved in something when the next school year starts
From Mr. Gentile's Desk
ACT Workkeys Assessments
All juniors will be taking the ACT Workkeys assessment on the March 27th. Check in will start at 7:15 by the double doors to the main gym and testing will take place in the wrestling room. Students only need their student ID and will not be able to bring any sort of electronic device with them into the testing room.
What is Happening in the Counseling Office?
Senior Parents
Please continue to monitor the progress of your son/daughter. We do not want anyone to be eliminated from graduation ceremonies. All credit recovery work must be completed by end of day, May 8. You should have received an updated letter in February if your child is behind in credits informing you of what they need in order to graduate.
Senior Class Google Classroom
FAFSA: Senior families
It is not too late to fill out the FAFSA, and we encourage ALL students pursuing education/job training after high school to do this, even if you aren't sure you want to attend.
- You will use tax information from 2024 and the FAFSA Checklist
- Prepare by registering for a FSA ID here. (A parent and the student each need to create an account to complete the FAFSA.)
- Timelines and information needed: FAFSA Process Graphic
- Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, not Safari to sign/complete applications.
Dual Enrollment
Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors may take classes at GRCC if they have a qualifying PSAT or SAT score. GRCC classes are for advanced work in a subject area or for investigating classes that we do not offer at the Kelloggsville. Contact the counseling office for more information.
Kent Career Technical Center (KCTC)
Juniors and seniors may attend KCTC, which offers a wide variety of programs. Check their website www.thetechcenter.org for more information. Enrollment for next year closes soon – don’t delay!
Announcements & Reminders
Spring Break
Students will be on break beginning Friday, April 4th through Friday, April 11th. Classes will resume on Monday Aril 14th. The main office and counseling office will be closed during break.
As a reminder, a free breakfast is available daily 7:05-10:00 am to all students regardless of income level. Make sure your student takes advantage of this opportunity to start the day off right!
2024/2025 Yearbook
You haven’t ordered your yearbook yet? No problem, you can purchase a yearbook today for $65.00 plus tax at www.jostens.com until April 25th. Order yours today!
Graduation ceremonies will be held on Thursday, May 15th, 7:00 pm at Kelloggsville Russell Formsma Football Field. More info to come.
Emergency Contact Information
If any of your address, phone number, email address or emergency information has changed, we ask that you please stop in the main office to ensure school-related information is up to date. This information is extremely important in the event of an emergency so you can be notified as quickly as possible. Thank you!
Rocket 11 Winners
Congratulations to the following students on being selected as this years' Rocket 11 winners. These students were nominated by their peers & staff for being resilient, compassionate & selfless and were recognized in a ceremony on February 28th.
Freshmen: Joel Metusela
Sophomores: Ahn Nguyen, Ezequiel Gomez
Juniors: Prince Baraka, Cody Liang
Seniors: Karen Galvez, Caden Terrell
Staff member Hayleigh Sketone was also recognized as an honorary Rocket 11 winner.
January Students of the Month
Freshman: Justice Walker
Sophomore: Alejandra Chavez
Junior: Kendra Barajas-Regaldo
Senior: Jyilena Huntington
It’s always a good idea to review Kelloggsville High School’s attendance and truancy policies.
Attendance verifications must be turned in to the office within 48 hours to be counted. Verified absences (doctor appointment, funeral, or long-term illness) do not count against an absence total. If your student is at an appointment for an inordinate amount of time, please have the note reflect this.
Please call the office if your student will be absent from school. The main office number is 616-532-1570.
Students who exceed 12 absences (combination of excused/ unexcused) in a semester must pass the class and do one of the following to have their grade calculated and earn credit for the course:
● Achieve a 70% (C-) or better on the final exam/ final projects.
● Serve one after-school Academic Recovery Session for each hour missed beyond the 12th absence per class.
Students unsuccessful at meeting at least one of these requirements will not receive a letter grade or credit for the course.
Students successful in meeting all of the criteria will earn a letter grade and credit for the course.
Athletic News & Updates
Kelloggsville Athletics Website
Visit the Kelloggsville Athletics webpage for game schedules, updates, photos & more! https://kvilleathletics.org You can also find us on Facebook & Instagram.
State Qualified Wrestler
Congratulations to wrestler Gloria Uwamahoro for qualifying for the MHSAA Wrestling Individuals State Championship Tournament. She is the first female in Kelloggsville history to qualify to compete at the state level. Gloria competed at Ford Field on February 28th. We are proud to have you represent Kelloggsville!
Boys Bowling Heading to State
Congradulations to our Boys Bowling team as they qualified to compete in the MHSAA state championship on Friday, February 28th. Donovan Hernandez-Henning and Connor Farrish also competed at the individual level on Saturday, March 1st. Overall, the boys team finished in 8th place. Well done Rockets!
Spring Sports
The official start date for spring sports is Monday, March 10th. All athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate in practices and/or tryouts. Please check in with the Athletic Office if you are unsure of your status.
Final Forms
All sports sign-ups are now done online through FinalForms. Please visit https://kvilleps-mi.finalforms.com to register.
Admission Tickets
Tickets can now be purchased in advance with a debit or credit card* for most athletic events at https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10340. Regular season tickets will also still be available for purchase at the gate with credit/debit cards* or cash. Home admission prices for all students (K-12) and adults is $5.00 for high school events and $2.00 for middle school events (*service fees will apply for credit/debit card purchases). Punch cards will also be available to purchase $20/adult, $10/student (cash only). Each card is valid for 10 admissions and may be shared.
District Tournaments
KHS is proud to host MHSAA Team Wrestling and Girls Basketball Districts this year! Tickets for all MHSAA District tournaments must be purchased from https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10340.
Spectator Policy
Students must show their current school ID for entry. Middle school students, elementary students and students outside of the competing schools must be accompanied by an adult for high school events. No backpacks or outside food or drinks will be allowed into the gyms or football stadium. All visitors must walk through the weapon detectors. Please be advised that restrictions/prices may vary for each district. Please be considerate when traveling to other venues.
Portable Weapon Detectors
Keeping the safety of our community at the forefront of our mindset, you will now see portable weapon detectors near the entrance of our athletic events. All visitors will be asked to pass through prior to entering the venues. Please be assured that these new devices are not in response to any threat, but rather another step to increase safety for our players and spectators.
Little League
Southeast Little League signups are available for boys & girls ages 4-16 through March 16th at https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/southeastlittlel