3rd Grade Newsletter
3rd Graders Shine During Snow Days!
Our 3rd graders had an amazing time learning asynchronously at home during the recent snow days. With choice boards to pick from each day, they engaged in a variety of fun and educational activities. Learning can happen even when we're snowed in!
Some of our young artists got creative with their illustrations, while budding scientists conducted investigations in the snow. Making snow cream was a popular experiment, allowing students to enjoy the tasty results of their scientific endeavors. Many chose to combine physical activity and art by making snow angels, and it was fantastic to see multiplication facts written in the snow.
Way to go, 3rd Grade! You truly showed that learning can be fun and flexible, no matter the weather.
"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." – Vesta M. Kelly
Stay warm and keep learning! ❄️📚
STEM FUN in our 3rd Grade Classes!
3rd Graders are Learning Geometry with Marshmallows and Toothpicks!
Our 3rd graders at Creekside had an exciting and fun-filled week learning about the attributes of various geometric shapes through a hands-on STEM activity using marshmallows and toothpicks. This engaging and motivating approach made studying shapes enjoyable and interactive.
Students discovered that learning can be fun, even when it involves complex concepts like geometry. By building shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks, they were able to think critically and solve problems creatively.
Way to go, 3rd GRADE!
Learning is truly fun at Creekside!
CreeksideLearning #STEMActivities #HandsOnLearning #FunWithGeometry
Exciting New Post coming soon from our 3rd grade!
Mrs. Angela Franks, Principal: Mrs. Franks angela.franks@cravenk12.org
For any inquiries, please call the school at 252-514-4360.