Greetings from Groveport Elementary
March 22, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Groveport Elementary Families,
We have 4 days next week until break, please remind your child to be a Cruiser STAR every day! Spring break this year starts with our 2 hour early dismissal (1:35) next Thursday and students will return on Tuesday, April 9th. It is hard to believe that we will have 8 weeks of school left when we return from break. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for your support, hard work, and positive attitude this year! You are all vital to the success of our students. I look forward to seeing staff and students back April 9th refreshed and ready to finish the year strong!
Just a heads up no newsletters for the next two weeks. The next newsletter will be sent April 12th.
Have a great weekend,
April :)
614.836.4975 (school #)
614.309.3250 (cell #)
Focus on Learning
I-Ready Personalized Instruction - Last week the average percent of lessons passed overall for reading was 80% and time on task was 78%. The lesson time on task percent overall for math was 80% and lessons passes was 90%. Shout to the following classes for having the overall best for their grade level for lessons passed and time on task.
Reading = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. LaCass, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. McGonigal, and Mr. Yurasek's HR
Math = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. LaCass, Ms. Matteo, Ms. Fravel, and Ms. Wolf's HR
Attendance = This week's average attendance was 94.8%. This is the closest we have gotten to meeting our 95% goal! Let's keep it up next week.
Please enjoy the pictures below of our students learning :)
District Art Show
Robbert Gillies won The Best of Show and Lillyan Kuhn won Superintendent's Choice at the District Art Show last week. Congratulations to Robbert, Lilly, and to all the students whose art was on display. Thank you to Mrs. Sperk for all her creativity and work to put this show together for our school.
Baseball, Softball, and Flag Football Sign Ups
It's not too late to sign-up for baseball or softball. The deadline to register is April 1st. Please register online groveport-youth.org
Baseball Fees
TBALL (6U)- $65
Coach Pitch (8U) - $85
Minors (10U) - $95
Majors (12U) - $95
Pony (14U) - $115
Softball Fees
8U - $90
10U - $100
12U - $100
17U - $100
If you have questions, contact Bobby Eggers (baseball) or Lindsay Maggs (softball) at GYAA_EMAIL@YAHOO.COM
Flag Football
Registration Opens March 25th and the Season starts May 11th
Contact: Kenny Hill (khill@groveport.org)
Groveport Elementary Career Day
Love your profession?
Want to share?
We need you here!!
We need YOUR help for our 2024 Groveport Elementary Career Day! Parents and/or community members are invited to voluntarily share their career choices with our 4th and 5th graders on Wednesday, May 22nd..
Guest speakers will address 4th and 5th grade classrooms for 20 minutes. Sessions will be from 9:30 - 12:30 a.m. (presenter schedules may be different based on student interest)
Please complete the following form and return to Mrs. Lloyd, school counselor’s office. Or complete online at https://forms.gle/jY2JfLpWwvfd4gMz9.
A confirmation email regarding the schedule and format suggestions for your presentation will be sent to you. Presenters will be accepted on a first come and preferred student career interest basis.
Thank you very much for your time and support. We greatly appreciate it!
Mrs. Lloyd
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
28th = 2 hour early release
29th - April 7th = Spring Break
8th = No School (Solar Eclipse)
10th = Student Council Meeting
15th = Spring Picture Day
16th = OST ELA Part 1 (3rd and 5th grade)
17th = OST ELA Part 2 (3rd and 5th grade)
18th = OST ELA Part 1 (4th grade)
19th = OST ELA Part 2 (4th grade)
Lunch Choices
Monday = Beef Walking Tacos
Tuesday = Buffalo Chicken Dip
Wednesday = Cheeseburger
Thursday = Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks
Friday = No School
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Adam Jama
Wednesday = Nashad Jama
Thursday = Emery Chilton
Friday = Olivia Stambaugh
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray