Clara Love Family Newsletter
September 24, 2021
Big Kahuna Fundraiser Ending
Notice: Lockdown Drill to be conducted 9.29.21
Remote Learning Ending
We are awaiting updated guidelines regarding visitors to campus and indoor campus events. Please stay tuned.
Join REMIND for TEXT Messages
We are using the REMIND App this year to make communication more accessible to Love families. We will still send monthly email newsletters, but the REMIND App will help keep you posted on events in real time. Download the REMIND App and join using this REMIND Link or by texting:
@loveelems to 81010
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
* If your child DOES NOT EAT BREAKFAST, you may drop-off in front of the school.
* If your child EATS BREAKFAST, you can GO PAST the front drop-off line and proceed to the back to drop student near the cafeteria.
* Front entry drop-off students should ONLY EXIT on the PASSENGER side since there is moving traffic on the driver's side.
* Regardless of your student's entry door, please pull up to the furthest cone before letting your child out of the vehicle.
* Front entry drop-off cars should remain BEHIND the crosswalk. The area in front of the crosswalk is reserved for bus drop-off ONLY.
* Walkers and bus riders will be dismissed from the front of the school.
* Car riders will be picked up in the back of the school.
* For afternoon car line pick-up, we will run 2 lines.
* DO NOT EXIT THE VEHICLE to buckle your child in the loading zone. Please pull forward to the BUCKLE ZONE to assist your child.
*Reminder: Ride changes need to be emailed to BEFORE 2:30 PM to guarantee delivery.