Mariposa Avenue Elementary News
Principal's Note
Hello Mariposa Families,
Today we are beginning a fundraiser for our school. We are doing a school fundraiser to raise money to support ongoing programs at our school. Next school year, we will be dealing with reduced funding for our school. Our school has been given extra money for the past 3 years to help mitigate the effects covid had on our students. This funding will be going away next year. We want to continue to be able to support our students with special academic programs, field trips, positive behavior incentives, technology, games and books in the coming year. Please support our efforts by participating in our Cookie Dough Fundraiser. There will be some fun incentives for our students to participate.
Last month I went into every classroom to talk to about our school's anti-bully rules. Please support your child and have them report a repeated hurtful behavior from another student on themselves or any other student. This repeated behavior is considered bullying and it needs to be addressed by staff at our school.
Our Character Trait for this month is Gratitude. I want to say how grateful I am for the students, staff and families of Mariposa. I had a student share with me last week how much he loves this school. I asked him why and he said because everyone is kind and respectful and tries to help each other. I couldn't agree more!
Parent Conferences are coming up the week of November 18th through 22nd. This is an important time to meet with your child's teacher to see the how your child is progressing this year. Please look for teachers to begin reaching out to you to schedule a parent conference time.
If you need to contact me, my email is
Kristin Finney
Mariposa Avenue Elementary School Principal
This months Student of the Months are:
Artem Soproniuk, Emma Velasquez, Henry Borkowski, Aiden Ormsby Kaleani Martinez, Husna Rasooli, Dana Abdalwahab, Mason Bremer, Kyle Henness, Sayed Frotan, Ezra Leathers, Uliana Ivoilova, Noorullah Noori
Again, Big Thank you to Elks Lodge Roseville for helping to support Mariposa in recognizing our students who show us how to practice are motto of Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.
Mark Your Calendars
Sunday November 3, 2024 Daylight Savings
Don't forget to fall back!
Wednesday November 6, 2024 Picture Retakes
Don't forget if you missed it come get your picture taken!
Veteran's Day No School Monday November 11, 2024
San Juan Non Instructional Day Friday November 15, 2024
Monday November 18th - Friday November 22nd
Student Dismissal will be at 11:05 am for all grades!
Please be sure to make proper pick up arrangements for your student.
Monday November 25 - Friday November 29
We here at Mariposa give a heartfelt Thank You to our families and students. Our school is not the same without you.
Our lost and found is exploding with Items! Please check and see if you are missing any of these items that once had a good home
Lost and found can be located in the cafeteria breeze way or on Friday's at the front of the school.
All unclaimed items will be bagged during Thanksgiving Break and donated.
Mariposa Avenue Elementary Daily Schedule
7:45 a.m. - 2:10 p.m. - 1st through 5th Grade
7:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – Kindergarten
Thursday will be our early-out days every week:
7:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. - 1st through 5th Grade. Kindergarten hours stay the same.
Please Remember that school is out early every Thursday. Students should be picked up in a timely manner. Even though our students are out, our staff is still working hard. If you have an emergency please reach out at 916-971-5212.
Attendance Matters!!
Each Month students who have 100% Attendance are rewarded with a perfect attendance award and little attendance tag.
Over the next 61 days (November 1st to December 31st) we have 23 days of school and 6 Half days!
We know that things happen but being on time and present every day is very important. Parents get 10 parent verified illnesses a year, if you bring in a doctors note it gets coded differently and keeps parent illness codes available for emergencies or even just for a mental health day if needed. Most absences occur at the end of school and around the holidays. Three tardy days add up to one absence. if you know your child is going to be absent please call our attendance line at 916-971-5212 , email or on the San Juan app
Which Teacher has had the most attendance so far this year?
Click on the Menu button and select Elementary to see what is on the menu for the month!
Have additional questions? Check out these links
- For information about Dress Code visit:
- For information about the Annual Student Information Update visit:
- For Bridges after school program visit:
Mariposa Fun
Resources at Mariposa
Project Optimism Returns!!!
Project Optimism Mentoring Sessions (POMS) is a program designed for 4th through 12th-grade students. Our program aims to strengthen students’ leadership development, promote school connectedness, and improve academic performance. Through the implementation of our individualized check-in component, after school mentorship sessions, and parent engagement, we are able to contribute to promoting a school environment where students feel safe, engaged and supported.
Through the recruitment of diverse college students who serve as mentors, Project Optimism advances college readiness through intentional strategies. You can count on Project Optimism to provide your student with an enriching and fun learning experience! We look forward to meeting you and your student.
Community Room
It takes a village!! We are stepping up to help our community. We would like to invite you to our new community based, family focused, culturally sensitive hub of support and recourses. Providing services from internet access to assistance with basic economic needs, with friendly and knowledgeable staff to assist. Daycare will be provided if needed to ensure a productive appointment.
Open M-F
7:45- 9:00 am
1:10- 2:30 PM
If you have gently used kids clothing or shoes and you would like to donate please contact our school at 916-971-5212 and ask for the community room.
Looking for Extra Advice?
Many resources
Needing Additional Help?
Clothes and Food Closet
Need Extra Support?
Adult Work Station
Parent Faculty Organization(PFO) News
PFO Meeting November 12th @ 3PM
Chefs night out November 13th
Year at a Glance
Remember scanning your receipt's and uploading in the BoxTops app is always a quick and easy way to fundraise for your school!
Download the app now and go to the box tops website for a list of qualifying Items. Thank you for supporting our school!💛💙
Congratulations to our Citizenship winners!!
Mrs. Brady's class -Abigail Witt
Mrs. Lorca's class - Jameson Mitchell
Ms. Achetlik's class -Aiden Ormsby
Mrs. Morales's class - Henry Borkowski
Ms.Ott's class - Husna Rasooli
Ms. Kettela's class - Arya Salarzai
Ms.Lundeen -Eleanor Iurco
Mrs. Reece's class - Viacheslav Luginets
Mr. Doerr's class - Paige Brown
Mrs. Weight's class - Gurudhaydeep Singh
Mr. Barrientos's class - Keelin Niles
Ms. Sedin's class- Namthan Jaekel
Mrs. O's class -Camila Hernandez
Sometimes it is so hard to choose. Thank you to all our Mariposa Eagles who showed citizenship during the month of October!
This month our character trait is Gratitude! Remember to speak with your student and find out what showing Gratitude means to them! Our eagle eyes are watching!
School Contact Information
Office phone- (916)-971-5212
Mrs. Andrea Quinlan, Secretary
Mrs. Brooke Digman , Clerk -
Ms. Mindy McCarthy, ICT -
Mrs. Kristin Finney, Principal-