November Newsletter
Calder Elementary 2024
Veteran's Day Luncheon
Our annual Veteran's Day luncheon will be held on November 11 at 12:00. A flag ceremony will be followed by the National Anthem, keynote speaker, and lunch. Veterans, please join us for a taco bar and dessert prepared and served by the Calder School students.
Veteran's Day Luncheon
Monday, Nov 11, 2024, 12:00 PM
Calder School, Calder, ID, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Teachers are eager to share with you the progress your student is making thus far this school year. Please join us for parent/teacher conferences on November 8.
You will be contacted by your child's teacher to schedule.
Individualized Student Supports and Extensions
Teachers utilize diagnostic assessments to determine where students are at in their individual learning experiences and provide interventions and/or extensions for each individual student. Interventions are individualized lessons to help students review material that they may be struggling with. Extensions are individualized lessons to provide more practice and extended learning opportunities for students who are ready for more.
Many of these programs can be accessed from home. We know that setting aside time to work with your children can be difficult with busy schedules. These programs offer students extra practice at home without the need for parents to plan or step away from what they are doing.
If you are interested in utilizing any of the above programs at home, please contact your child's teacher.
Not Only Academic Success
Staff members have been diligently preparing engaging and challenging lessons for students. All lessons focus on priority learning standards, character traits, and/or other important topics determined by stakeholders of the Avery School District.
Students have been working hard each and every day to master new skills and illustrate their new learning.
Are you interested in learning about how your child is improving in reading, math, and other areas? Teachers are prepared to discuss your individual child at parent/teacher conferences on November 8.
November Character Trait
November's character trait of the month is self discipline. Self-discipline is the ability to manage oneself with the intent of achieving a goal. To successfully manage yourself you must have self-control and react to challenges constructively.
Students will participate in a mini-lesson on this month's character trait, and staff will hand out star tickets throughout the month to students who illustrate self-discipline.
We Are Grateful for Our Families! đź’›
Dear Parents,
We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and partnership. As educators, we know that a child’s success is a shared effort, and we truly appreciate the invaluable role you play in your children’s educational journey.
Your involvement in their learning, whether it’s through encouraging them at home, participating in school events, or communicating with teachers, helps create the foundation for their growth and development. We are thankful for your trust in us and for working hand-in-hand with us to provide the best possible environment for your children.
It is through our combined efforts that we can nurture their love for learning and help them achieve their full potential. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Miss Megan
We Are Grateful for Your Children 🧡
She Persists!
A Perfect Score
Honorable Effort
Citizen of the Month đź‘‘
The Avery School District is excited to launch a new initiative called the “Citizen of the Month” program which aims to recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions and character of our students.
The “Citizen of the Month” program highlights a student each month who has demonstrated exceptional qualities such as kindness, responsibility, and leadership. This initiative not only motivates our students to strive for excellence but also reinforces the values of good citizenship within our school community.
September's character trait focus was Wisdom.
Kyle Harpole is the recipient of September's Citizen of the Month award. Kyle illustrated wisdom in handling interpersonal relationships, conflicts, and academic challenges. The Calder School was proud to recognize him at our monthly assembly in front of his family and friends. Great job Kyle! Keep up the great work.
Red Ribbon Week Review
Calder staff and students learned valuable lessons during Red Ribbon Week, a week dedicated to drug, tobacco, and alcohol education and prevention.
ISP Lieutenant Jess Stennett spoke to kids about the dangers of Fentanyl.
Panhandle Health District employee, Alicia Keller, talked to students about how vaping can affect their health.
Volunteer fire fighter, Don Hanni, hands out candy to children at the Red Ribbon Week parade.
We Are Grateful for our Volunteers! 🧡
School Safety
If you've visited our campus lately, you may have noticed several safety upgrades. Cameras, mirrored window film, and controlled door access help to keep staff and students safe each and every day. We are grateful for grant opportunities, facilities funding, and independent supporters that have helped us to achieve a higher level of campus safety.
The Avery School District is committed to keeping everyone on campus as safe as possible. Part of our focus is emergency preparedness. The District created a Safety Team last school year comprised of District employees, community members, school board trustees, and emergency personnel. The team has worked to develop emergency plans for the District including evacuation and reunification plans.
Part of our safety emphasis has also provided the greater Calder community with opportunities to learn new ways to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Safety summit topics have included fentanyl trends, drug use in our area, Stop-the-Bleed, See-tell-Now, and administering Narcan in an overdose situation. We hope to continue our Safety Summit Series throughout the school year.
Calder Parents' Club
The Calder Parents' Club has had a busy fall. They've organized hot lunch for the school, they showed up in full force preparing for the annual Halloween Carnival on November 1, and they are actively planning the annual community Thanksgiving dinner. The Parents' Club makes a positive impact on our students, staff, and community.
Seeking Hot Lunch Volunteers
The Parents' Club is looking for more parents who are interested in serving hot lunch once a month. Volunteers will be reimbursed $35 for each meal by the Parents' Club.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Parents' Club Asks for Help
This Thanksgiving, let's come together as a community to share gratitude, food, and friendship! Everyone is welcome to enjoy a delicious, traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings—turkey, stuffing, pies, and more!
Calder's annual community Thanksgiving dinner is on Saturday, November 23 at the school gym. Please sign up to prepare a turkey or ham or bring a side dish. A sign up sheet is in the Post Office, or you can call/text/message Megan.
Raffle Opportunity Through November 30
The Parents' Club is working on a fundraiser. Proceeds from the above raffle will support Erin Hanson's recovery and the Parents' Club's efforts to support students and staff.
Kids' Club
The next kids' club is scheduled for November 15. Call Becky Harder at Shiloh Ranch with questions.
Flu Shot Clinic
A Panhandle Health District nurse will be offering flu shots to anyone who is interested on Monday, November 18. If you'd like to get your flu shot, please call the District Office at (208)245-2479 to secure your spot.
Call the Panhandle Health District at (208)245-4556 with questions about the flu shot.