The Riverview Reader
Updates For The Week of November 4
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A Message To Families From Mr. Peck
Riverview Families,
There is no school for your Riverview child(ren) on Tuesday, Nov. 5. On that day, our teachers will have the opportunity to continue their learning around best practices in literacy instruction in collaboration with the University of Minnesota. It has been a fun and rewarding experience to see this learning show up in our classrooms each day as we work to ensure all our students are capable and eager readers. There has been an intense focus on making sure our learners know the various components of "the reading rope". That phrase refers to the various skills that must be woven together in order to be a strong reader. I have the pleasure of being in many classrooms each school day and I can say with 100% certainty that this learning is having an immediate and significant impact on learner outcomes. We appreciate the time that has been given to us so we dig into this work and impact our learners in an even more positive way!
Also, you will be able to read below about several fun events happening at Riverview this week. They include:
- Learners participating in a mock election. They will get to cast their own ballots. Please be sure to model this important civic responsibility by voting yourself!
- I will wear Vikings gear and get pied in the face during each grade level's recess as a result of our school community meeting our "Pie In The Sky" fundraising goal of $38,000. Our learners and staff are encouraged to wear purple so I won't feel all alone! 😀
- Teachers/staff camping on the roof of the school on Friday, November 8 as a result of our school community meeting our CARES Fun Run fundraising goal of $32,000.
- We will celebrate our Oct. Students of the Month during our CARES breakfast on Friday. If your child was nominated, we hope you are able to join us on the morning of November 8.
Best wishes for a great week!
Shawn Peck
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday, November 4 - Wear Vikings Gear to Help Mr. Peck Celebrate Our CARES Fun Run Success
- Tuesday, November 5 - Election Day (See below for important information regarding the school levy vote)
- Tuesday, November 5 - NO SCHOOL; Professional Development Day For Teachers
- Friday, November 8 - CARES Student of the Month Breakfast
- Friday, November 8 - RVES Staff to Camp on Roof of the School (see below for details)
- Monday, November 11 - School Psychologist Appreciation Week Begins
- Tuesday, November 12 - PTP Meeting 5:30 at RVES
- November 28 & 29 - NO SCHOOL; Thanksgiving Break
Area Veterans Visit RVES 5th Graders To Talk About the US Flag & Flag Etiquette
Multiage Holds Make & Take Art Day Inspired by the Book "How to Win a Slime War"
Ms. Partida's 3rd Graders Win Golden Lunch Tray For Great Lunchroom Behavior!
CARES Fun Run Brings So Much Joy & Fun To RVES!
We Did It! We Reached Our "Pie In The Sky" Goal! Wear Purple on Monday!
- We met and surpassed our Fun Run fundraising goal of $32,000! As a result, RVES teachers & staff will be camping on the roof of the school during the evening of Friday, November 8.
- We met and surpassed our goal of collecting donations from at least 40 different states! As a result, Ms. Olson dyed her hair bright pink!
- 18 of our 21 classrooms met and surpassed their class goal. As a result, these classrooms got to enjoy class-wide incentives like extra recess, game days, hat days, and more!
- As of the day of last Friday, we met and surpassed our "Pie in the Sky" goal of $38,000! As a result, Mr. Peck will wear Vikings gear and get pied in the face at school on Monday, Nov. 4.
We are completely overwhelmed by the generosity of our Riverview community. This money will directly support our teachers and ensure our learners are getting access to amazing learning experiences at Riverview. Thank you so much for everyone who registered, donated, and shared with others. Thank you to the PTP for volunteering for the Fun Run event in various ways. Thank you to our CARES Fun Run Committee at Riverview. We are grateful for our entire amazing Riverview community!
RVES Learners To Participate in Mock Election on Monday, Nov. 4
NO SCHOOL On Tuesday, Nov. 5 Due To A Professional Development Day For Teachers
Tuesday, Nov. 5 Is Election Day! Be Sure To Vote!
RVES Teachers & Staff To Camp On The Roof Of The School On Friday Night (Nov. 8)
Because our school community did such an amazing job raising much needed funds for our school, Riverview teachers and staff must follow through on camping on the roof of the school! We will do this on the night of Friday, November 8. We will do a live read aloud on the RVES Facebook page starting at 8:30. Join us online if you can! And if you aren't able to the video of the read aloud will stay up on our page for you to enjoy later.
If you are interested, please stop by the school that evening to drop off cider, coffee, hot chocolate, food, or just to say hi.
Join Us For The Next PTP Meeting On Tuesday, Nov. 12
The next PTP meeting will be on Nov. 12 at Riverview. We will get started at 5:30 and will wrap up around 7:00. All Riverview parents/guardians are invited to attend and help the group impact the students and staff at Riverview. If you would like more information about PTP please reach out to Tamara Barum at presidentrvesptp@gmail.com.
You're Invited To The Next National Alliance on Mental Illness Meeting on Nov 14
NAMI Minnesota is the Minnesota chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It focuses on providing education, support, and advocacy for individuals affected by mental illness and their families. The organization offers resources such as support groups, educational programs, and outreach initiatives to raise awareness about mental health issues.Their mission is to improve the quality of life for those impacted by mental illness and to promote better understanding and treatment of mental health. They will meet on November 14th from 5:30-7:00 at the Special Services Center.
Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) Transition Meeting Scheduled On Jan 23
Join us at the Special Services Center on January 23 from 5:30-7:00 for an important collaboration with SpEd administrators and staff! This meeting will focus on the transition process for your child as they move through different grade levels within the Farmington School District. We'll discuss what to expect during these key transitions:
- Early Childhood to Kindergarten
- Elementary to Middle School
- Middle School to High School
- High School to Post-Secondary
This is a great opportunity to ask questions and gain insights to help support your child's journey. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information please join our group on facebook:, Farmington SEAC.
Riverview Is Hiring! Join Our Team As A Special Education Paraprofessional!
Come join a great team and make a difference in the lives of children! Riverview is hiring a paraprofessional to work with learners with special needs. The position is for 30 hours per week and starts at $19.50 per hour plus benefits. Click here to learn more and to apply. Please reach out to principal, Shawn Peck at speck@farmington.k12.mn.us if you have any questions.
After School "Spark Clubs" Available At Riverview Through Community Education
Check out the upcoming after school clubs - American Sign Language Club, Robotics: Nature ‘Bots and Basketball! There are also evening, weekend, and non-school day options available: Basketball, Volleyball, Musical Nature Explorers, Youth Outdoor Survival, Comic Strip Design, Art Academy, Chess Club, Soccer shots, and Horse Camp! Register your youth today through Community Education at: https://bit.ly/3YDI57k or call 651-460-3200.
In need of fee assistance to participate? Youth who qualify for educational benefits or who have extenuating circumstances are eligible to apply for assistance. Apply here: https://bit.ly/CE192FeeAssistance.
Winter Is Coming! Be Sure Your Child Has Warm Winter Clothes For Recess
The weather this time of year is unpredictable, but colder temps are on the way. Please be sure to send your child to school with a winter coat, hat, and gloves. Also, please label each piece of clothing with your child's name so we can return it to them easily if they happen to misplace it.
Help Us Keep Everyone Safe at Pick Up & Drop Off - Please Drive Slowly!
We would like to remind you to please drive slowly and alertly when driving up 208th street on your way to Riverview and while you are in the parking lot while you visit our school. We appreciate your help in making sure that everyone is safe at all times during morning drop off and end of the day pick up.
2025 Minnesota Teacher of the Year Nominations are Now Open!
Is there a teacher that has played a significantly positive role in your child's life and deserves recognition? Consider taking a couple minutes to nominate them for the 2025 MN Teacher of the Year award. Click here to fill out the online form. Nominations are due by November 15.
Community Ed Is Hosting a Scholastic Book Fair & It Is Open To EVERYONE!
Community Ed is hosting a Book Fair November 11-15 at Meadowview Elementary and it's open to everyone! This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to discover new books they’ll love, and it’s a great way to bond over the joy of reading. Research shows that kids are more likely to read when they can choose their own books, which leads to academic growth and a boost in mental well-being.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Dates: November 11 – 15
- Time: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm (Friday closes at 4:00 pm)
- Location: Meadowview Elementary, Room 104 (enter through Door 22)
- You can also visit the Book Fair homepage for more details: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/tigerpreschool
Yearbooks For 24-25 Are Now Available To Order From Jostens
Yearbooks for the 24-25 school year are now available to order from Jostens. They are $16 plus tax and you will be able to order anytime up until March 10. Click the link below to order (and be sure to know your child's classroom teacher while ordering).
We Need Your Help! We Are In Need of More Paraprofessional Substitutes
Our paraprofessionals are a vital part of our team and they do so much every day for our students. Like everyone, they have to miss work from time to time due to illness, family matters, etc. When that happens, it leaves our learners with less support. And unfortunately, often times these absences go "unfilled" due to a shortage of capable and willing subs. That is why we are asking for people in our Riverview community to consider being a para sub. The pay is $15 per hour and you can work as much (or as little) as you want. Whether you sub one day or every day, each time you enter a classroom, you are responsible for the helping the most important resource we have in our school -- our children.
If you would like to sign up to sub as a teacher or paraprofessional for the Farmington Schools you will have to apply through Teachers on Call (TOC). Please email or call TOC directly at 1800-713-4439 or apply online at teachersoncall.com.
Levy 101 Part 1: What is the Overview of this Levy Proposal? (1 Minute Video)
Levy 101 Part 2: Why is an Operating Levy Needed? (1 Minute Video)
Levy 101 Part 3: Why is the Levy Increase Needed? (1 Minute Video)
Levy 101 Part 4: What is the "Fund Balance" Used For? (1 Minute Video)
Levy 101 Part 5: What Happens if the Operating Levy Is Not Approved? (1 Minute)
Levy 101 Part 6: How Will This Effect Future Taxes (1 Minute)
Levy 101 Part 7: How Will The Funds Be Used (1 Minute)
Keep On Reading Every Night at Home! It Makes a HUGE Difference!
Attendance Line Information
You can also click on this link to fill out online when your child will be gone.
Riverview Elementary School Hours
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Riverview CARES
- Cooperation
- Assertiveness
- Responsibility
- Empathy
- Self-Control
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office: 651-460-1600
Nurse: 651-460-1606
Social Worker - 651-460-1629
Food Service: 651-460-3820
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1610
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.
Read more about our Strategic Framework here.
Email: speck@farmington.k12.mn.us
Website: https://rves.farmington.k12.mn.us/
Location: 4100 208th Street West, Farmington, MN 55024, USA
Phone: 651-460-1600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rve192