June Tidbits #2 Final SY24 Edition!
June 9, 2024
Have a Great Summer!
Congratulations to all of our Terrapins on the completion of the 2023-2024 school year! We hope you all have fun in sun. Be sure to read good books and practice your math skills. We'll look forward to seeing you at the Open House on August 19th!
If you need assistance over the summer, please note the TCES Summer Office hours will be 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday (excluding holidays).
So that we may best meet your needs, please call (301) 863-4044 or email Mrs. Hertzbach at pahertzbach@smcps.org to schedule an appointment.
Weekly Attendance Award
Attendance Matters:
Maryland's attendance rate represents the average daily attendance rate of students in grades 1-12. The state's proficient standard for attendance rate is 94% and the advanced standard is 96%.
TCES Currently: 92.81%
The chronic absenteeism measure identifies students that are absent (lawful AND unlawful) 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. For example, a student who is registered to attend a school for 30 days and who is absent 3 of those 30 days is considered chronically absent.
Last year: 32% of students at TCES were considered chronically absent
Currently: 24.5% of students at TCES are considered chronically absent
6/3-6/7 TCES Attendance Rate: 95.97%
6/3-6/7 Grade Level Attendance Award:
PreK won the week with 98%. AMAZING JOB, PreK!
We're grateful to all for your efforts to be here! Every day matters in the pursuit of knowledge.
You can check attendance records in HAC. If you notice any days that are unlawful (marked red), please send an email to smverhaagh@smcps.org, or submit the reason for the absence online through our school website.
Register those Tiny Terrapins!
Kindergarten Registration is now open!
Important: Under Maryland law, children must be five years old on or before September 1, 2024, to enter kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year. Information and forms are available on the SMCPS website at https://www.smcps.org/offices/curriculum-instruction/kindergarten-early-k-registration
Please contact the TCES office to register your student. If you have further questions, they can be directed to Kate Weaver, Supervisor of Student Services, at keweaver@smcps.org or 301-475-5511 extension 32150.
SMCPS Pre-Kindergarten 4 Application Portal Is Now Open!
Per a recent press release, St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) began accepting Pre- Kindergarten 4 Applications on Thursday, April 11, 2024. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future allows for families with children who are 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024, to apply for full-day Pre-Kindergarten. All families are welcome to apply; however, income is the primary qualifier for eligibility. Families with an annual income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or families that are experiencing homelessness are deemed income eligible and will be accepted first. All applications will be screened and identified on a System of Tiers.
The SMCPS website, www.smcps.org, has information and guidance for completing the 2024-
2025 Pre-Kindergarten Application. You may also contact us using the helpdesk form, call 301-
475-5511 ext. 32285, or email Mrs. Charlottis Woodley, Director of Parent & Family
Engagement, at cmwoodley@smcps.org. Spanish language assistance is available.
There are also resources available to facilitate connections to high-quality childcare: The
Promise Resource Center at 240-258-2288, the MSDE Childcare Finder, and the SMCPS’ Judy Center Early Learning Hubs at 301-863-4068.
The Wellness Committee Needs YOU!
The Wellness Committee needs your help! We need volunteers to come by and water the garden this summer. Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up if you would like to help. You will be able to keep whatever produce becomes ripe during your shift!
Housekeeping - Please be sure you have taken care of these items (and THANKS)!
Thank you for your support!
Mr. Kent and the TCES family
1. Have a change of phone number, email, or address? Contact the office right away. We need to be able to reach you if your child is ill or has an emergency.
2. Let the office know IN WRITING if you are designating someone other than a guardian to pick up your child at any day and time.
3. Opt-In to the School Messenger Text Messaging Service. For more information, click on this flyer. There is also an FAQ with additional information.
4. Got a birthday to celebrate? Please familiarize yourself with the TCES procedures for Birthday Celebrations.
School-Based Health Centers Available This Summer
PTO Corner
The minutes of our May 22 meeting are now available. Please read the minutes and help us get ready for the 2024-2025 school year!
Want to get more involved? Be sure to fill out the membership application and join the PTO!
Questions? Contact PTO president Lydia Rivera at towncreekesptopresident@gmail.com.
PTO Fundraiser: Buy your SY25 supplies now!
Parents, it's time to buy your 1st Day School Supplies. It may seem early, but before you know it, summer will be here. It's important you order your supplies before it's too late or supplies run out. Start the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested, and give your child the confidence they need to conquer next year! Get them today before it's too late!
Last day to order is July 1st and the PTO gets $5 for every box sold which will be used for the beginning of the year expenses and events like the Fall Festival.
Summer Lunch Program
"To-go" meals for will be available over the summer at LHS, CHS, OES, and SRMS. These schools will be offering 5-day meal pick-up on Mondays starting June 10th. Parents must pre-register their children by filling out this form or bringing them to the site when they pick up meals.
Upcoming Calendar Events
Join us at TCES!!
- August 19 - TCES Open House
- August 21 - First Day of School