Straight from Station
The Newsletter of Barrington Middle School - Station Campus
Important Dates!
- August 12 - 6th Grade Walkthrough - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- August 13 - Camp 6th Grade - 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- August 13 - 7th & 8th Grade Walkthrough - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- August 14 - Camp 6th Grade - 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- August 15 - Teacher Institute Day - No Student Attendance
- August 16 - Teacher Institute Day - No Student Attendance
- August 19 - First Day of School
- September 2 - Labor Day - No School
- September 10 - Back to School Night - 6:00PM - 8:00PM
A Note from Principal May - Exciting Upgrades for 2024-25
One of the ongoing challenges that we have navigated here at Station Campus for many years, is getting students to have access to all of their teachers during our support period, known as Colt Time. Colt Time has always been a great opportunity to get help with your academic work, or participate in social and extension activities, but only one-third of the teachers have historically been available. Starting next year, we will be introducing Universal Colt Time, which will take place first thing each day, for all students. There will be many benefits, as a result…
1:12 Ratio with more teachers available to mentor
Embedded activities to promote team building and belonging.
Family communications with Colt Time teachers, to increase connections between families and school.
Eliminate loss of instructional time due to long announcements, and late arrivals.
No more sharing of Performing Arts Students (Band, Orchestra, Chorus) in need of academic support during Colt Time for grades 7 and 8.
Daily check-in for all students with a trusted adult mentor, and access to social-emotional learning lessons on a weekly basis.
Personalized learning, long term goal setting, and executive functioning support.
This improvement has been a long time in the making, and we look forward to providing every Station student with an even higher quality experience in their middle years.
Summer Tips for Middle School Kids
Summer is a magical time for middle schoolers. It's a break from the routine of school, a chance to relax, explore new interests, and enjoy the outdoors. Whether you're planning to stay home, go to camp, or travel, here are some tips to make your summer safe, fun, and enriching.
1. Stay Active and Healthy
Embrace Outdoor Activities: Sports, games, and nature adventures!
2. Learn Something New
Pursue Hobbies and Interests: Read, do some arts and crafts, listen to music, or dance!
3. Stay Safe
Summer Fun Safety: Wear your sunscreen and protective gear. Always swim with a buddy and make sure there is a lifeguard on duty! Check out these tips for tech safety as well!
4. Stay Connected
Friends and Family: Use your free time to connect with family and friends, and plan some fun activities together!
5. Unplug and Unwind
Limit Screen Time: Try a digital detox, or just be sure to limit your screen time. Find ways to practice mindfulness!
Summer is a time for freedom, adventure, and growth. By staying active, learning new things, staying safe, and connecting with others, middle schoolers can make the most of their summer break. Remember to balance fun with rest, and you'll create memories to last a lifetime. Enjoy your summer to the fullest!
Station Summer Hours
Station will be a BUSY place this summer as we host BHS Summer School, Secondary ESY, and Sr. Student Portraits, while BHS finishes up their renovations. The Station Office will remain open on most days from 9-3, but if you plan to come by, you may want to email (salters@barrington220.org), or call (847-842-3601) first.
24-25 School Supply List
School Will Provide to Students:
iPad, case, charger, and digital pencil
1 paper student planner for daily assignments
1 string bag or small handbag for materials management from class to class.
Markers and colored pencils
Disinfecting wipes for teacher classrooms
Hand Sanitizer
All Students will need the following items for their personal use:
4 notebooks, 1 for Each Core Content Area (Math, Science, English, SS)
2 boxes of Pens (Blue or Black)
2 boxes of Pencils
4 folders
2 highlighters
Post-It Notes (8 pads)
1 pair of Headphones (compatible with iPad)
1 lightweight backpack (large packs will not fit in our lockers)
1 pair of gym shoes for physical education
Station Athletics
ATTENTION incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders!!
Tryouts: August 12th & 13th
Practices after school each day
IESA Regionals: Sept. 11th-17th
Season Ends: October 1st
6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls
Embrace a Summer of Reading and Friendship!
Dear Parents,
This summer, invite your child to embark on a reading adventure filled with learning and friendship! Our BMS Summer Read Newsletter is brimming with fun activities and inspiring information, encouraging students to read books with the powerful theme of friendship. Participating in our summer reading initiative not only helps prevent the summer slide but also prepares your child to return to school with a refreshed perspective on building positive relationships and reading for enjoyment. Dive into the newsletter today, and let’s help our children set the stage for a successful and enriching summer of reading!