The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

October 10, 2024
Hello River Bend Families!
I am going to start this week with BIG shout outs to PTO! Read-A-Thon was a HUGE success! Thank you so much to Lindsey Tentindo for all of her work and time at school to decorate, promote, celebrate, and support this fundraiser! We had a wonderful turnout at the River Bend Carnival and our students really enjoyed the fall party assemblies with Oh My Gosh Josh. He was very funny! There is no greater sound than genuine belly laughter from a kid! So much fun! Oh yeah, and that whole Sundae your Principal thing... umm yeah. #anythingforthekids
Another appreciation I have for the PTO is their generous gift of paying for transportation for the 5 field trips our students will be going on as an experience embedded into our upcoming ELA unit. You will read more about that below. Thank you PTO! Because of community partners and you, these field trips are costing our families and school nothing!
Please continue supporting our PTO. There are new fliers linked in their section below because our next big event, and favorite, is Trunk or Treat! Check out how you can volunteer or attend.
Our construction general contractor, Poettker, has invited our students and staff to partake in an outdoor schoolwide photo on Friday. It is not just any picture... students will experience a drone flying overhead to capture the construction progress and all of our excitement. They have asked that we wear pink again. I think we can handle that! There is a flier below and we will send a reminder. In December, when we are in our Technology and Society unit, Poettker's drone pilot will be back to show it to classrooms and explain the technology behind it.
Veterans Day Planning: River Bend has a rich tradition of hosting Veterans for a very special morning of honor, appreciation, songs, and more. We want to get a preliminary number so we can adequately and safely plan our celebration and assembly. If you could take just a brief moment to let us know if your family will have a Veteran and guest attend on Friday, November 8th we would appreciate it! River Bend Veteran's Day Attendance Planning
Each child as my own,
Benchmark Advance -- Unit 3
We are ready for another kickoff on Tuesday! Your child will be bringing the Home School Connection printed on blue paper as we have been doing for each new unit.
There are some really exciting experiences happening for students during this unit! Each grade level has a community visitor or community field trip.
Our kindergarten students are hearing from our former, and beloved, mail carrier Ms. Heidi!
1st graders are walking to the Monarch Fire Station. 2nd grade will visit the Chesterfield Police Department. 3rd grade students will go to the St. Louis County Courthouse. 4th graders get to hear about how local government can create an educational experience at a county park when they visit Faust Park's Whimsical Woods, and 5th graders will go to the St. Louis County Administration Building. I have to give a huge shout out to 5th grade parent, Kelli Dunaway, for helping make all of this happen!
Mr. Webb will be using a more choice based approach to some art projects within this ELA unit. We are actually going to be asking for some household donations for these projects. See below.
And you know I love a good spirit day... especially when we can dress up! So, on October 28th we will have a 'Dress Like a Community Helper Day.'
Here are the essential questions for each grade level so you can see the vertical alignment within this nonfiction unit:
Kindergarten: Why do we have rules?
1st: Why do people get involved in their communities?
2nd: Why do we need a government?
3rd: Why do people participate in government?
4th: How can government influence the way we live?
5th: Why do laws continue to evolve?
Next Week
Monday, October 14th
Fall Break -- No School
Tuesday, October 15th
B Day
St. Louis Blues Spirit Day
Bus Evacuation Practice
Choir Practice- 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 16th
C Day
Honors Choir Rehearsal- 8:00 AM
E-Hour Lego Motorized- 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 17th
D Day
5th Grade Field Trip to St. Louis County Administration Building
Choir Practice- 8:00 AM
Friday, October 18th
E Day
Let's PINK OUT again!
Dental Safari
3rd & 4th Grade Field Trip to Bellerive for Author Visit
Wanted! Household Items for Art Class
Last paper towel? Toilet paper roll empty? Last of the cereal? Just poured your last glass of milk?
Don't thrown anything away! Send it to school with your child. We are in need of the following:
- paper towel and toilet paper rolls
- empty cereal boxes
- plastic bottle caps (from any sort of milk, juice, or water bottle)
How To Help Your Child Navigate Social Media
Megan Meier Foundation Guest Speaker
On Oct. 29, West Middle School is hosting a Stop Cyberbullying event with guest speaker Tina Meier of the Megan Meier Foundation. Hear a powerful message about the effects of cyberbullying, strategies to address it, and how to help your child navigate social media. This event is open to all Parkway families.
Date: Tuesday, October 29
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: West Middle Library (2312 Baxter Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 24th (7:30 PM)- All District Choir Concert @ The Family Arena
Friday, October 25th- River Bend Flu Clinic, Half Day 1:00 Dismissal, River Bend PTO Trunk or Treat
Monday, October 28th- Dress Like a Community Helper Day
Sunday, November 3rd- Daylight Savings Time Ends
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day, No School for Students
Friday, November 8th- Veterans Day Celebration
Monday, November 11th- Scholastic Book Fair begins, PTO Meeting
Wednesday, November 13th- Early Release 2:00 Dismissal
Thursday, November 14th- Parent/Teacher Conference Evening
From Nurse Baker
Flu Clinic for Students
When: October 25, 2024
Time: 9-11 am
Return form with copy of insurance card to the nurse.
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.