HMS Newsletter
October 18, 2024

Federal Impact Aid Form-Please fill out!
HMS Upcoming Events
October 18th: "Let's Get Spooky" Family Engagement 4:40-6:00, 6:00-7:30 Dance
October 24th: HMS Award Ceremony
November 5th: Election Day-No School
November 8th: Veterans Day Ceremony @ 12:45pm
November 11th: Veterans Day-No School
November 20-22: CFA #2
November 20: Board Meeting @ 6pm
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
HMS School Event-Raptor
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Veterans Assembly and Thanksgiving Lunch! To help us prepare for your visit, we kindly ask that you complete the Raptor form in advance. This will ensure a smooth and efficient check-in process on the day of the event.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
HMS Lunch Menu
This week:
Monday: Red Chili Beef Enchiladas or Chicken Nuggets
Tuesday: Baja Chicken w/Rice or Corn Dog
Wednesday: Chicken and Rice Casserole or Hot Honey Chicken Tenders
Thursday: Loaded Crinkle Fries or Hamburger
Friday: Shepards pie or Beef and Cheese over Quesadilla
🎀Red Ribbon 🎀Spirit Week🎀
Monday: Twin Day
Tuesday: Western Day
Wednesday: Red Day
Thursday: Dress to Impress (this is quarterly awards day)
Friday: Hawaiian Day
HMS Spirit Days!
November 8th: Dress up as your favorite character.
December 6th: Represent your favorite musician or band!
🌼Dissection of flowers and looking at their parts under the microscope.🌷
HMS Basketball News
Girls Basketball non-mandatory preseason conditioning and skills development sessions will start on Oct 22 and Oct 23 for Girls from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Please be on time, bring water, and be picked up on time. More sessions will be added.
Boys Basketball non-mandatory preseason conditioning and skills development sessions will start on Oct 24 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Please be on time, bring water, and be picked up on time. More sessions will be added.
* Please note, attending a non-mandatory basketball clinic or open gym does not guarantee a spot on the team.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE Healthy Roster requirements completed, you will not be able to attend and will be sent back. If you were in Football, Volleyball, or Cheer and have 100% completed Healthy Roster requirements, there is no need to accomplish it again. ** DO NOT BRING ANY PAPER DOCUMENTS TO THE COACHES, EVERY REQUIRED DOCUMENT, MUST BE UPLOADED INTO HEALTHY ROSTER.
These sessions are closed to parents and/or guests.
HMS Falcons! Proud of how far these boys have come. 🏈
Let’s Talk
We encourage parents/guardians to contact our district's Call Center by calling the Let's Talk line to excuse student absences. Folks at the central office are ready to help. This allows the school's office staff to direct more of their attention to the needs of our students, staff and parents throughout the day.
If you are unable to speak to someone directly at the APS Call Center, please leave a detailed voicemail with your name, your child's first/last name, the name of the school, the date of the absence, and the absence reason.
***NOTE: Absences can not be excused after 48 hours.
In addition to assisting with attendance matters, Call Center personnel are also available to help you access your parent Powerschool account, provide information about upcoming school event dates/times, answer general questions about a variety of topics (or put you in touch with the appropriate department or staff member who can), and listen to any concerns or suggestions for improvement, as well as shout-outs or celebrations. For these additional topics, you may call, text, use the Let's Talk app, or submit a message via that area within the district's website (found on the Contact page).