The Messmore Messenger
November 2024

The Messmore Messenger January 2025
Happy New Year to Our Wonderful Families,
This time of year is one of my favorite. It’s a season of reflection and renewal. The New Year inspires us to reset, reassess, and set new intentions. As parents, it’s also a wonderful opportunity for our families to come together and embrace this fresh start.
Each year, I take a moment to jot down my resolutions. They tend to be familiar: clean my basement, save more money, exercise more, and call my mother every day. These are important goals, but as I looked over my list this year, I realized something—they are the same every year. They reflect habits I should work on consistently, not necessarily areas for growth.
This realization prompted deeper reflection. What if my resolution focused on something that truly stretched me? Something that would challenge my thinking and push me out of my comfort zone?
This year, I’m resolving to expand my creative thinking by trying new forms of creative expression—creating, writing, decorating, painting, or crafting—despite not feeling “good” at any of them. It’s a bit daunting, but also exciting. And it feels like true growth.
I’m sharing this with you because I believe in the power of modeling lifelong learning for our children. They learn so much from watching us—our efforts, our struggles, and our joys as we explore new paths. By stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing the process of learning, we show them that growth is a lifelong journey.
As a parent to now-grown children, I’ve learned that being a good parent is not about perfection—it’s about striving to be the best version of yourself. This New Year, I encourage you to think about resolutions that nurture your growth in unexpected ways. What is something new you can learn or try? What new horizon might you explore?
Our children will see our efforts, our courage, and the joy that comes from learning something new. What a gift to share with them as we step into this New Year together!
Wishing you and your family a year filled with growth, learning, and joyful discovery.
Warm regards,
Renee Fiema, Ed.D.
Winter Weather Reminder
Plan for your child to play outside for recess if the wind chill (real feel) is 10 degrees or higher and the conditions are suitable. If there is ice, the blacktop is snow covered, or it is below 10 degrees, we will have indoor recess.
When it snows, students with boots and snow pants can play in the snow. Otherwise, they will only play on the blacktop. If school is canceled due to inclement weather, automated calls will be sent out to families.
Early Childhood Open House
Early Childhood Preschool Registration
Brochure Below
Share with parents in our UCS community with preschool aged children. The Early Childhood brochure has been published and the link is below.
Montessori Preschool - Brochure Page
Early Childhood Preschool Registration Important Dates
Register for Kindergarten- Link Below
The Montessori Education Podcast
Jesse McCarthy
In November, I had the pleasure of attending the Michigan Montessori Society conference, where I participated in several insightful sessions led by the dynamic Montessori speaker Jesse McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy's expertise and passion make his content invaluable not only for educators but also for parents seeking to deepen their understanding of Montessori principles. Below, I’ve included a link to his parent-focused podcasts available on his website. I encourage you to explore his resources, as they offer practical advice and perspectives that could be incredibly beneficial.
Nominated Peacemakers- Gratitude
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for being peacemakers.
Art Room News
Imagine Arts Academy
Important Future Messmore Dates
15- MMA Meeting
20- No School
21 & 22 Preschool No School for 4 Year Old Conferences
3 - 13 Parent Teacher Conference Window
6- 5th grade DIA field trip
7- Mother & Son Event at Zap Zone
10- 1st/ 2nd grade Macomb Performing Arts Field Trip
12- MMA Meeting
17 - 21 Mid-Winter Break
18- Chuck E Cheese Fundraiser
2- Daddy Daughter Dance
12- MMA Meeting
21- Half Day, End of Marking Period
24 - 28 Spring Break
9- MMA Meeting
18- No School
25- Chuck E Cheese Fundraiser
20- Messmore Arts, Beats, and Eats
26- No School Memorial Day
9- Preschool Last day of School
10- Half day of School, Kindergarten Celebration
11- Half day of School, Last Day, Sixth Grade Celebration
UCS School Calendar Overview
Volunteer Form
Messmore Montessori Association
MMA Board
Elisabetta Stupera, President
Paulette Qussar, Vice President of Committees
Amanada Hijazi, New Vice President of Fund Raising
Stacee Jones, New Treasurer
Paul Jones, New "Techetary" aka Secretary
MMA Meeting Dates 6:00 PM
Helpful Links
Family Portal (Lunches):