The MMES Buzz
News from Manchester Memorial Elementary School!
December 6, 2024
Principal's Note
Dear MMES Families,
Is there anything more magical than the first snow!?!? Even though yesterday's snow did not measure up to much, our students (and Principal 🙂) were very excited to look out and see the snow falling outside our windows! Check out the great photo below courtesy of Mrs. Flood!
We are roughly 1/3 of the way through the school year and time seems to be flying by! I always say that October 31 arrives...we blink twice and it's the new year! These next few weeks will be fast and furious! We have some really fun events coming up, and I would like to highlight a couple so that you can mark your calendar:
DEC 12 - Elementary Winter Concert - Band and Chorus 6:00 pm at the MERMHS Auditorium
DEC 17 – Memorial Holiday Concert 9:30 am (Doors open at 9:15 am) at MMES Gymnasium
The line for the Memorial Holiday concert will queue up outside the gym entrance with doors scheduled to be opened at 9:15 am. Lost and found will be "served" while you wait!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Health Room Headlines
Please remember:
· If your child is going to be absent, tardy, or there is a change to dismissal plans- utilize PickUp Patrol for those changes. You no longer need to email or call Mrs. Schmidt, the teacher, or the school nurse to report those changes.
· If your child has a temperature of 100.4F or over, they need to be fever free for 24 hours (without the aid of Tylenol or Motrin) before re-entering the school.
· If your child is experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, we recommend that they are symptom free for 24 hours and can tolerate solid food before re-entering the building.
Tis’ The Season of Giving…
Hand Foot & Mouth: We have had a couple cases of HFM in our PK classrooms. Signs and symptoms to look for are tiny bumps on hands, feet, face, and/or sometimes trunk. Can develop sores in the mouth and can be accompanied with fever. Increased fluids (popsicles, Pedialyte, diluted juice) especially if sores in the mouth & fever to prevent risk of dehydration. Help prevent the spread by washing hands frequently, keeping hands out mouth and nose, and wiping surfaces frequently.
Respiratory Viruses: We have been hit with an increase of pneumonia this season. Help prevent the spread by washing hands frequently, covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, staying home if feeling too unwell to participate in school, and again if your child has a fever of 100.4 or greater.
Thank you all for your cooperation, any questions or concerns please call or email,
Jaclyn Morrissey, R.N.
Caregiver Education Opportunities
Learning through Play: Preschool Parent Workshop
Play is not just something children do, it is one of the most important ways they learn basic skills including academics and social interactions. This critical part of every child's development should be supported by families and schools. In this workshop, join us to learn about the kinds of play and how to help your child make the best out of play.
Childcare is available for this workshop!
Date: Monday, December 16
Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Instructor: Alison Turpel
Location: Ms. Turpel's Preschool Classroom
RSVP: Shelley Mullarkey - or 978-525-6060 and let us know if you would like to access childcare during the workshop.
If you are interested but cannot attend in the afternoon, email Shelley Mullarkey or Allison Collins. Depending on interest level from parents, we may also schedule a repeat of this workshop at 7:00pm on Monday, December 16 via Zoom. Questions? Contact Allison Collins at
Dates to Remember
2024-2025 Calendar
9 – Dress Rehearsal – Rock Band 7:30-8:30am High School
11 - Dress Rehearsal – Concert Band 7:30-8:30am High School
11 - Early Release 11:45am
12 - Dress Rehearsal – Chorus 7:30-8:30am High School
12 - Elementary Winter Concert - Band and Chorus 6:00 High School Auditorium
17 – Memorial Holiday Concert 9:30 am
Winter Recess December 23-January 3: No School
MCAS Testing Windows - Please be mindful when planning family absences
ELA Testing Window - March 24 - April 18
Mathematics Testing Window - April 28 - May 23
STE Testing Window -April 28 - May 23
Menus - December
iReady My Path - Home Access
MERSD elementary students now have access to the iReady "My Path" program at home. This aspect of iReady is an online tool that provides students with learning activities and practice geared towards their individual skills and needs. Below you will find information regarding accessing this tool at home for extra skill practice in reading and mathematics.
Manchester Memorial PTO
Get into the Holiday Spirit with the PTO!
Join us for two fun events hosted by Linda Brown, mom of 1st grade Stephen and 4th grade Lily: Wreath Making (Dec 5, 6pm) and Holiday Centerpiece Making (Dec 22, 5pm). Not only will you create something beautiful, but $5 from each ticket sold will support our school! Spaces are limited, so register now by clicking the links below:
- Wreath Making Event: CLICK HERE
- Holiday Centerpiece Making Event: CLICK HERE
We appreciate Linda's generosity and creativity in hosting these events - thank you, Linda!
Notices From Our Friends
Open Door Mobile Market
Mobile Market at Memorial - Open Door
- Mobile Markets will then run from 2:30-3:30pm through January on the first Wednesday of each month.
- Mobile Market will run on an early release schedule of 11am-12:15pm on the first Wednesday of each month in February, March, May, and June.