Ross Report
February 2021 Newsletter
Wishing you a new month of joy and positivity!
We are missing seeing our Kindergarten to Grade 8 Raiders every day, but take solace in knowing that they are keeping healthy and staying safe with you. The staff at Ross has been impressed with the work that the students are completing online, and, with the level of engagement from students during synchronous learning times. We are grateful for the Ross parents and families who continue to support their children with online learning schedules and commitments. THANK YOU!
Please be aware that report cards will be sent home on February 18 and 19th. See the note below for more information. Receiving this report card will be a great opportunity for you to celebrate accomplishments with your children and set some learning goals for Term 2. We are proud of our students’ successes this term, both while they were at school and during the online portion of term 1.
If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher regarding his/her progress, please
reach out to him/her to arrange a telephone interview.
As we hear more from the Ministry of Education about a date to return to 'in person' learning, I will be sure to send you updates and information in a timely manner.
Stay safe, healthy, and active... and enjoy the outdoors with your families as often as you can!
Term 1 Report Card Update
Elementary Provincial Report Card (Grades 1-8) and the Kindergarten: Communication of Learning
Due to the extension of remote learning, the Elementary Provincial Report Card (Grades 1-8) and the Kindergarten: Communication of Learning will be issued over two days between February 18-19.
Families can expect to receive additional information about the Report Card distribution process from their school administrator, once further information about the return to “in-person learning” becomes available.
Report cards give a summary of student achievement at the end of each term. Teachers use their professional judgement and consider factors such as consistency, recent improvement, and amount of evidence in order to determine students’ grades or marks. Teachers and students work together to gather evidence of their learning over time from observations, conversations, and student products.
This year, the Ontario Ministry of Education updated the math curriculum for Grades 1 to 8 which started in September 2020. The new mathematics curriculum is part of a four-year math strategy designed to:
- improve student performance in math
- help students solve everyday math problems
- increase students' employability to attain the jobs of the future
Updates to Assessment and Evaluation in Mathematics (Grades 1-8)
To foster a cohesive approach to both instruction and assessment across the elementary mathematics curriculum, achievement in mathematics will be reported in the Elementary Report Card as one overall letter grade (Grades 1-6) or percentage mark (Grades 7-8), with supporting comments. Comments will describe significant strengths demonstrated by the student, and identify next steps for improvement. Teachers may also describe a student’s growth in learning.
The Ministry has provided more information about the new math curriculum for parents on the following website: If you have any questions, please make arrangements to speak with your child’s teacher.
Grade 7/8 Colour Wheel Artwork!
Spirit Day!
Outdoor activities!
Learning at home!
Amazing work from JK/SK!
More great JK/SK work!
I’m here to tell you that it’s time to register for Kindergarten!
Hi, I'm Barkely!
Normally I’d invite you inside one of our Kindergarten classrooms so you and your child could look around with me, but to keep each other safe, we have to wait to do that another time. What I can do is help you find all the information you need to register your child for Kindergarten at the DSBN! I put it on for you. It has important information like:
· How to register your child online
· A video about a typical day in Kindergarten
· A Kindergarten classroom 360° virtual tour
· An e-book about how I overcame my first day fears
Register today at I can’t wait to meet you and your child at school!
On Wednesday, February 24th, 2021, we will celebrate DSBN Pink Day. It is a day where schools across the DSBN unite in celebrating diversity, raising awareness, and making a commitment to stop all forms of bullying. Our message is clear: Anyone can bully, anyone can be victimized by bullying, but together we can stop it! On Pink Day, DSBN Staff, students, and families wear pink (pink t-shirts, or any pink you have at home) to take a stand. The Day of Pink is a symbol, a spark, that empowers and inspires youth across Niagara to create amazing social change!
Please share your pictures on our social media pages or send your pictures to your child's teacher.
Ross is hosting a Virtual Spring Talent Show!
Our Ross Virtual SpringTalent Show is COMING SOON!
We would love to see your dancing, singing, magic trick, musical talent, etc... The sky's the limit! You can share your very special talent with us virtually. Start thinking about it now! More information coming soon.
January 'Sail to Success' Winners
Congratulations to the following students for doing amazing things during the month of January!
JK/SK R- Hunter, Alice, Emily, Mattia
Gr. 1/2- Jahleel, Rex, Lilly
Gr. 2/3- Owen, Janessa, Brooke, Keegan
Gr. 3- Phoebe, Matthew
SSP- Liam N, Jada, Ryder
Gr. 4- Spencer, Hendrick
Gr. 5/6- Vincent, Serenity, Eli
Gr. 6/7- Charlee, Sterling
Gr. 7/8- Zeek, Ava, Kaeli
Ross Public School
Location: 358 Niagara St, Welland, ON, Canada
Phone: 905 734 4273
Twitter: @ross_dsbn