SES Messenger
March 15, 2024
School News (NEW)
Dear Sunnyside Community,
First and foremost, I want to give a special shout out to Christina in the kitchen. Christina is one of our classified employees and was left off of our appreciation last week. She has been steadfast in making sure students are eating and taken care of in the cafeteria each day and she is always eager to jump in and assist in any way she can. Her kindness and humor are much appreciated and we couldn't do it without her. Big shout out to Christina!
Also, if you didn't have a chance to see our students in the Addam's Family Musical last weekend, you missed a great show! The students were so great and enthusiastic and I laughed so hard. Thank you to all the students who participated and all the family support.
This week we had many fun field studies. Several of our middle school classes went to the Oregon Zoo, Mt. Tabor for planting, Oregon Maple Project, Willamette River Clean Up and neighborhood clean up with buddy class.
Thanks for your support as always, we couldn't do it without you!
Upcoming Dates
Fri-Sun, Mar 15-17: Cowbell Cheese Catalina Fundraiser
Mon-Fri, Mar 18-22: K-5 Spirit Week
Tue-Thu, Mar 19-21: MS mini-classes
Wed, Mar 20, 8:45am: SES PTSA meeting: Cafeteria
Mar 25 - Mar 29 - NO SCHOOL. Spring Break
Thu, Apr 4: End of quarter
Fri, Apr 5: NO SCHOOL (professional development day)
Fri-Sun, Apr 5-7: SES Westwind Family Weekend
Mon, Apr 8: School in session (makeup day)
Fri, Apr 12: SES Foundation Auction
Our next PTSA Meeting is 3/20 in the Cafeteria (or online via the link below). Hear from the 5th grade class about their sustainability efforts to improve waste management on our campus, updates about the Auction & Gala, and goals for the rest of our school year!
Join the PTSA Meeting on GoogleMeet:
View the March Agenda HERE.
Review February Meeting Minutes HERE.
LET’S GLOW! An Electric Evening Benefitting SES
HELP NEEDED: Do you live or work on the west side? The auction team needs some help picking up prize items from some businesses west of downtown before next Friday, March 22. Please contact Jessica at
Online Auction: April 2-12
Glow Gala: Friday, April 12 at Revolution Hall’s Show Bar
Get Your Tickets Now ($25-$100):
Outfit Inspiration / Theme Vibes: Glow Up inspo HERE.
Volunteer: Work a shift at the Gala in exchange for a ticket HERE.
Prize Donations: Submit auction donations by March 22 HERE.
Party Board Hosts: Learn more & submit ideas HERE.
Registration is OPEN for SPRING After School Activities
Registration is OPEN for after school enrichment activities offered onsite at Sunnyside Environmental School starting in April. Opportunities include yoga on Mondays, lego robotics on Tuesdays, Spanish on Thursdays and electronic music club on Fridays. Classes start right after school and spaces are limited, so don’t wait to register for your spot. Additional information and registration details can be found on the PTSA website at
K5 Spirit Week - March 18-22
The 5th grade Kindness Committee is hosting a Sunnyside K5 Spirit Week March 18-22.
Monday: Opposite Day (Students dress like teachers, teachers dress like students)
Tuesday: Character Day (Dress like your favorite fictional character)
Wednesday: School Rainbow Day (Each grade wears a different color: K=red, 1=orange, 2=yellow, 3=purple, 4=blue, 5=green)
Thursday: Fancy Day (Dress up!)
Friday: Pajama Day!
Community & Parents for Public Schools (NEW)
If you are interested in getting more involved in advocacy to increase school funding, a district-wide group is being resurrected to help organize efforts - it's called Community + Parents for Public Schools and you can sign up here: They send comprehensive email updates, including info like lobby day efforts, potential topics of focus for 2025, policy updates, and background reading. The SES parent community continues to organize and share information on Konstella, via the Social Group called “Standing in Solidarity” and welcomes new members anytime.
Classroom donation ask
Does anyone have a two drawer locking file cabinet collecting dust at their house? One of our 5th grade classrooms could use one and we are hoping to reuse and recycle. Please contact Jenny in the office at
Call for Outdoor Paint
Garden ask: We are hoping to get donations of green outdoor paint to refresh our raised beds. If anyone has any paint they are not using we would take it. Please contact Jenny in the office at
Hello from the Art room! (NEW)
This week students were working on their shading with pencil skills. Middle Schoolers in Aaron/Mary and Robin's classes drew shoes. Tiffany and Levia's third-grade classes made 3D collage identity boxes. Some of them will go the Portland Art Museum to be on display for the HeART of Portland celebration. See some images in this Google Drive folder
Have a beautiful week, Indigo & student teachers Alexander & Zack
Catalina Fundraiser at Cowbell Cheese - March 15-17
Eat Cheese for Catalina! Shop at SES parent-owned Cowbell Cheese on March 15th–17th and support the 8th Grade Marine Biology Trip to Catalina Island! Cowbell Cheese Shop is an importer and distributor of specialty foods, with a focus on traditional European and American artisan cheese. During this special weekend, Cowbell will donate 20% of their sales toward the 8th grade trip.
BONUS: SES 8th graders will be working the counter and handing out samples at the shop! Come through and tell your friends and family! 8th graders can SIGN UP to work a shift and help raise funds! Cowbell Cheese is Located in the Rinella Produce Building, 231 SE Alder St.
SES Family Westwind Weekend
Hey Sunnyside families! Join us for Westwind Family Camp, Friday April 5 - Sunday April 7! Nestled between the Salmon River and the Pacific Ocean, Westwind offers a delightful blend of beach, forest, and riverscapes, where one can enjoy hiking, beachcombing, tidepooling, or more laid back pursuits like reading a good book, playing board games or doing puzzles. A great place to bond with other families and kids, the SES Westwind weekend is a 20+ year tradition. $135 / person covers heated, lit lodging in the camp's cabins and 5 meals. Sign up here: 2024 SES Westwind Family Camp
REMINDER - NO IDLING: Please Curb Your Emissions at SES
Hey SES! You might have seen the No Idling signs around school parking spots. Please consider the fuel your engine burns while idling at drop off or pick up on the SES campus, and whenever possible, curb those emissions! Exhaust has a noticeable impact on the air quality of our sidewalks and overall school community - thanks for doing your part to stop idling. Look for more ways to get involved in our No Idling Campaign soon, and learn more HERE.
Fliers and Community Links (NEW)
- Rec Tennis Maplewood Tennis Afterschool Zone (Apr. 9 - May 28) (NEW)
Websites to Know
Apply for Free/Reduced Meals - NEW Oregon expanded income guidelines
Konstella - One stop shop for parent information (PTSA)
Communicable disease protocol - aka when should I keep my child home from school?