Emmanuel Baptist Church
May 16, 2023
EBC Family,
If you are an EBC Kids Ministry Leader for one of the following areas - Wednesday night ministry, the Grove, Kids Camp, VBS, or Sunday School (1st through 6th grade) - please join me this Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the Student Wing. We will be discussing and planning all Kids Ministry activities for the summer. Parents of elementary age kids are also invited to attend the meeting.
We will have a short Special Called Business Meeting on Sunday morning 5/27 right after our worship service, to vote on a Search Committee to look for our next Minister of Youth and Children. Our Church By-Laws give our Personnel Committee the freedom to decide how to form a ministerial staff Search Committee. Our Personnel Committee is recommending the following people to serve on this Search Committee - Courtney Freeborn, Molly Hollingsworth, Brian Denton, Justin McKeown, Steve Ralston, and Brent Miller (as alternate). These people have all agreed to serve if elected by the church. If you have any questions, please visit with me or Tim Snider (Personnel Committee Chair). Please pray for our Search Committee and the search process.
I am grateful to belong to the EBC Family,
Pastor Clint
Wednesday Night Meal
Hamburgers, Tater Tots, Baked Beans, Cake and Cookies
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 06:00 PM
Nursery Serve Day
We need a few volunteers that are able to help.
Emma Carter Mission Fundraiser Lunch
Finance Committee Meeting - 7:00pm
KIDS Ministry Leaders Meeting - 7:00pm
Falls Creek Leaders Meeting 7:00pm
Summer Events 2023
6/5 Super Summer Week
6/18 Bowling with Dads
6/19 KIDS Camp Week
6/25 Church Wide - Corn Park Fellowship Potluck
7/3 Falls Creek Week
7/19 EBC Camping Trip
8/31 VBS Week
8/27 Fish Fry
Paid Nursery Workers
Making a Difference
This is an amazing opportunity to show babies the love of Christ and serve with Hannah Otey weekly. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Sherry Gooch in the Preschool Department at 580-302-0073 or Dana Nickels in the church office at 580-774-1132
A Grow Group class is where lifetime memories are made!
Last Week at a Glance
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Budget Offering
Last Sunday ........................................ $ 4,919.50
YTD Budget Needed ........................... $ 213,917.60
YTD Budget Received ......................... $ 193,302.80
This Month New Building
Receipts This month .......................... $ 2,320.00
Received This Week ........................... $ 1,300.00
Grow Groups: 77
Family Worship: 112
Sunday Servants
Preschool Care
5/21 Caleb and Stephenie Bunce
Laila Freeborn
5/28 Kelly and Rhett Metscher
Lead Usher
5/21 Richard Metscher
5/28 Chuck Marquis
Welcome Desk
Blanche Ford and Rebecca Henderson
Deacon of the Week
Bryan Sperle
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday Services
Grow Groups 9:30am
Family Worship 10:45am
Evening Study 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Activities
Church-Wide Meal 5:00pm
KIDS and Youth 6:00pm
Evening Study 6:00pm
Harbor - College 8:00pm
Website: ebcweatherford.com
Location: 719 North Kansas Street, Weatherford, OK, USA
Phone: (580)772-3413
Facebook: facebook.com/ebcwford