Hawk's View!
September 20, 2024
Important Upcoming Events and Dates
September 26 - Terry Fox Run Day
September 27 - Orange Shirt Day (for schools)
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NO SCHOOL)
October 4 - District Professional Learning Day (NO SCHOOL)
October 14 - Thanksgiving (NO SCHOOL)
October 16 - Picture Retakes
October 17 - Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. (more information to follow)
October 22 - Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. (more information to follow)
School Council Update
1. Chair - Cynthia Cassidy
2. Co-Chair - Sivanthy Suntharalingham
3. Secretary - Charmyn Thompson
4. COSC Rep - Brian Vick
Our meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
October 16, 2024
November 20, 2024
January 22, 2025
March 19, 2025
April 16, 2025
May 21, 2025
All meeting are held in the F.R. Haythorne library at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
We value your time, and we do our best to keep meetings to a one-hour limit. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year if you are able to attend!
Click here to be directed to the F.R. Haythorne School Council page on our website.
Pizza Fridays
Come down to the Hawk's Nest starting next Friday, September 27 to get your pizza!
It may be a good idea to still bring somewhat of a lunch as we are early in the year for determining how many pizzas we will require to feed the hungry mouths of F. R. Haythorne!
$3.00 per slice
Did you know?
EIPS is committed to a productive and collaborative relationship with parents and caregivers. As such, the Division has a Committee of School Councils (COSC) comprised of representatives from school councils across EIPS.
From October to May, COSC members meet monthly with the Board of Trustees and senior EIPS administration to discuss educational issues and trends, while sharing valuable information with one another to best enhance student success. In recognition of the effort and dedication of EIPS families and staff in engaging with their school communities, the Division was honoured to receive the Division School Council Engagement Award from the Alberta School Councils’ Association last April. To learn more, visit the EIPS website.
Terry Fox Run Information
Students and staff at FRH will once again be participating in the annual Terry Fox Run in the hopes of raising funds and awareness for cancer research. This run will take place on Thursday, September 26.
Students are encouraged to bring in any donations to school the week before the event as students from the Leadership 9 class will be collecting those donations each morning as students arrive.
Parents/Guardians can also send their donations in by clicking on the following fundraising link which will take you to the school’s website for donations: https://schools.terryfox.ca/FRHaythorneJuniorHigh.
Help us make the 2024 Run the most successful yet!
Celebrating World Teachers’ Day: October 5
October 5 is World Teachers’ Day! World Teachers’ Day recognizes the integral role teachers play in providing quality education to students. On October 5, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) encourages all of its students, parents, caregivers and community members to show their appreciation for their teachers and the positive impact they make on our lives.
EIPS extends its heartfelt thank you to all Division teachers for their dedication, hard work and commitment in guiding and educating students through their kindergarten to Grade 12 years.
Save Your Bottles!
The grade 9 French class will be hosting a bottle drive soon to help raise funds for their potential trip to Quebec.
Please save your bottles for us!
Elk Island Public Schools is on Instagram!
Want reminders and news about EIPS? You can now follow the Division on Instagram @elkislandpublicschools. Stay in the know about what’s going on, from divisionwide celebrations to reminders about important dates and deadlines. You can also connect with EIPS on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and the EIPS website.
Door Locking Procedures
The primary entrance to our school will be the only door that is ever unlocked. However, once block one begins, it will be secured.
Our main front entrance is equipped with a bell and camera linked to the front office.
Visitors seeking entry during locked hours are required to ring the bell for assistance.
The doors will be unlocked as follows:
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
12:21 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Brightspace is our teachers go-to platform for posting homework and other information for families. If you are having trouble logging in, or need other information, please click here.
Location: 300 Colwill Boulevard, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-3800
Email: general.frh@eips.ca
Website: frhaythorne.ca