Autumn 1 - 2024
Headteacher's Message
Dear Families,
I can’t believe we are already at the end of September. You should be very proud of how the children have started the academic year, as they have all embraced their new classes and learning. The children have helped welcome new staff to our school and visitors to the school have already commented how calm and polite the children have been.
As the weather starts to change, can I ask that children come to school with waterproof coats ensuring their names are written inside. Thank you to everyone that attended the meet and greet sessions as well as the MacMillan coffee morning that the PTA organised. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new families to the school and it has been lovely having you join our school community.
Kind Regards,
Mr Vernalls
MacMillan Coffee Morning
A massive thank you for organising and setting up the Macmillan Coffee Morning! Your hard work and dedication made this event a resounding success, and we are incredibly grateful for the time and effort you put into bringing our community together for such an important cause. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, reflecting the spirit of generosity that defines our school community.
We also want to extend our gratitude to all the parents who contributed by donating delicious cakes or joining us to socialise. Your support played a vital role in our fundraising efforts, and we are thrilled to share that we raised a total of £205.27 to support cancer research. Together, we not only enjoyed a lovely morning but also made a meaningful impact in the fight against cancer. Thank you all for being a part of this special event! Below are some pictures from the coffee morning.
Learning Highlights from Across the School
We are off to a brilliant start to the year! The children across the school are settled and are focused in on their lessons. Here are things that each year group is up to:
Nursery - While the new Nursery children are settling in, the children are working on name writing and mark making. Through mark making the children are learning that the lines and symbols we draw on a page convey messages to others.
Reception - Children have been reading Teddy Goes to School. This this supporting them with mark making across the provision, learning about the different letter and sound correspondence, as well as continuing to work on name writing activities.
Year 1 - The children are working on understanding feelings that you can have, especially at the start of the school year. They are learning this through reading the book Ruby's Worries. They are writing stories about different feelings and why they might feel this way.
Year 2 - In year 2, a spaceship crash landed in the playground and an alien escaped! The children have been creating missing posters for Beegu the alien and have been working on retelling the story while they write complete sentences and use adjective to make their writing interesting.
Year 3 - In English, the children are learning about fables and how to write a story that has a clear moral. They are learning about how these messages help to teach a lesson that is key to understanding the world around them.
Year 4 - The children are currently researching facts about London tourist destinations and the River Thames, as they write tourist guides enticing people to come and visit lesson. This supports children with their geographic understanding of rivers while supporting their non-fiction writing skills.
Year 5 - In Beech and Willow, the children have been using their new knowledge about Ancient Greece to support their writing in English. The children have been working on writing descriptions about Greek Gods using adventurous vocabulary and phrases with adjectives.
Year 6 - Maple and Sycamore and busy applying their newly acquired knowledge and understanding of the Vikings to support their writing of descriptive settings and myths. The language that the children are using in their writing has demonstrated a wonderful control of language
Mr Vernalls, Mr Sinko, and Mrs Foreman have enjoyed seeing all the children across the school so proud of their wonderful work! The energy and excitement for writing is a lovely sight!
New Staff at Southwark Park Primary School
We have many new staff this year, as some of our teachers moved out of London to start their next chapter in life. Below are the new staff members that have joined our school.
Please make them feel welcomed and supported as they learn the ropes of Southwark Park Primary School. Below are their pictures so you can learn who they are by name. Also, remember that now ALL staff are going by their surnames.
Upcoming Events
New School Council
One of our British Values is Democracy and the children at Southwark Park have held a fair democratic election to select our new school council members. As school councillors, the representatives are responsible for being the pupil voice for their class and our school. The school council also acts as our Rights Respecting Gold Team. Through this added responsibility, the children are expected to model the rights of the child throughout the school community and
The school councillors will be meeting a couple times a months to discuss new initiatives that will make our school even better. We will also be continuing our work round a project that will have a wider impact on the wider community beyond the school gates. Currently, the school council is looking at how we can make the park even better and more sustainable with the support of the council. We look forward to working with these new leaders as they develop skills that are critical for being productive members of our wider society. Next week we will take a picture of all of the children and give them their new pins. We will also have our first meeting to make sure that all of the children understand the importance of their upcoming role.
There will also be many other pupil roles that will be available or displayed in the front entry. If you child comes home with one of the application forms, please encourage them to complete these as soon as possible and return it to their class teacher. Once all of the pictures are up, please take a moment to see our wonderful school leaders!
Meet and Greet
Thank you so much for joining us at the beginning of the year meet and greets! Your presence and enthusiasm truly set a positive tone for the upcoming school year. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to connect with new families. Your engagement demonstrates a strong commitment to our school community, and it’s this partnership that makes all the difference in our students’ success.
We appreciate the time you took to learn about our programs and meet our dedicated staff. Your support and involvement are vital as we work together to create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our children. We look forward to an exciting year ahead and to continuing our collaboration in fostering a love of learning in each of our students. Thank you once again for being an essential part of our school community!
If you were not able to attend, please click on the links below to access the key documents from the Meet and Greet sessions. We have also included the Zones of regulation videos below, as a reminder about how we support and develop pupils behaviour and understanding of emotions. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to your child(ren)'s teacher(s) at the end of the school day.
We have partnered up with Groundwork. As an organisation, they provide support to pupils and families to ensure children with challenging behaviours and anxiety are supported. The Groundwork professionals come into school once a week to deliver lessons on emotional awareness and regulation. They also work with parents at school to ensure that they have the support they need to raise happy, healthy children.
If you are in need of support or would like to someone to talk to about any challenges or worries you are having about your children, please come along to the coffee morning that Groundwork is putting on at Southwark Park Primary School. Please see the poster below for more details, or if you would like more details, please speak to Ms Foreman or Ms Bushnell.
Uniform Policy at Southwark Park Primary School
It is a requirement that children come to school with the correct school uniform everyday. This includes the correct footwear. As a school, we do not expect pupils to come in uniform with the school logo; however, they should be dressed in the correct colour of clothing.
If you are finding that you are running low on uniform or that your child is growing too fast, please feel free to stop by our uniform shop under the blue staircase, as the start of end of the day. All of these items are washed and dried before being added to the uniform shop. If you are able, we ask that you leave a donation of £1 to cover the cost of laundry detergent, but this is not necessary.
Below is a photo of our uniform expectations. Please speak to Ms Foreman or Ms Bushnell if you need any additional support with uniform as we can support you with grants that will cover the cost of uniform.
Remember to checkout our school calendar on our webpage to see all the upcoming events and special dates for children. Please let a member of staff know if you have any questions!
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