Hillside News Brief

May 17, 2024
What's Happening at Hillside?
Important Dates for You to Know
Monday, May 20 - Field Day 5-6 (all day)
Tuesday, May 21 - 1:45-3:00pm Traditional Staff v. 6th Graders Kickball Game (on the North Field)
Wednesday, May 22 - 9:15-11:15 am 6th Grade Rocket Launch
Wednesday, May 22 - Jump Up Day for Students at School
Friday, May 24 - 10:45am - 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony with pizza lunch for students following
Friday, May 24 - Last Day of School (dismissal at NOON) - lunch will be served (alternate schedule)
Summer Screen Time
Screen time and social media usage has become a very normal, and oftentimes the most preferred activity for our students. As a parent, how do we know how much screen time is TOO much? How do we practice safety in social media usage? Challenging behaviors and other mental health concerns are sometimes directly tied to the negative effects of social media or simply from just too much screen time. The following “Just Kids Health” podcast from Children’s Hospital - Navigating Screens and Social Media - discusses healthy boundaries with screen time, including recommended amounts of screen time as well as the negative effects of too much. The accompanying graphic below is specific to the primary ages. The average amount of screen time for 11 to 14-year olds increases to 9 hours a day! If you are a parent wondering how you can create better balance and boundaries for your child, please reach out to our school counselor, Jenny Victor (victor.jennifer@westside66.net, 402-408-8462) for ideas!
The end of the school year is quickly approaching! Nebraska regulations require all medication left at school at the end of the school year be discarded. This includes inhalers and Epinephrine. The school is not able to allow your child to take the medication home themselves; a parent/guardian must pick it up!
The last day of school is usually very busy, and sometimes picking up medication is forgotten. We suggest, if possible, you plan to pick up medication from our health room early in the final week of school, leaving just enough medication for the remaining school days. This does not apply to inhalers and Epinephrine, as those medicines must remain in the health room when the student who may require it is present. You can plan to pick up inhalers and Epinephrine on the last day of school.
We will be contacting you regarding medication that might be necessary for summer school. Thank you for your help!
The Hillside Health Room
Lynette Mullins, RN, CPN
Kathy Ecklebe, Health Room Assistant
TAGG Can Help Our School!
Summer Dates & Locations for One World Medical, 2024
PBiS Particulars
We are a PBiS school! PBiS stands for Positive Behavior Support and Intervention. PBiS does more than just recognize those students who are doing the right thing. PBiS can also help students who need to develop the skills necessary to be successful in school. As a team, we develop and refine plans for students who need a visual, a structure, feedback, and rewards to develop the skills of positive behavior.
We work on a Skill of the Week every week as a school. Look below for next week's skill!