Monk Fryston Newsletter 17.01.25
The school target for next week is;
Pupils who arrive after 9am will be marked as 'late'. The registers close at 9:10am, and in line with our policy any children arriving after this time will be classed as 'unauthorised absence'.
Collective Worship Value.
At the PTA EGM this week, a resolution was passed to revise the constitution. This means that wider family members, friends, and members of the community can now be members of the PTA. The revised constitution can be found on the PTA page of our website.
Do you have a spare water butt?
Do you have a water butt that is in good condition and could be donated to Saxton School? The Eco Warriors are looking to put one in the school grounds and are seeking to recycle one rather than purchase from new.
No nuts in school please.
Please be aware that we have children in school with a nut allergy. We would therefore appreciate it if children did not bring into school snacks that contain nuts.
Can you help us?
We are planning to fill in the trenches on the field before Easter so that it is more level for PE etc. This will involve wheelbarrowing topsoil into place and sowing grass seed on top. We will be asking for adult volunteers for this, so please consider if you are able to offer any time. Details, including dates, will be sent around half term.
Sports Day.
Sports day will take place on Friday 20th June (as long as the field is accessible then).
Some children are coming in items that are not uniform (clothing and jewellery) . Please refer to our uniform policy which can be found on our website.
Message from North Yorkshire Police.
A regular complaint the Neighbourhood Policing Team receives is parking outside of schools during drop off and pick up times.
To ensure the safety of the children we ask all parents and guardians to adhere to parking restrictions set outside each school.
When picking up or dropping off children at schools, you should do the following:
• Allow yourself plenty of time as the area is likely to be busy.
• Do not park on yellow zigzag lines and ideally avoid parking opposite them.
• If you decide to park further away, please be considerate of residents and avoid blocking driveways or access ways.
Dangerous parking outside school gates has long been an issue locally with repeated calls for patrols made to police on social media.
More patrols are set to be targeted as part of our patrol plan over the coming weeks.
Your assistance is appreciated with this matter.
Vacancies for a General Teaching Assistant & a Mid-day Supervisory Assistant
We have 2 vacancies, please see the information below for full details. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Mrs McLachlan admin@mf.starmat.uk or 01977 682388.
GTA - https://mynewterm.com/jobs/145778/EDV-2025-MFCEPS-40985
MSA - https://mynewterm.com/jobs/145778/EDV-2025-MFCEPS-54773
NHS Pharmacy First Service
Did you know that the NHS Pharmacy First Service enables children and adults to get convenient access to healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate, for seven common conditions without the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment? Accessing the service may mean that can help children feel better and back to school as quickly as possible, as well as supporting parents/carers to also get better if they are unwell with one of the conditions covered under the service.
There is no need to make an appointment; parents or carers can pop into their local Boots pharmacy with their child and ask for help under the service.
Support for the following conditions can be accessed under the service, free of charge (unless NHS prescription charges apply):
E-scooters - message from North Yorkshire Police.
Hillam & Monk Fryston Cricket Club
2025 is set to be another exciting season at Hillam & Monk Fryston Cricket Club, and we're inviting junior players to come along to indoor training starting next week.
If your child has played cricket before or would like to just come and see what it's all about, why not join us at the Outwood Academy sports hall, Favell Avenue, Normanton, WF6 1HZ starting at 6pm on 24 January. Sessions will run from 6pm to 7pm on 24th and 31st January, 21st and 28th February and 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th March.
We'll have hardball nets for Under 15s and Under 13s. Under 11 and Under 9 softball players will have a dedicated net. We're also very keen to see more girls join us, and all coaches are fully trained and DBS certified. For more info email juniorcricket@hmfcc.co.uk
Monk Fryston & Hillam Playgroup
Football Coach needed at MF Football Club.
Events that might be of interest -
Upcoming diary dates - also check calendar for new events or changes.
11th - Safer Internet Day
12th - Y3/4 York Chocolate Story
14th - Y5 Young Voices
14th - Break up.
24th - Return to school
Online Suggestions Box.
We have set up an online suggestions box. Scan this QR code if you want to give feedback on our school (non-urgent enquiries only please). The QR code is also on the parent noticeboards in school. Alternatively click the link below for direct access to the form.
Free school meals for all years for pupils whose families receive financial support.
If you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child could also qualify for free school meals during all school years. To qualify you must be receiving:
Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods (£616.67 per month)
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guarantee element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit, provided you are also not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual household gross income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by HMRC)
Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Please note that contributions-based benefits, including contribution-related Jobseekers' Allowance do not entitle you to claim free school meals.
You will receive an instant decision on whether your application is successful. If it is, we will fully process the application in 5 working days and notify the school. Once the school has received this your child can begin enjoying free school meals. You should continue to pay until confirmation comes through. Schools may be able to arrange reimbursement of payment made while your entitlement is being confirmed.
Free school meals claims cannot be backdated. They are awarded from the date we receive the application, once eligibility is confirmed. This is because there is a legal requirement for a request to be made, before a free school meal can be provided. If you are not entitled to free school meals, you will be notified in writing.
Monk Fryston C of E Primary School
Monk Fryston
LS25 5PN
Tel 01977 682388
Email admin@mf.starmat.uk
Email: admin@mf.starmat.uk
Website: https://monkfryston.n-yorks.sch.uk
Location: Monk Fryston C Of E Primary School, Chestnut Green, Monk Fryston, Leeds, UK
Phone: 01977 682388
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonkFrystonSch/
Twitter: @MonkFrystonSch