DC Counseling Update
Dec. 2020
Did You Miss the 10th Grade ACC Career Presentation?
Passcode: @E%1UK?q
Those she/her/hers at the end of email messages are more than a passing trend.
For Canvas!
For Email!
Anxiety and Perfectionism: 3 Ways to Help Your Stressed-Out Teen Cope
Is perfectionism and the pressures of daily life creating anxiety in your teen? Does your teen have difficulties starting or completing a new task for fear that he or she will fail? Is your teen struggling with schoolwork or participating in after-school or athletic activities?
For many teenagers today, aiming for perfection and the overwhelming fear of failure is an unfortunate reality. When these teens are “high-achievers,” they will often set lofty goals and assume complete failure if their goal isn’t met with sheer precision and perfection.
These teens run the risk of constant disappointment, which can lead to the development of anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, as well as family and peer conflict. In order to mitigate the potential effects of perfectionism and related anxiety, consider the following strategies to help your teen find more balance in their daily life:
Encourage your teenager to consider goals that feel realistic and manageable, while still aiming for a challenge. It can be helpful to have conversations at the start of the new school year or after finals with your teen about his or her expectations.
This can be a great opportunity to help your teen modify or eliminate goals that may be too overwhelming. Perhaps taking three AP classes may be too much. Instead, encourage your teen to participate in one or two advanced classes, so they are able to dedicate their time to a challenge, while also finding time for self-care, social events, and after-school sports and activities.
Perfectionism is often associated with negative and self-defeating thoughts. These irrational thoughts will only exacerbate your teen’s anxiety and make it more challenging to find small successes and the necessary confidence within themselves. Teens will often engage in “all or nothing” thinking, such as complete failure or straight A’s. Teens may also think in catastrophic ways. For instance, “If I get a B on this chemistry test, I’ll blow my chances of getting accepted to my college of choice.”
Encourage your teen to use a basic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique called cognitive reframing, where he or she can challenge the irrational thoughts. Help your teen replace the problematic thought with a more positive thought or fact that is more grounded in reality. Once your teen can change their negative self-talk, they are likely to feel less anxious and experience an increase in mood.
For example, we can change “I failed my math quiz and now I’m going to fail the class” to “I didn’t do my best on this quiz, but I have many opportunities to ask my teacher for help and the remainder of the semester to work hard.”
Foster a safe space for your teen to express their emotions and talk about their stressors. Often times, having an outlet and using healthy emotional expression skills can drastically reduce the pressures and decrease the anxiety your teen is experiencing.
Encourage your teen to cope in positive and healthy ways, rather than internalizing and shutting down. Avoid negative coping skills, such as immersing themselves in screens and electronics or napping to avoid the stress. Validate your teen’s concerns and anxieties while also challenging him or her to cope in healthy ways. This will look different for each teenager, but can include playing sports or talking with his or her peers, listening to music, going for a run, journaling, drawing, or even downloading a breathing or guided mediation app on their smartphone.
Talk with your teen about how he or she can view mistakes as opportunities to learn, rather than total failures. Model positive self-talk and encourage your teen to “aim high” without resorting to perfectionism and self-defeating patterns of thinking in their academic and social worlds.
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”
– J. K. Rowling
Google Meet Links
https://meet.google.com/qjf-scxd-pof - Art Link
https://meet.google.com/ffc-wiem-qwt - Music
https://meet.google.com/uqa-ytnz-icx?hs=122&authuser=0 - Video Games
Comprehensive list of local resources during Covid-19.
Douglas County Human Services - Able to provide on-line and services for
● Medicaid
● Food assistance
● Financial assistance
● Child care
● Child support
● General emergency assistance
● Child and adult protection
General/Emergency Assistance - Online Application
Colorado Peak - Online human services application. https://coloradopeak.secure.force.com/
Douglas County Government Services- https://www.douglas.co.us/covid19/
Colorado Labor and Employment - Resources for workers and employers.
Job assistance: Arapahoe/Douglas Works! - http://www.adworks.org/
Tri-County Health Department - http://www.tchd.org/818/Coronavirus-COVID-19
Call Center Phone: 720-200-1505 or callcenter@tchd.org
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment-
RENTAL ASSISTANCE. cdola.colorado.gov/rental-assistance.
Due to the fluidity of the situation, residents are urged to contact the organizations below about
the timing and availability of food distribution.
Help and Hope Center - https://www.helpandhopecenter.org/ Phone: 303-688-1114
Parker Task Force - https://www.parkertaskforce.org/ Phone: 303-841-3460
SECOR Cares - https://www.secorcares.com/ Phone- 720-842-5621
Manna Care - https://chcc.org/help-me-grow/manna/ Phone: 303-791-4100
Douglas County School District Nutrition Services- https://www.dcsdnutritionservices.org/
The Rock Church Castle Rock- https://www.therock.org/get-help/
St. Vincent de Paul (Castle Rock) - http://svdpcr.org/ Phone: 303-847-2606
United Way - 211
Aging/Older Adults
Aging Resources of Douglas County - Supportive services for Douglas
County residents 60 years or older and those living with a disability.
Phone: 303-814-4300
911- For all medical and mental health emergencies.
COVID-19 Testing Information- https://covid19.colorado.gov/how-get-tested
Colorado Crisis Services - 24-hour mental health hotline.
Phone: 844-493-TALK (8255)
AllHealth Network - Mental health services. https://www.allhealthnetwork.org/ Phone: 303-730-
8858 24 Hour Crisis Line: 303-730-3303
The Crisis Center - Comprehensive services for victims of physical, emotional or financial
abuse by a loved one. 24 Hour Crisis Line: 303-688-8484
Douglas County Human Services - Medicaid enrollment. Phone: 303-688-4825
Developmental Pathways - Services for individuals with developmental disabilities/delays and
their families. https://www.dpcolo.org/ Phone: 303-360-6600
The Douglas County Youth & Family Resource Guide for Multilingual Resources
211 Colorado • Just dial 211 or 1-866-760-6489 • Denver call center operated through Mile High United way, also available at 303561-2111. If you are hearing impaired, you can reach 2-1-1 by calling Relay Colorado 711 or 1-800-659-2656. • Free hotline for health and human services information and referrals. Calls are confidential. Most call centers have Spanish-speaking referral specialists. Provides daily updates on availability of emergency shelter. • https://211colorado.communityos.org/cms/home
The Blue Bench • 24-hour sexual assault hotline: 303-322-7273 Toll Free 1-888-394-8044 Spanish: 303-329-0031 • Community resource to help survivors of sexual assault and abuse ages 13 and older. Crisis intervention, case management, counseling, and other support is available. All identities, backgrounds, and experiences are welcome. • https://thebluebench.org/
Blue Guide Colorado • Online tool to locate health resources for the uninsured, including both healthcare providers and organizations that can help people apply for coverage. Website available in English and Spanish. • http://blueguide.cohealthinitiative.org/
The Center for Trauma & Resilience • 24/7 English Hotline: 303-894-8000 24/7 Spanish Hotline: 303-718-8289 711 Relay Colorado for the Hearing Impaired • Crime victim assistance, crisis intervention and counseling, and emergency financial assistance for crime victims. Also offers Legal Immigration Clinic assisting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault with gaining legal permanent residence status. Interpreters available. • http://www.traumahealth.org
Colorado Crisis and Support Line • Crisis Line: 1-844-493-8255 • Free, confidential 24/7 hotline for mental health, substance abuse issues, information and referrals for problems at home, work or school. Translation services for over 150 languages available for non-English speakers. • http://www.metrocrisisservices.org/
Colorado Housing Connects • 1-844-926-6632 • Hotline and website providing information for renters, homeowners, landlords, older adults, and disabled individuals. Resources on fair housing, tenant-landlord issues, foreclosure prevention, energy assistance, reverse mortgage counseling, and more. Website and hotline available in Spanish. • http://www.coloradohousingconnects.org
Colorado ID Project • 1905 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203 • Assistance for people seeking documentation of their identity and immigration or citizenship status who have been unable to obtain their ID because of financial and other barriers. Walk-in appointments Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. at Colorado Legal Services. Check in on 4th floor. Space is limited, arriving early is encouraged. Please bring any documents related to your case. • https://coloradoidproject.wordpress.com
Lutheran Family Services does a lot of work with refugees. If they are not refugees, I tend to refer them to Catholic Charities Immigration Services. They also have an office in Castle Rock. They don't need to be Catholic to go there. Maria Pardo works there and she is bilingual.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) • ICE Incident Hotline: 1-844-864-8341 • 2525 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 300 Denver, CO 80219 • 303-922-3344 • Immigrant advocacy organization that provides information about immigration policy, local political action, and referrals to immigrant service
4 DCYI Resource Guide for Spanish Speaking Families
providers. Operates the Colorado Rapid Response to Raids network to document incidents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers. • http://coloradoimmigrant.org/
Hunger Free Colorado Hotline • Denver: 720-382-2920 • Statewide toll-free: 1-855-855-4626 • Bilingual English-Spanish free hotline to connect people to both public and private food assistance programs. Offers assistance with navigating food programs, screens for federal nutrition assistance programs, assists with applying for food stamps by phone. Confidential and open to all individuals regardless of immigration status. • https://www.hungerfreecolorado.org
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline • Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 Spanish: 1-888-628-9454 • Free, confidential 24/7 suicide prevention hotline for anyone in crisis or emotional distress. Provides assistance and referrals. Translation services for over 150 languages available for non-English speakers. • http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Energy Outreach Colorado • 225 E. 16th Ave., Ste. 200 Denver, CO 80203 • 303-825-8750 • Referrals to energy assistance agencies and help with Low-Income Energy Assistance (LEAP) questions. Spanish-speaking staff are available. • http://www.energyoutreach.org/
Catholic Charities Immigration Services • 6240 Smith Rd. Denver, CO 80216 • 303-742-4971 • Provides legal assistance to low-income immigrants throughout Colorado, including deportation defense, naturalization, and family visa processing. Offers legal aid nights and community trainings on immigration law. Consulting fees may apply. • https://ccdenver.org/immigration-services/
The Center for Trauma and Resilience • P.O. Box 18975 Denver, CO 80218 • Hotline: 303-894- 8000 (English), 303-718-8289 (Spanish) • Mi Gente VAWA Legal Solutions program provides pro bono immigration services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. This includes assistance with U-Visas and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions. Also offers crisis intervention for victims of crime, as well as trauma counseling, case management, support groups, advocacy, and referrals. • http://www.traumahealth.org/how-we-help
Centro San Juan Diego Legal Night • 2830 Lawrence St. Denver, CO 80205 • 303-295-9470 • Centro’s Legal Night offers free legal information from volunteer attorneys in the following areas: immigration, credit, housing, employment, landlord/tenant issues, and family law. Legal night occurs on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7:00 p.m. No appointment necessary. • https://centrosanjuandiego.org/en/legal-night
Colorado ID Project • Assists low-income, disabled, homeless, and elderly people seeking documentation of their identity and immigration or citizenship status in order to obtain healthcare, public benefits, housing, transportation, employment and secure other essential human rights. Intake for new clients every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am at Colorado Legal Services. • https://rb.gy/2fpbzn
Colorado Law Project • Online gateway to information on low-cost and free legal services, legal forms, and research guides on topics such as finding a lawyer, child custody, landlord/tenant disputes, and victim’s rights. • https://rb.gy/3q5td6
Colorado Legal Services • 1905 Sherman St., Ste. 400 Denver, CO 80203 • 303-837-1313 • Legal services for low-income individuals on civil matters, including domestic violence, housing issues,
5 DCYI Resource Guide for Spanish Speaking Families
healthcare, and public benefits. Also offers “know your rights” trainings. Spanish-speaking staff are available. • http://www.coloradolegalservices.org
Colorado Legal Services: Migrant Farm Worker Division • 1905 Sherman St., Ste. 400 Denver, CO 80203 • 1-800-864-4330, 303-866-9366 • Provides education, advocacy and legal representation to farm workers in Colorado. This division focuses on wages, contracts, working conditions, civil rights and immigration. • http://www.coloradofarmworkers.org/
Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Clinic (JAMLAC) Mile High Ministries • 913 N. Wyandot St. Denver, CO 80204 • 303-839-1008 • Offers victim assistance and legal consultation at clinics throughout Denver on topics such as divorce, child custody, immigration, and bankruptcy. • http://jamlac.org/services/
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains - Immigration Legal Services • 1600 Downing St., Ste. 600 Denver, CO 80218 • 303-980-5400 • 1-877-372-1264 • Legal services for refugees and asylees, including help with permanent residential status, employment authorization, and visas. Also offers naturalization assistance for immigrants who are eligible. Provides refugee resettlement services and case management. • https://www.lfsrm.org/
Littleton Immigrant Resource Center • Bemis Public Library 6014 S. Datura St. Littleton, CO 80120 • 303-795-3968 • Offers eligibility screening and naturalization application assistance. Also offers citizenship instruction, English tutoring and a resource center. • https://rb.gy/yuzwhq
Mi Casa Resource Center Legal Clinic • 345 S. Grove St. Denver, CO 80219 • 303-573-1302 • Mi Casa’s Legal Clinic offers free legal information from volunteer attorneys in the following areas: immigration, credit, housing, employment, landlord/tenant issues, and family law. Legal Night occurs on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Must call or go online to make an appointment. • https://rb.gy/axjcxz
Mil Mujeres Legal Services • 5350 Leetsdale Dr., Ste. G-150 Denver, CO 80246 • 720-445-9891 • Offers immigration legal services to low-income individuals in the Latino community, specializing in immigration benefits for survivors of violent crimes in the United States. Also provides representations in applying for and matters related to U-Visas T-Visas, VAWA Self-Petitions & Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Free consultation by appointment. • http://www.milmujeres.org
One Colorado • 1490 Lafayette St., Ste. 304 Denver, CO 80218 • 303-396-6170 • Provides information and referrals for LGBTQ individuals and families with immigration and deportation concerns. Also offers assistance for the LGBTQ community at large, with issues including discrimination in employment and housing, help in obtaining health care, and more. • http://www.one- colorado.org
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) • 3489 W. 72nd Ave., Ste. 211 Westminster, CO 80030 • 303-433-2812 • Hotline for Individuals in Immigration Detention: 303-866- 9308 • Free immigration legal services for individuals in immigration detention and their children. Provides education, advocacy, and “know your rights” presentations, and helps to coordinate legal representation for this population. Spanish speaking staff are available. • http://www.rmian.org/
6 DCYI Resource Guide for Spanish Speaking Families
Servicios de la Raza • 3131 W. 14th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 • 303-458-5851 • Offers basic emergency services, including job and housing assistance, mental health services, assistance for victims of domestic violence, case management, and youth programs. Provides help accessing public services and filling out forms. Offers re-entry services for people who have been incarcerated. • http://www.serviciosdelaraza.org/
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) • Denver Field Office: 12484 E. Weaver Pl. Centennial, CO 80111 • National Customer Service Center (NCSC): 1-800-375-5283 NCSC TDD for hearing impaired: 1-800-767-1833 • Online source for information on immigration and citizenship, including forms and instructions, practice tests, and resources for both immigrants and service providers. Walk-in services are not available. • http://www.uscis.gov/
Interpreter Network of Colorado (INoC) • 1373 Grant St. Denver, CO 80203 • 303-831-4151 • 1- 888-499-7996 • Interpretation and translation services by trained and certified professionals. Over 80 languages are represented. Call for fees and scheduling. • http://www.interpreternetwork.org/
Colorado Association of Professional Interpreters • P.O. Box 40664 Denver, CO 80204 • Professional association for interpreters in Colorado. Provides online directory for interpreters in the state. • http://coloradointerpreters.org/
Colorado Language Connection with Asian Pacific Development Center • 1537 Alton St. Aurora, CO 80010 • 303-923-2945 • Fee-for-service language translation and interpretation offered in 80 languages specializing in fields of healthcare, business, and education. • https://www.coloradolanguageconnection.org/
Translation and Interpreting Center, Center for Trauma and Resilience • P.O. Box 18975 Denver, CO 80218 • 303-996-0976 • Provides free translation and interpretation services for victims of crime, and fee-based services for other needs such as business and healthcare. Over 40 languages are represented, including American Sign Language. • http://www.ticenterdenver.com/
Crisis Counseling Program CCP is a FEMA-funded program designated to assist individuals and communities in recovering from the effects of COVID-19 through community-based outreach and educational services. CCP assists those impacted or affected by COVID-19 in helping them understand their current situation and reactions, mitigate stress, develop coping strategies, provide emotional support, and provides resources & referrals. We also provide group crisis counseling, individual counseling, and public education. Our services are at no cost and confidential. Our hotline number is 720.410.7108 and is available 7 days a week from 8am – 6pm. I have attached our flyer. Do you mind sharing this resource with community members that may need additional support, our services are provided in English & Spanish. We are more than happy to set up a virtual meeting as well.
7 DCYI Resource Guide for Spanish Speaking Families
Douglas County Specific
Manna Connect
Family Partnerships and Communication:
What are my resources for communicating with families?
Connection/ Conexión Parent Facebook Group