Mills Elementary Weekly
Principal Update April 17, 2023- April 21, 2023
It is Earth Week in Austin ISD
This week in all classrooms, we will discuss ways we can take care of our campus, city and planet.
Parent Input Forms for SY 23-24
Dear Mills Families,
We have included the Class Placement Considerations form for the upcoming 23-24 school year. Before you complete it, please take a moment to read about the class placement process. Thank you for your support and partnership. The form will close April 28.
If you have questions, please reach out to the Mills Administrative Team.
A note about the class placement process:
- Completion of the form is optional- it is NOT required.
- Parent requests for specific teachers are not accepted. Please DO NOT indicate the name of a specific teacher on your input form. Information should focus on your child and not on a specific teacher.
- While parent input is a valued piece of the puzzle, creating balanced classes is an intricate process that requires input from teachers, administrators, and counselors.
- Final placement will be shared a few days prior to the start of school due to students enrolling and withdrawing throughout the summer.
- This input form closes Friday, April 28th.
STAAR Testing Information for Families
State testing is around the corner for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Mountain Lions on April 24, April 27, and May 3rd. Thank you for your support and partnership to help us ensure that our students have the best learning environment for testing.
Your child's teacher shared the (attached) letter with you. Please reach out to the Mills Administrative team if you have questions. We are here to support!
Important Reminders
Lunch visitors will not be allowed on campus on 4/24, 4/27, and 5/3.
Chrome books, chargers and headphones will be left at school this weekend to ensure that students have fully charged computers the following Monday.
Please help your child pack a healthy snack that is quick and easy to eat. If your child forgets a snack, we will provide one.
Smart watches and devices will be collected before students begin testing.
This Week & Looking Ahead
Earth Week Kick Off
Happy Birthday, Heather Karn!
Tuesday, April 18
1st Grade Field Trip - Inner Space Caverns
Wednesday, April 19
Thursday, April 20
Book Character Parade PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade (see flyer below)
Friday, April 21
Saturday, April 22
Happy Earth Day!
Looking Ahead
April 24- STAAR Reading 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
April 25- PTA Internet Awesome Info Session for Families, 7:00pm-8:30pm
April 27- STAAR Science, 5th Grade
May 3- STAAR Math 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
May 3- Caregiver Coffee with Special Guests 3:30pm, Library
May 5- Cinco de Mayo Student Performances
May 8- May 12 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
May 12- Kindergarten Advancement Program 8:30am
May 12- PreK Splash Day
May 16- Gifted & Talented Showcase
May 17- Senior Walk
May 18- 5th Grade Musical
May 19- PreK Moving On Celebration
May 22- 4th Grade Living Wax Museum, 7:45a-9:30am Cafeteria
May 25- 5th Grade Advancement Ceremony
May 25- Last Day of School
Organic & Locally Grown Salad Served in the Mills Cafeteria
Adult lunch: $4.50
Student lunch: $3.15 (Free and reduced lunches are available to students who qualify)