Gladstone Community Message # 20
January 2025
Gladstone @ Waterman
Email: acorsolatos@cpsed.net
Website: https://waterman.cpsed.net
Location: 722 Pontiac Avenue Cranston, RI 02910
Phone: (401)270-8013
Facebook: Gladstone Elementary School
Message from the Principal
Our Gladstone team has made it through year one in our transition to Barrows and Waterman. This was not any easy move for any of our students, families, or staff but we survived and are moving forward! Our goals this year are to continue to improve our social-emotional initiatives and our strategies and instruction to improve our students’ academic achievement. We have prioritized students' academic and social emotional skills so that they are prepared to succeed in their futures. Our goal is to promote a safe school environment that is based on respect, kindness, and high academic achievement. We also strive to provide fun and enriching opportunities for our students, such as field trips and school events that involve our parents’ participation. In addition to our focus on SEL and student achievement we are working on building our knowledge of and comfort in 21st Century Learning Environments. This includes flexible seating, changing the traditional classrooms, and PBL. These changes will prepare us for a smooth transition to the new Gladstone! We are not only a team at Gladstone, but we are also a family. Together, our dedicated staff and remarkable students are proud to be Gladstone Elementary School Huskies!
Amy Vachon
Weekly Message
Good afternoon Gladstone @ Waterman families,
There is no school Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Students are completing middle of the year testing. It is very important that students arrive on time and are in school to complete their testing.
With the weather changing we would really appreciate you sending your students to school with winter coats. We do go outside all year (weather permitting) so it is very important for students to have a coat.
Our handbook permissions are now going to be completed through ASPEN. Here is a guide to help you through the permissions in ASPEN. If you need help logging in to ASPEN please call the main office 401-270-8013.
If you are dropping students off and picking up at school you CAN NOT park on Mapleton Avenue this interferes with our buses. If you are dropping off a student and getting out of the car please park on Tennyson Road.
Survey Works!
Dear Families:
The Rhode Island Department of Education is currently administering its annual SurveyWorks
Family Survey, which is an opportunity for family members to provide feedback about our
school community and our children’s opportunities to learn. The survey results are most useful
when all families participate, so I am writing to ask you to participate in this survey.
Your views on matters like the safety of your child at school, the way students are taught, the
condition of the school, and how connected you feel to this school are important. By taking this
short survey, you can help our school leadership and school community to make
improvements. Responses are anonymous and cannot be linked to any individual; no one can
tie your responses back to you.
You can take the short survey online between January 21 and March 31. To take the survey,
visit: bit.ly/ridefamily. Choose your school from the dropdown list.
Thank you
Here are the steps to complete the survey:
Step 1: Visit bit.ly/ridefamily
Step 2: You have now accessed the family survey. There is a drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner: select English, Spanish, or Portuguese.
Step 3: Click where it says select and look for your child’s school in the drop-down menu. Once you find the school, click on “Take this Survey.”
Step 4: For each question, select the answers that best apply to your experience and beliefs. Once finished, click “Submit,” and you are done!
Estimados padres:
El Departamento de Educación de Rhode Island está realizando su Encuesta anual para padres en
SurveyWorks, una oportunidad para que los padres nos hagan llegar comentarios sobre nuestra escuela y sobre las oportunidades de aprendizaje de nuestros niños. Los resultados de la encuesta son más valiosos cuando participan todos los padres, por lo que le estoy escribiendo para pedirle que participeen esta encuesta. Son muy importantes sus puntos de vista sobre la seguridad de sus hijos en la escuela, las formas en que se imparte enseñanza a sus hijos, las condiciones de la escuela y qué grado de conexión tiene usted con esta escuela. Al completar esta breve encuesta, ayudará al liderazgo de nuestra escuela y a nuestra organización de padres-maestros a introducir mejoras en nuestra escuela. Las respuestas son anónimas y no pueden vincularse con ninguna persona; nadie puede relacionar sus respuestas con usted.
Usted podrá completar esta breve encuesta en línea o en papel, entre del 21 de enero al 31 de marzo.
Para tomar la encuesta, visite: bit.ly/ridefamily
Muchas gracias.
Primer Paso: Visite bit.ly/ridefamily
Segundo Paso: Ya ha accedido a la encuesta familiar. Hay un menú desplegable en la esquina superior del lado izquierdo: seleccione Español (Spanish).
Tercer Paso: Ahora presione el botón “seleccione” y busque la escuela de su hijo/hija en el menú desplegable. Una vez que encuentre la escuela, presione "Responder Esta Encuesta".
Cuarto Paso: Para cada pregunta, seleccione las respuestas que mejor se apliquen a su experiencia y creencias. Una vez que haya terminado, presione el botón "Enviar", ¡y listo!
Primer Paso: Visite bit.ly/ridefamily
Segundo Paso: Ya ha accedido a la encuesta familiar. Hay un menú desplegable en la esquina superior del lado izquierdo: seleccione Español (Spanish).
Tercer Paso: Ahora presione el botón “seleccione” y busque la escuela de su hijo/hija en el menú desplegable. Una vez que encuentre la escuela, presione "Responder Esta Encuesta".
Cuarto Paso: Para cada pregunta, seleccione las respuestas que mejor se apliquen a su experiencia y creencias. Una vez que haya terminado, presione el botón "Enviar", ¡y listo!
*Please arrive on time for school. We are only serving breakfast to students from 8:35-8:50am.
*Please make sure your students know if they ride a bus or are getting picked up. All dismissal changes need to be entered into this form by 2:00.
* Please do not park in our staff parking lot. We have limited parking and only enough parking for our staff. If you need assistance with your child in the morning please contact the school and we will try our best to accommodate.
*Please send a refillable water bottle to school with your child.
* We will NOT dismiss to someone who is not on the emergency care card and we will NOT dismiss without a written note if a student is leaving early. Please return lunch applications and Parent Compacts as soon as possible.
*We are NOT dismissing students after 2:30pm.
* Please review the district family involvement policy as well as our parent engagement plan.
New Gladstone Construction Update
Tissue Donations
Gladstone is in need of TISSUES! If you can donate a box to the school, we would greatly appreciate it!
Upcoming Events
1/20 - No School MLK Jr. Day
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Community Information
No new updates!
Parents & Teachers of Gladstone
Thank you to all of the families and teachers that attended our meeting on Wednesday. Please be sure to join us on February 12th for our next meeting. (meet.google.com/wwj-umzz-ysb)
Please join our Parents and Teachers of Gladstone Page on Facebook!
Family Center/COZ Partnership
Our Family Center Liaison is Grace Swinkski: gswinski@cpsed.net
The Family Center/COZ works directly with all Title I schools in the district. Title I is based on the free/reduced lunch population. We provide help & guidance with resources for you & your family. We also sponsor family events both in the schools and in the community. Our office is open year round, please reach out with any questions 270-8078.
Please join our Facebook Group!
We have a Facebook account for Gladstone Elementary School. This will be another way we'll be able to communicate information to you all quickly. If you use Facebook we recommend that you follow us.