Bridge Bulletin
September 15, 2023
Principal Chat
This week marks when our full schedule of rotations, including P90 reading groups, started. It takes that long, about four weeks, for the school and teachers to gather all of the data needed to make accurate decisions to create the groupings and arrange the staffing to best serve your child's needs, especially in reading. Teachers will continually gather and analyze data throughout the year and adjust groupings as needed. This is called "fluidity" of groups and it is important to keep our groups fluid to ensure your student receives the right level of instruction delivered at the right pacing.
Below you will find more information about P90 - an essential piece of Bridge's personalized learning experience for our 1st - 3rd grade students and this year, we have added one rotation of 4th graders as well.
Please note on Friday, September 22, there is NO SCHOOL for students. This is a "teacher workday". Of course, teachers work every day. However, this day is set aside specifically for teachers to sift through all of the data and to update the student's beginning of year (BOY) progress report. The progress report will be emailed to you as part of the child's personalized learning plan (PLP) or kindergarten learning plan (KLP) no later than September 26. More information about the progress report will be in next week's newsletter.
- September 22 (Teacher work day)
- October 9 - 13 (Fall Break)
- November 20 - 24 (Thanksgiving Break)
- December 18 - Jan. 1 (Christmas Break)
- Sept 26 - BOY Progress Reports available on the PLP or KLP
Please keep reading for more information about this past week and events for the upcoming weeks.
As always, thank you for CHOOSING Bridge and sharing your kids with us! We know you have lots of options in education and we are honored that you have made the choice to have your students attend our awesome school!
Lani Rounds
Stations and P90 Reading
In grades 1 - 3, and one rotation of 4th graders, one block of station time is replaced with P90 reading. During P90 students are grouped with peers based on data from multiple reading assessments - Imagine Learning, Acadience Reading, and a diagnostic phonics assessment. This data helps us know exactly which skill a child needs to work on. For example, does the child need to work on short vowel words or multi-syllable complex vowels or has the child mastered all vowel patterns? Then, for 30 minutes each day, during station time the student works with a para-educator in a small group to practice reading based on the specific skills he or she needs. This is in addition to the small group reading the student already receives with their teacher each day. With our P90 program our 1st - 3rd graders receive 90 minutes each day of differentiated and personalized reading instruction based on their reading needs through P90, Imagine Learning and small group instruction with their teacher. This doesn't include any of the special times that teachers have built into the day to specifically work on your child's personalized learning plan goals.
Beginning of Year (BOY) - Data
Below is the rest of the data showing the percentage of students who are at or above grade level in each grade based on assessment. The BOY data is just the benchmark for us - the starting place. Our days are spent on measuring and analyzing progress - the progress of individual students. That's the most important measure for us and we are sure is the important measure for you as well. On the progress report you will receive soon (due to you via your child's PLP or KLP via email by Sept. 26) you will see your child's BOY scores. Whether your child is above the grade level expectation, at the grade level expectation, or below the expectation, the focus needs to be on their individual growth. A child who is well below grade level can make growth that is well beyond that of typical peers though not reach grade level, and that growth must be acknowledged. A child who is well above grade level may hardly make any growth and our teachers know to look closely at that and find ways to engage and challenge the student so he or she continues to make the same growth as peers. If we only focused on "being at grade level" instead of the growth of individual students we would miss these nuances and not helping our students to the best of our ability. So, proficiency, the measurement of "who is at grade level" is a measure we track, but it isn't the heartbeat of Bridge. Individual student GROWTH is what we look at and where we focus our efforts. The growth we can start measuring after we know where students start.
Schoolwide Percentage at or Above Grade Level Beginning of Year (BOY)
- Acadience Reading = 51%
- Imagine Literacy = 33%
- Acadience Math = 32%
- Imagine Math = 24%
FFVP - Weekly Snacks
Visible Learning - Determination
I will....
- Set the right goals.
- Get moving.
- Face challenges.
- Not be discouraged by failure.
- Keep trying.
By using these visible learning traits each day students will become lifelong learners who are set up for success. Please use this same verbiage at home and recognize when your student is using this trait.
No Smoking or Vaping on School Grounds - State Law
The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act (UICAA) prohibits smoking and vaping at ALL elementary schools; this includes the premises on which those facilities are located (Utah Code 26-38-2).
Pedestrian Safety - CONSTRUCTION ZONE
Important Information from the Office
DOORS ARE LOCKED Ring the Bell - the bell is located near the window to the left of the front doors and is labeled with pointing arrows. There is a picture of this right here >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Once you ring the bell the office is notified with a phone call and a video. They will verify you are a person that should be admitted to the school. There is NOT a buzzer - the office will talk to you through the speaker and the little light to the right of the door will turn green to notify you the door is open. Then, once you get into the school the office door is ALSO locked. Wait patiently and the office will unlock this door for you as well. Currently, this light does not turn green - we are working to get that fixed. Instead, watch the office staff and they will signal to you to open the door.
BASE - Students must be on the BASE list to attend our after school program. On the flip side, if a student is on the BASE list, they will be kept in class for BASE. BASE runs Monday - Thursday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Pick up is AT 4:30. Our staff are scheduled to leave at 4:45 pm. PLEASE arrive no later than 4:45 to pick up your students. Dinner is served at 4:15 pm. Students who are checked out prior to 4:15 pm are NOT served dinner. Is is a requirement of the CACFP state contract as the FREE dinner is tied to the academic after-school program and students must attend 45 minutes of after school instruction to receive the free dinner. To make changes to your child's BASE schedule please call the school (801)499-5180 or email Mrs. Archuleta at Stacey@BridgeCharter.org
Student Check Out - all individuals who check out your child MUST be on the Aspire system and must bring ID to the school. If you need help with Aspire you can ask the front office for assistance (801)499-5180.
Day Care Parking ONLY - The fence along the west side of the north end of the school is for dar care vans ONLY. Please do not park there. These vans have NO WHERE else to park and cannot navigate our parking lot.
Label Jackets and Water Bottles - it is that time of year and our lost and found will start filling up with water bottles and jackets. Every couple of weeks we throw out the water bottles and donate the jackets and lost clothing items. Help us get your items to the right owner and label your kids' items.
2023-2024 Calendar
- Cutting Watch Me Learn tickets (stop by the office)
- Pulling weeds in the rock areas and park strips (we have all the area in front of the school and up 4800 S along the school fence).
- Using rakes and shovels to redistribute the gravel from the bottom of the retention area in front of the school to the top area to cover the black landscape screen.
- Parking lot duty before and after school (just check in at the office, put on a yellow vest and talk to Travis in the crosswalk for instructions)
Once your family has logged 30 volunteer hours they can stop by the front office and ask for a VOLUNTEER FROG. Then, write your family's name on the frog and tape the frog on our volunteer pond in the front foyer.
If you want to volunteer but do not have the time, you can donate $90 to cover the 30 hours. If you choose to donate, complete the volunteer form. You can donate in the office or by using our DONATE icon on the home page of our website.
Excuse an Absence
Weber Human Services - Stabilization and Mobile Response (SMR)
Maintaining a School Climate that is Free of Harassment and Discrimination
Bridge Elementary is committed to maintaining a school climate that is safe, welcoming, and free of harassment and discrimination. The School prohibits all forms of harassment, and it does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, marital status, or disability.
We encourage anyone who believes they (or someone else) have been subjected to harassment or discrimination at the School to file a complaint with the School’s Principal, Lani Rounds. The School will promptly investigate and resolve all such complaints in accordance with School policy.
If you would like to learn more about how the School handles complaints of harassment or discrimination, please review the School’s Notice of Nondiscrimination, Civil Rights Policy, and Bullying and Hazing Policy on the School’s website at https://www.bridgecharter.org/policies-procedures
Title I
Bridge Elementary receives our Title I funding based on the percentage of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. For this reason we encourage ALL families to apply for Free/Reduced lunch through Aspire to ensure every single student receives the services needed, including access to free or reduced meals if appropriate.
Title I provides avenues for parent input and participation. We do this through our surveys and the link to the form on our website which allows parents to submit questions and suggestions.
You can find more information about Title I as well as a form to ask questions or provide suggestions regarding Title I, on our website at:
Who to Contact for What
Student Support - Stacey Archuleta - Stacey@BridgeCharter.org
- Morning Supervision and BASE
- Behavior Support and Bullying
- 504 Plans
Lead Secretary - Lalani Williams - Lwilliams@BridgeCharter.org
- Aspire
- Lottery
- Registration
Social Worker - Chelsea Silverwood - Chelsea@BridgeCharter.org
School Nurse - Vicki Ross - Vicki@bridgecharter.org
Special Education
Dianne Kelsey Lead SpED Teacher - Dianne.Kelsey@BridgeCharter.org
Nancy Fulmer - Part Time SpED Teacher - Nancy@BridgeCharter.org
Julie Christensen SpED Director - Julie@BridgeCharter.org
ELL Coordinator - Nichol Lloyd - Nichol@BridgeCharter.org
Meal Issues - Jodi Jensen - Jodi@BridgeCharter.org
Classroom Teachers - see website - https://www.bridgecharter.org/teachers
- Daily activities for your child
- Student progress
- Questions about student schedule
About Bridge Elementary Charter
Email: info@bridgecharter.org
Website: bridgecharter.org
Location: 4824 Midland Drive, Roy, UT
Phone: (801)499-5180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BridgeCharter