Dimond NewsBlast
May 21, 2024
Dear Dimond Families!
Happy Summer Break! We appreciate your support of your students and look forward to another successful year. While you enjoy the summer with your student, don’t forget to register your student for next year online. Please look for our newsletter in July with information in preparation for the new school year.
Again, it has been a pleasure working with the Dimond community. Best wishes for continued success! Have a great summer!
If for some reason, your student missed their final exam, they should contact the Curriculum Office to schedule a make-up exam A.S.A.P. The Curriculum Office will be open through June 7th, and it will reopen around July 22nd.
We will complete a grade change process in August if needed after the exam has been graded.
2024 Finals Bell Schedule
Wednesday, 5/22:
Period 4 7:30 am to 9:20 am
Period 5 9:30 am to 11:20 am
Lunch 11:20 am to 12:04 pm
Period 6 12:10 pm to 2:00 pm
King Tech High School PM all day at KTHS
Please Note! No Blue passes will be given during finals for early dismissal unless prearranged. Blue pass distribution is disruptive to the school day and other students taking exams.
No Bags During Finals
During finals (Tuesday 5/21 and Wednesday 5/22), students will not be permitted to bring backpacks/large bags to school. Students may bring a small purse, fanny pack or lunch bag, however, ALL bags will be searched upon entry. Any large bags will be stored securely during the school day and students will be able to pick them up before going home. If you believe your student has an exceptional need to have a larger bag, please reach out to Whitney D’Atri (Student Services AP) ahead of time so we can avoid any confusion or frustration.
Summer School 2024
Summer School registration info is now available, there are forms in the curriculum office, front office, and by each counselor's office. You can find more info on the ASD Summer Options page. Dimond will be an "in-person" site for credit recovery (students must've failed a course.) Counselors will prioritize graduation requirements when signing up students.
Please encourage students to see their counselor before school, at lunch, and after school regarding summer school. We'd like them to stay in their classes as much as possible this time of year.
Register Returning ASD Students for 2024/2025 Now!
Every summer ASD asks parents to complete online registration indicating that their student is returning for the next school year. Please submit online registration at your earliest convenience. If you have already done so, thank you! If your student is NOT returning, please call the Curriculum Office at (907) 742-7000.
Online Registration
Step 1
Login to your ParentConnect account
If you need your PIN and a new password, please visit the Login Reminder Page
Step 2
Select your student’s name for the current 2023-2024 school year
Select “ASD Quick Links,” (left menu bar at the top)
Select “Online Registration.” (will be RED if incomplete, Green if completed)
Answer all questions. Select the “Next” button at the bottom of each screen to advance to the next screen.
When you have finished all required fields, be sure to select the “Submit” button at the end to complete the registration process.
You will receive an email stating that the registration process is complete.
(Repeat this step for all of your students that appear in your ParentConnect portal.
Free Meals throughout the Summer!
We are thrilled to announce that Anchorage School District Student Nutrition will be offering FREE meals to all children aged 18 and under. No need to worry about costs – just delicious, nutrition meals for your kids!
To find out more and when and where you can receive these free meals, see the flier below!
Grades Matter! Academic Eligibility for Sports and Activities
Students participating in sports or all-state academic/ fine arts activities must remain academically eligible. Eligibility is checked at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semesters, as well as the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd quarters.
Students that are not eligible will not be able to participate in their sport or activity.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
The purpose of PBIS in the Anchorage School District is to create connections and foster healthy relationships that enable students to develop the social emotional learning skills necessary to be ready for college, career, and life. We do this by providing a consistent, positive, predictable, and safe place for every individual to learn and grow. Our Dimond PBIS team is beginning the work this summer, and to that end, are asking for input from our families. Please take a moment to complete this very short google form, which will help inform our PBIS team on what values our families and community members deem important within the school setting. Thank you in advance for your participation.
PBIS Dimond Values - Family Input
Updates from the Counseling Team
We are excited to announce the launch of the new Freshman Academy for the 2024-25 school year. Mr. Hallis will be the counselor for all 9th grade students. We will re-assign grades 10-12, based on enrollment, in August.
Rest assured, we will work together as a team in this transition to make sure all of our students are accurately scheduled for next year. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience.
The Counseling Team looks forward to welcoming students back to school in the fall!
Early Drop-Off Opportunities for New School Start Times
To support families, there will be some opportunities for early student drop-off, similar to what was done at the start of this year on PLC Mondays. Schools that are open for early drop-off will have staff on hand to supervise students inside in a warm, safe environment. https://www.asdk12.org/schoolstarttimes
Please see this link https://www.asdk12.org/schoolstarttimes for more information on start times.
Kindest Regards,
Principal Johnson-Harris
A.J. Dimond High School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/dimond
Location: 2909 West 88th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-7000