Peek at the Week
September 23rd-28th
Remember: Your brain at positive is 51% more productive than your brain at neutral, negative, or stressed. This is true for adults and kids.
PK-1st Grade- Old Trail Town Field Trip
Student Council Fall Summit
Pajama Day
Hall Duty- Potas
6PM- Buff Puff
Student Council Fall Summit
Dress in your favorite career
Hall Duty-Shepperson
6PM- Dodge Ball
Midterm Reports will be mailed
10th Grade- Medicine Wheel Field Trip
Dress as a pirate or lost boy
Hall Duty-Shepperson
6PM- Assembly Game Olympics
Duo Day- Dress as a dynamic duo
Hall Duty-Shepperson
2:50-3:30- Elementary PLC
4/5- HSVB vs Shoshoni
Burning of the M at sunset
Spirit Day- Dress in Longhorn Gear!
Hall Duty-Shepperson
10:25- Pep Assembly for all- Elementary will be released for lunch at 10:55
NO PLC for ms/hs this week
2/3-MSVB vs Ten Sleep
4/5-HSVB vs Kaycee
5- MSFB vs Ten Sleep
7-HSFB vs Ten Sleep
10/11/12-MSVB @ Greybull
12/1- HSVB vs Riverside
6:30-9:00-MS Dance- $15
9:30-12- HS Dance-$15
Don't forget- NO School Monday (9/30) Virtual Day Tuesday (10/1)
Students must complete assigned work on Tuesday to be counted as present. Teachers, please be sure to mark attendance by Wednesday for the virtual day.
Positive Props Page!
If you would like to submit a positive note about someone in the building, please do so HERE!
Your comments will be added each week for others to see the following week.
Thank you Mr. Abarr, Mrs. Christopherson, Mr. Faust, the kids and anyone else who helped out with assembling furniture for the courtyard! It is looking amazing and will be a great Longhorn Lounge!
Ernie, you are working double time and making a HUGE difference for our students. Thank you!
Mrs. Hinders took kids after school before the football game because the the Library was closed. Mrs. Hinders you are amazing!!!
Mrs. Lewis you are doing Amazing things with your parent square page. You are great about keeping parents informed of what they did that day and posting pictures!
Kelly, thank you so much for sharing your Tortellini soup on Thursday!! Although, I had packed my lunch for the day, I put it aside and was not disappointed!! It was a real treat and sooo good!! You are a gem and thank you again!!
Thank you Janice for accommodating an early lunch for the Juniors and Seniors on Monday. This made it possible to us to get on the road in a timely manner! Thanks so much for your kind support!
Thank you Chris for being a fabulous bus driver on the Junior/Senior field trip. Thanks for your calm and pleasant demeanor as we were stopped in traffic for so long and for your continued smiles as we simply had to turn around and return to school- not even making to our final destination. We appreciate you so much!
Thank you Molly for volunteering to attend the Junior/Senior field trip to Powell. We appreciate you and the wonderful support you are to the students. Your care and attention to their success is amazing!
Tammy there are never enough THANK YOUS for the massive amounts of time and effort you unceasingly put into the students and staff. Your desire for a superb school and education for students is evident in all that you do. Thank you for your unending support, care for teachers/staff and love for the students!
Thank you Meg for the fun little treats you brought to PLC! HOW FUN!!
Chris Horsen- you are a ray of sunshine in our school. Thank you for all the things you do for all of us!
Schedules and Expectations!
Important phone numbers to add to your contact list:
Tammy's school cell phone 307-272-2522 Please use this number for school related items.
It is not my personal phone. If you have personal items, you can text me on my own phone. I am going to be using the school phone for all school texts. Thanks!
Amber's school cell phone 307-302-0177 Please use this number if you need a sub that you are unable to schedule ahead of time. You can leave a message on this phone at any time and Amber will check it first thing in the morning.
Teacher/Staff Directory for 2024-25
Pre-K: Amy LewisK- Shawn Wiant
1st Grade -Penny Blake
2nd Grade- Samantha Hinders
3/4/5- Ashlyn Sutton (Math/Science)
3/4/5-Addie Howard (ELA/Social Studies)
Title I- Karin Zeller (All School)
Title I Para- Meg May
Reading Specialist/ Literacy Coach- Chris Horsen (All School)
6th/7th/8th- Mike Reinker
7th-12th ELA- Molly Potas
7th-12th Science- Autumn Duncan
7th-12th Social Studies- Allen Doty
9th-12th Math- Nicole Davis
9th-12th Spanish- Claudia Cerecer Rojo
All School- Student social worker/guidance- Sunny Merritt
Technology: Clint Elliott
PE: Joe Girres
Music: Ira Mickelson
Art: Ashton Shepperson
Trades: Marshal Faust
7th-12th Ag- Louis Abarr
Special Ed:
Director/Teacher: Ernie May
Para: Sue Hiser
Para: Amber Christopherson
Office Staff:
Amy Bolli- Head Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Tammy Schlenker- Principal
Shane Ogden- Superintendant
Tracy Turnell- Thomas- Business Manager
Kelly Allen- Administrative Assistant
Amber Ogden- Full-Time Substitute
Transportation Director: Venessa Camblin
Maintenance Director: Chris Davis
Athletic Director: Zeb Hagen
School Nurse and Associate AD: Ashlea Salzman
Custodians: Dan Harley and Ashley McGinnis
Foods Director: Janice Myers
Foods: Sierra Scheidt
Teacher and Student Handbooks
Feedback Form
I am happy to receive your ideas on how we can maximize learning for students and how I can improve what I am doing.
Student Online Referral Form
When sending a student to the office, please fill out the referral form at your earliest convenience by clicking HERE!
Students we should have on our radar Form!
Class Sponsors/Advisory
7th- Mrs. Duncan
8th- Mrs. Potas
9th- Mrs. Shepperson
10th- Mr. Girres
11th- Mrs. Davis
12th- Mr. Doty
Meeteetse Schools Mission and Vision
Meeteetse Schools will set the standard for educational achievements as we challenge our students with an uncompromising commitment to excellence as: respectful individuals, independent thinkers, lifelong learners, and tomorrow’s leaders.
Meeteetse Schools, in partnership with home and community, provides consistent individualized instruction that drives high student achievement and cultivates the development of the whole child.