Cornwall School News 1.10.24

Message from the Principal
Families can anticipate a follow-up phone call from their child’s classroom teacher shortly thereafter. The purpose of this phone call is to follow up on students’ first semester progress reports and see if families have any questions. Longer conversations about students' progress can take place at teacher conferences planned for March.
In partnership,
Multi-age groups
This week, instead of our usual Friday morning routine of gathering as a whole community for All School Meeting, we met in multi-age groups. These groups will meet periodically throughout the year. Our multi-age groups are named for the fauna we have at Cornwall School, including bats, racoons, field mice and honey bees!
Today our groups worked on decorating the bags that will be used at the Friday evening community meal program. The Friday Night Supper delivers bagged items to many families in our community. The bags used are plain brown bags; our students decorated them with cheerful messages of love.
A special thanks to Andrew Hirsch for organizing this activity with retired Cornwall teacher Sue Sears.
Wednesday, January 15, Cross country skiing at Rikert Outdoor Center, Ripton
Thursday, January 16, SEPAC meeting, 6 pm
Monday, January 20, Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, No School
Tuesday, January 21, Inservice, No School
Wednesday, January 22, Cross country skiing at Rikert #2
Wednesday, January 29, Cross country skiing at Rikert #3
Thursday, January 30, Cornwall School Winter Concert (see details below)
Monday, February 10, Band Rehearsal and Concert @ Salisbury
Reminders and Useful Bits
Illness Guidance
Students should stay home if they have the following symptoms:
Vomiting/diarrhea-must be 24 hours symptom free before returning to school
Fever 100.4 or greater -stay home until fever free without use of medication for 24 hours
Any infection requiring antibiotic-keep your student home until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours
Persistent cough that disrupts normal activity
Unexplained rash
Influenza and COVID-stay home until fever free without medication for 24 hours
Any other symptoms or illness that impedes a student’s ability to learn or staff’s ability to work.
They can return to school when they are feeling well enough and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Cornwall Winter Music Concert
Thursday, January 30th at 6:00 pm will be Cornwall Elementary School’s Concert. Students are asked to wear their nicest clothing and should arrive 15 minutes early and head into the theater to find their seats.
If you have any questions or need to contact Mrs. Cunningham, her email is
Where: Middlebury High School Theater
When: Thursday, January 30th at 6:00pm
Learn about the ACSD FY26 Budget!
A draft of the Fiscal year 2026 Budget was presented to the ACSD Board on January 6th. You can watch that presentation and find accompanying materials on our Budget Development page. A public Q+A was also held on January 9th, a recording will be posted on the budget page soon. The board is expected to continue the discussion and vote on the budget at their January 13, 2025 meeting at 6:30pm. Find details for that meeting here.
Attention parents and families of students with disabilities!
Please join the Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) and Superintendent Wendy Baker to learn more about ACSD Administration’s proposed changes to the configuration and budget for Student Services and Special Education next year. This is your opportunity to learn more about the district’s vision for Student Services and Special Education and to share your perspective about what it might mean for your student(s) and family. Your perspective and voice are important! Please join us! Learn more about the SEPAC at Sign up for SEPAC updates here.
Thursday, January 16th, 6:00 – 7:30pm
MUHS library (virtual option:
Learn more about ACSD Administration’s proposed budget HERE (see Block 5 on Student Services).
Learn more about ACSD’s budget development process HERE
Preschool and Kindergarten Enrollment
Do you have a 3-5 year old ready for preschool? Every preschool age child in ACSD is eligible for 10 FREE hours of preschool at a pre-qualified preschool program and NOW* is the time to begin thinking ahead to the 2025-26 school year. Visit for a list of preschools and more information. Reach out to Ashley Bessette, Universal Prek Coordinator, at for support or to ask questions.
Do you have a child who plans to start Kindergarten in 2025-2026? Make sure they are on our incoming student list! If your child will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025 (or you know a friend or neighbor whose child will be) please call us! 802-462-2463.
TELEPHONE: 802-462-2463
FAX: 802-462-2462