Ranger Report 09/02/22
IB World School
Message from BTE Leadership
Ranger Families,
Wow! We have some amazing things going on at BTE! Our Rangers are already stepping up to the plate as they participated in Beginning of the Year screeners this week to show what they know. We are rocking and rolling this year, and are excited for what is to come.
Labor Day is Monday, so we will NOT have school!
Enjoy your long weekend. We hope you get lots of rest and spend time with your family.
BTE Leadership
Reminders From Office
- Please make sure you read the Talking Points messages and announcements about the status of dismissal on a bad weather day.
- On a day we choose to have indoor dismissal, we will always start the car line early and never have walk-ups.
For more questions about indoor dismissal, please defer to erika.bandapadilla@manorisd.net
College Wednesdays- EVERY Wednesday
If your child chooses not to wear a college shirt, they must revert back to the standard mode of dress.
Parent Lunch Visitation- Begins 09/06/22
Parents Joining for Lunch will start Next Tuesday, Sept. 6th
Below is the grade level assigned days for lunch visitation:
Monday- Kinder (10:40) & 3rd grade (12:05)
Tuesday- 1st grade (11:15) & 5th grade (12:30)
Wednesday- 4th grade (11:25)
Thursday- 2nd grade (11:50)
Friday- 6th grade (12:00)
Parents/guardians will enter the school and SIGN IN at the front office. You must wear your visitor tag while you are at BTE. All parents will sit at the tables located on the stage and wait for the correct grade level to arrive at the time shown above.
Grandparents' Day Lunch- 09/09/22
All grandparents are invited to join their grandchildren for lunch on September 9th at the appropriate lunchtime. You will stop at the office to sign in and receive a visitor tag. The grandparent's day lunch will take place in the library.
Want to stay connected?
Instagram: @BTEogesIB
Facebook: Bluebonnet Trail Elementary
Twitter: @BTEgoesIB
Upcoming Events
9/5/22- Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
9/9/22- Grandparent's Day Lunch @ BTE
9/21/22- MISD Early Release
9/22/22- BTE Multicutural Night