Canterbury Elementary School
October Newsletter
A Busy First Month!
Building Classroom Communities
CES staff members discussed our Hopes and Dreams/Goals for our students this year, and classroom teachers have led their learners through discussions and activities in order to allow each student to name a Hope and Goal that they have for themselves. Classes also developed Classroom Rules and Procedures so that everyone can learn in a safe, kind environment where we help one another to do our best! Delegates from each classroom held a Constitutional
Convention with Mrs. Chubb and collaborated to create a CES Constitution (more details to come).
Initial Assessments
All learners have participated in beginning-of-the-year assessments, such as STAR Reading and STAR Math. These assessments help teachers to determine student needs and to plan instruction accordingly.
Open House, Pizza Supper & Book Fair
We had a fantastic turnout at our Open House! It was wonderful to see students excitedly sharing their learning with their families.
Thank you to the CES PTO for hosting the pizza supper. Many thanks to Hackleboro Orchards for donating the delicious apples, and to Canterbury Woods Country Club for donating the water. Finally, our fourth graders did a wonderful job making the cole slaw for the meal!
Important Dates
October 4: Cherrydale Fundraiser Ends
October 9: NO SCHOOL
October 11: Fire Station field trips
October 12: PTO meeting - 6 PM (CES library)
October 20: Food Drive Begins
October 23: Lion's Club Vision Screening
October 24: School Board meeting - 6 PM (CES library)
October 26: Harvest Supper and Food Drive Collection - 5 PM (more information to come)
October 27: CES Celebrates Halloween (more information to come)
Healthy Celebrations at CES
If a student has a transportation change on a particular day (such as being picked up by a different adult), you must send a note or email Mrs. Nelson at bnelson@sau80.org to notify us of the change. Teachers will not necessarily receive an email with a change in a timely manner due to their teaching schedule, so all changes must go through the office. We are asking that all changes be sent to the office by 1:30 PM on any given day. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution
Students in third, fourth and fifth grades did an excellent job performing Shh! We're Writing the Constitution last month. The play describes how the Constitution came to be written and ratified. The students learned their lines and performed the various songs with only two weeks of practice. The K-2 learners joined the older students to end the performance by singing We the People. This was a moving performance and a wonderful way to kick off the 2023 school year!