Saint Ambrose News
January 10th, 2025
Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
- Romans 12:13
School News
Dear Saint Ambrose Parents,
Thank you for all who have registered for the 2025-2026 school year. Our registration fee will increase this evening. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about registration for next year. If you are interested in learning more about our junior high program, you are welcome to attend our Jr. High Information night on January 23 from 5:30-6:30. We are excited about our excellent education, and faith development during this important developmental stage.
Catholic Schools Week is always a highlight for our school community. Check out our calendar of events:
We are looking for a strong presence at the weekend Masses on January 25-26. Students are encouraged to wear their uniform to show school pride, and to sign up to help by greeting, reading, altar serving or ushering using this sign-up genius: .
Link to the Mass Sign Up Genius for January 25th-26th
Uniform Sale
We will have a used uniform sale during Catholic Schools Week-if you have uniforms that your family has outgrown, please send them our way next week. Thank you!
Lord, You make all things new
You bring hope alive in our hearts
And cause our Spirits to be born again
Thank you for this new year
For all the potential it holds.
Come and kindle in us
A mighty flame
So that in our time, many will see your wonders,
And praise Your glorious name.
Have a great weekend!
Betsy Osterhaus Hand
Upcoming Dates to Add to Your Calendar
Jan 20th - No School MLK Jr Day
Jan 23rd - Jr. High Info Night
Jan 27 - 31st - Catholic School's Week!
Feb 6th and 11th - Evening Conferences
Feb 6-13th - Bookfair
Feb 14 and 17th - No School
Feb 18th - Staff Retreat - No Students
Students Living the Virtues - January's virtue focus is on forgiveness and showing accountability.
In January, we want to celebrate Hospitality by remembering God's forgiveness.
The Saint Ambrose Way tenet we will be connecting with in January is Be Accountable.
Holiness is a state of being devoted to God and living a life that glorifies God.
A few ways students can show holiness during January are:
Owning their actions and learning from their mistakes.
Always being truthful.
If you win, do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger.
Behave so all can learn.
Showing empathy towards others, thinking how their actions will affect those around them.
Praying to God for forgiveness of their sins.
Practicing forgiveness in their homes, classrooms and on the playground.
Saints whose feast days are in January:
Saint Andre Besset - January 6
Saint Sebastian - January 20
Saint Timothy - January 26
Saint Titus - January 26
Saint Thomas Aquinas - January 28
General Info
Volunteer Requirement - Essential 3 Requirements outlined on the parish website.
Math Challenge -
Artsonia And use the PARENT CODE TWKCXF27 to connect to Saint Ambrose.
Quick Links
School Supply List for 2024-2025
Quarterly Home and School Newsletter
Please login to Sycamore to access the school calendar, lunch menu, and schedules/grades (JH only)
Mission and Philosophy
Mission (what we offer)
We at Saint Ambrose School are part of a vibrant Catholic community supporting and nurturing
each child on their journey with Christ.
Through exceptional academics, embracing each child’s unique strengths and needs, and
joyfully engaging in prayer and service, we take a holistic, virtue-based approach to student
education and experiences. This is the Saint Ambrose Way.
Vision (what we aspire to)
As a thriving Catholic school, we create meaningful impact though each family we support and
student we send into the world.
By helping form the whole child, students are not only prepared well for the next level of
education, but life as Christian adults living the Saint Ambrose Way.
The Saint Ambrose community recognizes the partnership between parents, students, staff,
administration and parishioners in providing for the development of its members as people of
faith who worship, learn and grow together. As a community we have a responsibility to
support families- as the primary educators of their children- while providing enriching
experiences that promote a sense of belonging and responsibility to a community.
Follow us on Social Media
Did you know that we have a Saint Ambrose Facebook Page and Instagram Page? Please follow us for school updates and photos. Click the links at the bottom of this email for quick access to our social media pages.