Gator Gossip
Gearing Elementary School Newsletter, January 2025
Letter from the Principal
Gearing Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break, and were able to make wonderful memories with their families. In this month's edition, you will find pictures of last month's PBIS winners, a link to the pictures from the Jingle Bell Bash, a flyer to the ECSD Chili-Heart 5K and Cook-off, and much more.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that outdoor lunch recess is scheduled daily. Students should come to school appropriately dressed for the weather including a hat, mittens, snow pants and boots. Students do not have the option to stay inside for recess unless they have a doctor's note. However, when the temperature/wind chill falls below 13 degrees, all children will then remain indoors. This is also true for when students are waiting outside before the morning bell. If the "feels like" temperature is below 13, we will bring them in the building early.
Mr. Zimmer
Monthly Character Winners
Congratulations to our December Character winners for modeling what is means to show Self Control!
Jaxcen Aldridge
Carson Brenner
Lilly Eagan
Addison Wenturine
Madilyn Gleason
Amelia Czerwinski
Logan Beaudua
Riley Milbreath
Logan Peterson
Sutter Alley
Dani Holland
Connor Manetta
Colbie Schweihofer
Reagan Hadwin
Nora Valentine
Sabrina Doyle
Congratulations to all of our Gators to hit the 25 PBIS ticket milestone.
Congratulations to all of our Gators to hit the 50 PBIS ticket milestone. They will receive an Extra Recess with Mr. Zimmer
Congratulations to all of our Gators to hit the 75 PBIS ticket milestone. They will receive a treat from the principal
Cleanest Classroom Award
Each student in the classroom receives Free Hungry Howies Personal Pizza.
Montly Calendar
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
PTO News and Upcoming Events
Jingle Bell Bash Pictures
Drop Off and Pick Up
The Adams Street entrance is currently CLOSED. We hope to have it reopened soon. Please note the merging of traffic (the red and blue arrows). If you are going to park and walk your child up to the building please use the crosswalk.
A few other bulleted items regarding Drop Off and Pick Up
- Use the Crosswak, do not walk in between cars.
- No Parking/Standing in this area. Parents should stay in the car, or park their car in the lot.
- No Cars in the bus loop from 8:15 - 8:45 and 3:15 - 3:45.
- If your student arrives after 8:45, an adult MUST walk them in the building and they will need to be signed in at the office.
Please remember that we are a Nut-Restricted School. We know that peanut butter and jelly is a popular item for young kids, but we cannot put some of our kids at risk. There are some healthy and delicious alternatives like SunButter.
General Information
Principal: Michael Zimmer
Office Staff: Administrative Secretary – Mrs. Sara Distelrath
Office Paraprofessional – Mrs. Pam Kaminski
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL –Tuesday, September 3 (Half Day of School, Dismissal at 12:08 p.m.)
SCHOOL HOURS - The school day begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:39 p.m.
HALF DAYS FOR STUDENTS - Dismissal at 12:08 p.m.
PLC DELAYED START WEDNESDAYS – School begins at 9:45 a.m. Please refer to the school calendar for dates.
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES - Monday and Tuesday, November 25 and November 26, 2024.
Students are asked not to arrive at the building prior to 8:35 a.m., as supervision is unavailable.
Latchkey is available for students who need to arrive before 8:35 a.m.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade students line outside their hallway doors.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade students line up at and enter the building through the Main doors at 8:40 a.m.
Classes begin at 8:45 a.m. when the second bell rings.
If you drive your child to school, the designated “Student Drop-Off Area” location must be used when dropping off your student. Please follow the directional arrows. For safety reasons, do not drop your child off at the crosswalk. The circle drive is for buses only. Students enter the building through classroom doors.
All students are dismissed out of the same doors they entered.
If someone other than a parent is picking up a child and is not on the emergency card, a signed note must be provided by the parent authorizing this release.
Students will not be released to persons on the emergency card before dismissal time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the parent/guardian.
Breakfast and lunch will be free for all students.
Skyward is our student database. You can access your child’s information through Skyward Family Access. If you do not know your Skyward username and password, please contact East China School District Administration Office at (810) 676-1000.
Methods of Communication
- ECSD Website
- Gearing Elementary School Website
- Gearing Elementary School Facebook Page "Like this page to stay up to date on current events.
- Classroom newsletters, emails, apps, etc
- Phone
- Skylert phone calls
- Monthly Newsletters
Methods of Communication from Parent to School
- In-Person
- Phone
- Written Notes
- **We do not monitor our Facebook page as a form of two-way communication.
If your child is absent from school due to illness or other reasons, you must notify our attendance line at (810) 676-1666 (24-hour hotline) by 9:30 a.m. All absences must be called in with the reason for the absence. Absences are verified by the office each morning.
Parents will be notified in advance if an early dismissal is scheduled. If early dismissal is required due to weather conditions or emergency situations, every effort will be made to notify parents. Please keep emergency phone numbers on your child’s emergency card current.
A latchkey program is available at Gearing Elementary for parents who require supervision for their children before and after school. Latchkey hours are 6:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and 3:39 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Latchkey is also available on half days. For additional information and to make latchkey arrangements, please go to the Latchkey information page on the ECSD website.
All students will be supplied with basic classroom supplies. A suggested list of additional classroom supplies was sent to families with classroom placement letters. For safety reasons, gym shoes are required to participate in physical education class.
NUT Restricted School
**Sun butter is one possible substitute for peanut butter.
**healthy snacks for classroom
**no dessert type snacks ie: cookies, candy, chocolate,
Give examples of health snacks
**at the discretion and approval of the classroom teacher
**purchased with nutritional label- NUT FREE
**no visitors
IMPORTANT: A large white envelope labeled “Important Information Enclosed” was given to you at Open House or will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. It is important that the Emergency Card be updated for each child and returned by Thursday, September 5, 2024.
Friendly Reminder ~ Friday, September 20th is Picture Day!
Picture Retakes will be November 12th.
Thank you for your cooperation in creating a safe, organized school for our students.
ECSD Transportation
Skyward Family Access
Using Skyward to Access Your Student's Information
Using a secure Login ID and password, you can log into Skyward Family Access and view your students’ data, such as progress reports, attendance records, report cards, transcripts, lunch information and more. Your one login to Family Access allows you to view data on all your enrolled students in the district, even if there are multiple school sites.
How to log into to Skyward Family Access:
- Go to the district home web page at
- Click on the Parents link, then Family Access link.
- Enter your Login ID and Password on the Skyward Family Access login screen.
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