PJSD Staff Newsletter
November, 2024
Every Interaction is an Opportunity
Superintendent Message
PJSD Team-
I hope that all of you are well as many are rapidly approaching the end of the first trimester. It's amazing to think that Thanksgiving is next week!
We have much to celebrate at this time of the year. Fall sport seasons have wrapped up and the winter season has kicked off. Plays, musicals, and concerts grace our stages. Events such as FBLA's Mini Business World at Riverview provide experiences for our kids that they won't soon forget. All of this in addition to the great things happening in every classroom across the district. Much to celebrate, indeed:)
Our students and staff did a tremendous job honoring our veterans on November 11. Many of you put in a good deal of work to coordinate events and prepare our students. Feedback from community members was tremendous, and the level of respect demonstrated from our students was impressive.
For those who may not know, the high school suffered a water main break on November 7. A big thank you to PHS staff for shifting plans for the 8th at a moment's notice, and our facilities crew who put in long hours into the night Thursday evening and again Friday morning to get us back up and running.
With the winter season rapidly approaching, the potential for inclement weather certainly increases. This morning was an excellent reminder of the challenges created by Mother Nature. To clarify expectations for all staff within the district, we put together the document found in the "School Cancellation" section below. Please be sure to check it out in advance so that all of us know what to anticipate if school is canceled.
Thanksgiving gives all of us a moment to pause and appreciate all that we too often take for granted. I hope all of you are able to take a breath and enjoy your time with family and friends. Know how much you are appreciated... and recognize the positive impact you make for our students and staff.
Thanks for all that you do... and GO PANTHERS!
Curriculum and Instruction Update
Summer Curriculum Reminder:
- Fill out time sheets. WHITE for payment and GOLDEN ROD for personal days. (Golden rod timesheets should be available in your school office).
- Hand in timesheet and links or copies of your completed work to your PRINCIPAL.
- Principals will sign off and send the information to the district office.
- All time sheets need to be turned in on DECEMBER 20th.
- Payments will be distributed the end of January- beginning of February.
December 23 & May 23 Flex Days
Below are the expectations outlined during the sign-up for Flex Days. If you have any questions, please contact your principal. If you did not sign up or complete the required work, you will be expected to be in the building on those PD days.
Business Office Update
We are often asked where forms are located, so let's start with these! Please email Amy Williams if there are other forms you'd like to see here!
The Thanksgiving holiday is an opportunity to ground ourselves in the present moment and embrace those who bring light and love into our lives. We have so much to be grateful for when we look for the blessings in our day before giving attention to those things that cause us irritation. Sometimes this is difficult when the pace of all that we have in front of us feels like it is too much and too fast.
Next week we have the opportunity to pause, breathe and notice the peace that goodness brings.
If you are interested in supporting goodness in our schools. Our district's Health and Wellness Committee is set to meet on our professional development day on January 20, 2025. We are looking forward to having lunch together as we brainstorm ideas to engage staff and students around improved wellbeing.
Thank you for all you do for our children and our families. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hall/Track Walking at PHS
Before school:
- Track: 5:30-7am Nov. 4-March 21
After school:
- Track: 4-7pm (4-6pm Fridays) Nov. 4-March 21
- Halls: 3-8pm (3-6pm Fridays) Nov. 4-April 25
School Related Travel
The district annually spends $13,000 reimbursing employees for school related travel (conferences, CESA, etc.). While we have two vans to accommodate larger groups, we have purchased a smaller vehicle for groups of 1-4 with the hope that more will be able to carpool while saving wear and tear on personal vehicles. Given our current rate of reimbursement, the car will pay for itself in less than two years.
The expectation is that employees will utilize these vehicles for school related travel outside the city of Plymouth, however, the district will certainly reimburse its employees for travel if none of the vehicles are available. Vehicles can be reserved through building administrators for purposes outlined above.
School Cancellations
- Any weather-related school closings, delays, cancellations, etc., will be posted on our Cancellations webpage. If you would like to receive a text message, please sign up for Skylerts.
- In an attempt to simplify expectations due to school closings, the included staff roles and responsibilities will be utilized for the first two days. (Note: Slight adjustments may need to be made beyond two days as student minutes required by the state may come into play.)
Upcoming Events
- Riverview Choir Concert: 7pm Thursday Dec. 5 in the Riverview Auditorium
- Fairview Winter Concert: Grades K-2 at 6pm; Grades 3-4 at 7pm Monday Dec. 9 in the PHS Auditorium
- Parkview Winter Concert: Grades K-2 at 6pm; Grades 3-4 at 7pm Tuesday Dec. 10 in the PHS Auditorium
- Horizon Winter Concert: Grades K-2 at 6pm; Grades 3-4 at 7pm Thursday Dec. 12 in the PHS Auditorium
- PHS German Band Christmas Concert: Food at 6pm, music at 7pm Friday Dec. 13 at Devour Restaurant; $50 ($25 for food, $25 as a donation)
- PHS Band & Choir Combined Concert: 7pm Monday Dec. 16 in the PHS Auditorium
- Riverview Band Concert: 7pm Tuesday Dec. 17 in the Riverview Auditorium
PJSD Employment Opportunities
Professional Staff
- 100% Special Education Teacher at Riverview Middle School - apply via WECAN
Support Staff
- Server/Cook (5.25 hours/day)
- Server/Cook (4.5 hours/day)
- 1st Shift Custodian 1 at Plymouth High School
- Special Education Aide at Plymouth High School - 29.5 hours per week
- Substitute Custodian
- Substitute Special Education Instructional Aide
Board Update - 11/19/24
- Approval of Consent Agenda
- Legislative Update - Scott Stier
- Approval of WASB delegate - Bob Travis
- Panther Spotlight - Panther Pro Shop
- Consideration of gifts and corresponding budget adjustments
- Approval of School District Library Plan
- Approval of Support Staff Handbook change (Inclement Weather)
- Approval of Teacher Framework change
- Board Liaison Reports
- Community Ed - Sally Isely
- Plymouth Education Foundation - Janell Bohn
- Family Resource Center - Kathy Tournour
- Personnel
- Approval of Jennifer Goelzer as Food Service Director
- Support Staff Update
- President Report
- Superintendent Report
- Student/Staff Accomplishments
- Upcoming Events
Family Newsletter
125 S. Highland Avenue
Plymouth, WI 53073
Phone: (920) 892-2661 x1003
Email: sstier@plymouth.k12.wi.us