Community Nest
"Relationships are the agents of change." Dr. Bruce Perry
Year 2 - The week ending April 14, 2023
Major Saver Campaign is Underway at Gray Hawk
Representatives from Major Savers were at Gray Hawk this past talking to the students about the district wide fundraiser. Major Saver cards can be purchased via cash, check, online at Families can also GO MOBILE with the Major Saver App., and create a CUSTOM LINK for your child that can be shared via social media or email. This link will automatically credit the online sale to your student when friends and family use the link to make their purchase!
Every card sold brings money back to Gray Hawk. These funds are used for a variety of things throughout the school year. Thank you for supporting OUR GRAY HAWKS.
Unity in the Community Summer Bash is April 28
As a reminder each grade level is also collecting donations for their raffle baskets. Each grade level has been assigned a theme as seen below. An email to the community was sent out on April 13 as a reminder.
Kindergarten-Furry Friends (pet supplies)
1st Grade-Summer Fun (anything fun for summer)
2nd Grade-Movie Night (movies, popcorn, candy, gift cards to AMC)
3rd Grade-Baking (ingredients, pans, liners, sprinkles)
4th Grade-Cooking (pans, measuring cups, utensils)
5th Grade-Game Night (popcorn, snacks, games)
Funds raised from these baskets go right back into programming and opportunities for OUR KIDS.
Please consider donating one item based on your grade level theme. If you would prefer to donate money, feel free to send in a check (made out to GHES) or cash LABELED with your child's name and grade. Please send money to school NO LATER than Friday, April 20th. PTO representatives will take all donated funds and purchase items for your child’s grade grade level basket.
Donated items will need to be sent to the school by Monday, April 24th.
Thank you for your consideration and for continuing to support OUR GRAY HAWKS.
SAVE the Date for 5th Grade Celebration
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night at BLMS
Gray Hawk Art Show May 4
Ms. Ramsey is still looking for a few more volunteers to help frame the artwork. Volunteers will help students mat their artwork and assemble everything together. If you or your child would like to keep their artwork a surprise for the Art Show, you are welcome to volunteer for a time when your child is not in the art room. This will give you the opportunity to experience the excitement and pride that goes into the framing day. Please check out the link below for available times.
State Assessments are Underway
Please stress with your 3rd - 5th grader the importance of taking their time on their state assessments, getting a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
State Assessment Schedule
Friday, 4/21 GHES celebrates Earth Day
Additionally, there are opportunities for families to get involved in an Earth Day clean up for Basehor. Please check out details below from Tammy Potts.
Basehor Earth Day Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed for the community wide celebration of the Basehor Earth Day. This annual event dresses you in a high vis vest, complete with trash bags, and disposable gloves. We gather in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Basehor (near the water tower), and split up into teams. The Basehor VFW has complimentary breakfast burritos to rev your volunteer engines, and we will gather for a group photo before we head out. There'll be a team leader in each group. We'll go over safety rules. The kind folks at Perky's will nourish us with gooey biscuits on our return from our morning of litter pickup.
There'll be first, second and third place judging for teams who find the coolest of trash. Keep your eyes open!
Gray Hawk Neuro-News
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Location: 16000 Garden Parkway, Basehor, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 662-7170
Twitter: @grayhawk458