Hamburg School

A Look Ahead...
November 18
Senior Program #1
9:00 AM (Gymnasium)
November 19
Picture Retakes
November 21
BOE Meeting
6:30 PM (Cafeteria)
November 22
PTA Family Trivia Night
6:30 PM (Cafeteria)
November 27
Early Dismissal
1:00 PM
November 28 - 29
No School
Thanksgiving Break
December 5
6:00 PM (Gymnasium)
December 9 - 12
PTA Holiday Bazaar
December 11
Winter Concert
7:00 PM (Gymnasium)
School Menus
PTA News
- $15 Discount cards: Can be purchased online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/efdf50ff-0164-4786-9a04-21b1b16beca8
- Hamburg Knight Plush blankets: They are 50 x 60 and only $30 each. You can purchase these right online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/f0cb2092-1c75-492b-9a7b-1519c1412ad0
Noteworthy News
December 12 - Early Dismissal
Hamburg School will operate on an early dismissal schedule on December 12, 2024 due to staff training. Student dismissal will begin at 12:45 PM.
Reminder...Three (3) minute Vehicle Idle Only
As a reminder, your vehicle cannot idle for more than 3 consecutive minutes outside of our school. Signage is located along the front and visitor side of our building. This includes pick up times and running a quick errand in the building. Idling vehicles emit many different pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene, and other volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can contribute to cancer and other short and long-term health concerns. People with asthma, bronchitis, other respiratory problems or heart disease are most sensitive to the health effects of fine particles contained in vehicle exhaust.
Hamburg School staff proudly serve our parent community each day at drop off and pick up to assist in transitioning students to/from school. Please be reminded that both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to a wide range of diseases, including stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus and lung cancers, aggravated asthma and lower respiratory infections. Please help us keep our staff and students safe in maintaining compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 27 (Air Pollution Control). Thank you.
Donations Needed
Donations can be dropped off at Hamburg School's main office. The current needs are:
- Pasta sauce ( no glass)
- Pasta
- Chef Boy Ardee
- Canned /pouch tuna
- Mac n Cheese
- Can Veggies
Picture Retakes - November 19
Co-Curricular Activities
Winter Sports are coming soon!
Board of Education
Wallkill Valley Regionalization Update
Hamburg Community Connections
Hamburg Borough Council
- Richard Krasnomowitz
Council Members:
- Russell Law
- John Burd
- Mark Sena
- Joyce Oehler
- John Haig
- George Endres