PGES Pride Press November 2024
A Message from Dr. Erickson
We need your help with morning arrival because the safety of your students is so important. Due to concerns regarding morning car rider drop-off, we would like to remind everyone of our procedures.
- All students should exit the passenger side of the vehicle once the vehicle reaches the sidewalk close to the front door of the school.
- Parents who park to walk their children in, please ensure your children walk with you and not ahead or behind you and cross at the crosswalk where there is a staff member on duty.
- Once your child(ren) is unloaded, stay in line to leave the parking lot. Do not go around other vehicles.
- It is illegal to be on your cell phone in a school zone (which includes in front of the school). Please refrain from using your cell phone while you are in the parking lot.
Thank you for working with us to ensure all students arrive to school safely in the mornings. Your adherence to these safety procedures is greatly appreciated.
NO School, Early Dismissal, and Thanksgiving Break
November 5
No School Tuesday, November 5 due to Election Day.
November 22
Friday, November 22 is an early dismissal day. We will begin dismissal at 11:30.
November 25-29
No School November 25-29 for Thanksgiving Break
MAC News
Nov. 5th NO school. MAC is open at Johnson Elementary from 6:00 AM-6:00 PM.
Nov. 22nd Half day - Limited spots available.
Please sign up ASAP! No drop-ins allowed.
Nov. 25th-27th - Thanksgiving Break MAC is open at Johnson Elementary
You are required to be registered for MAC for the school year in order to register to attend over Thanksgiving Break, please visit the MAC website if you need to register. For those already registered for MAC, the link to register to attend over Thanksgiving Break is below. You will need to complete a registration for each of your children. The registration deadline is Tuesday, November 19th. If you register after the deadline, there is an additional $10.00 per day per child drop in fee. Also, if you register and don't attend, there is a $10.00 per day per child no show fee. We look forward to spending this time with your children.
To Register click HERE.
Nov. 28th & 29th - MAC is closed
Notes from Nurse B
We were excited to be a part of the Tennessee Department of Health's School Based Dental Prevention Program last week. If your student participated, please make sure to review the note sent home in the pouch of dental care supplies.
The months of October, November and December often increase our intake of yummy treats. Please help/remind your student to brush their teeth twice a day and to floss daily. Reach out via email or call the school nurse if you have any dental care needs, questions or would like assistance finding a dentist.
As the cooler weather approaches, sending your student to school in long pants and a jacket/sweatshirt will help your student be prepared for the tricky November weather. Feel free to contact Nurse B or Mr. Welch if your student has any cool/cold weather clothing needs.
Mr. Welch's Counselor's Corner
Our character word for November is kindness. In our Guidance classes, we will be looking at stress and worry and how we can practice kindness when we feel these emotions. We will look at how we can be kind to ourselves and others. We will discuss how we can be kind in all aspects of our life such as at school, with friends, and with family. Please contact me at if I can be of assistance to you or your student. I am available to meet with parents or students when requested. Happy Fall everyone!
The Paws Report
You may be wondering what are some of the positive behavior interventions provided at school? With our talented and caring teachers and staff… we are able to meet the behavioral needs of our students with our school-wide PBIS program, Check In / Check Out (CICO), and Parent Partnerships. You know better than we do that our children thrive when we set routines, expectations, and boundaries. Who couldn’t use a little extra support these days? If you are interested in learning more about any of these interventions please reach out to Mrs. Carroll (Assistant Principal) at or 615-790-4720. We love partnering with you in your child’s academic and behavioral education!
There's an APP for That!
Parent Square is such a great way for you to communicate with your child's teacher, communicate with our attendance secretary, and receive school information and updates. If you haven't downloaded the app we've included instructions below or feel free to reach out to the office staff and they will be happy to help you. It's a great resource tool!
Learn how you can be an informed parent in the digital world - use the QR code below.
This month's topic: Song - We The Digital Citizens for Kids
Attendance Announcements
If you know that your child will be tardy or absent, please send a Parent Square Message to our attendance secretary, Kristen Brown, or email her at before 8:30 to let her know why your child will be out. This will eliminate the need for sending in written notes when your child returns from an absence. If you receive a doctor’s note you are encouraged to always send those to school when your child returns or you may attach those to your Parent Square Message or emails.
PE Reminders
Students have PE daily and need tennis shoes to participate safely and comfortably. Students also need to learn how to tie their shoes in preparation for a skating unit that will take place later in the year.
Please begin working on shoe tying skills now since it takes repeated practice to master the skill. Thanks again for all you do to help this ship sail smoothly. We appreciate you!
READ all About It!
This year, the Related Arts team will be providing the opportunity for students to participate in a mock election. Students will be introduced to the voting process leading up to their mock election day. During Related Arts on Friday, November 1st, students will hear a debate between the two candidates, Snoopy and Garfield. After the debate, each student will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite candidate. The winner of the mock election will be announced on Monday, November 4th via morning announcements. We look forward to having insightful conversations with your students about the election process and the importance of voting!
🎵Notes from Mr. Gilley🎵
Does your child get to school around 7:00 on Monday mornings? Does your child usually have breakfast before getting to school?
Is your child in 3rd or 4th Grade?
Perhaps they would like to join the ...
This Monday morning experience is for 3rd and 4th Grade students who arrive early and have already eaten breakfast they can play chimes and other instruments with our music teacher, Mr. Gilley. There is no audition and no additional rehearsal required. The invitation will remain open to 3rd and 4th Grades students throughout the year, although students who want to participate should let Mr. Gilley know they are interested in playing.
Rise and Chime Club will play from 7:00 a.m. until 7:20 a.m. every Monday morning that we have school.
If you have questions about Rise and Chime Club, please contact Mr. Gilley at
Make Room!
Are you planning on shopping at the Book Fair this month? If you need to purge some of your existing titles, now is the time!
Beginning the week of the Book Fair, you will find labeled donation bins in both the Elementary and Middle School Lobbies. These bins will remain in the lobbies through the end of February when the Used Book Sale is held.
Please donate your gently used books for the PGS Used Book Sale!
- Picture Books
- Chapter Books
- Novels & Graphic Novels
- Non-fiction
We will have sections for kids, teens, and parents to shop.
The 2024 Holiday Sale will run November 4th thru mid-December. 25% off all merchandise with delivery guaranteed before the holidays. We will have exciting new product lines and designs that will make great gifts for the entire family! Click HERE to shop!
Order your yearbook NOW before the holiday hustle and bustle. Now is the lowest price of the year, there will be a price increase January 1, 2025! Click HERE to order now.
Community Events
Franklin High School Band
The Franklin Band will host two free events to show their appreciation for the Franklin community. Both events will be held in Franklin High School’s Howard Gamble Stadium at 810 Hillsboro Road.
The band’s first community event is the Fifth Annual Musical Trick-or-Treat which will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The band provides live music throughout the football stadium for this fun trick-or-treating celebration. Bring a bag and come in costume for this free trick-or-treat event.
The second free community event is the band’s annual community performance. Come cheer on the Franklin Band on Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. as they perform their 2024 marching show, “Under the Hood!” This will be the final time performing the show before departing for the Bands of America Grand National Championships in Indianapolis!
Frankin High School Mistletoe Market
Get your Christmas lists ready! Mistletoe Market is only 2 weeks away! On November 9th from 10-4, we will have over 80 vendors with a variety of gift items to share with you. New and returning vendors include:
Gameday Graduate, The Statement Society, Blue Hound Brew, Kendra Scott, Permanent Jewelry by Debbie, Haven Hat Bar, Spinach Tiger and SO many more. Please follow us on IG @franklinmistletoemarket for more info and to see many more of our vendors. Be sure to bring some cash for some tasty treats from our Bake Sale. Also, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be stopping by the market from 12-2. We can't wait to see you!
Centennial Holiday Craft Show
Artisan Crafts, Holiday Decor, and More.
Saturday, November 23 9-5 and Sunday, November 24 12-4
$5 Entry Fee
Upcoming Events
Father Daughter Dance Planning Committee Meeting
We are looking forward to another great Father Daughter dance this coming January. If you are interested in joining the dance planning committee, which will meet to begin planning the dance November 7th from 7:30-8:30 AM. Please reach out to Elizabeth Wanczak at or 713-299-2874 with any questions.
4th Grade Veterans Day Parade
Our 4th graders will be honoring our Veterans by marching in the Veterans Day Parade on Monday, November 11th at 11:00. Go support them and our Veterans In Downtown Franklin.
Literati Book Fair ~ November 11th-15th
You're invited to Poplar Grove’s Fall Book Fair!
Poplar Grove’s Fall Book Fair is heading our way! The Fair will be held in the PGES Lobby from November 11 – 15. All purchases support both the Elementary and Middle School media centers.
Parents, Students, Teachers, and Staff are all invited to come in and shop anytime during the Fair's hours:
Monday, November 11: 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday – Thursday, November 12, 13, & 14: 7:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Thursday Evening, November 14: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Friday, November 15: 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
To volunteer at the Book Fair, visit or scan the QR code below
Keep it simple, and purchase an Electronic Gift Card for your child to use at the Book Fair! Visit
Nickles for The NOOK
All FSD schools are again competing this year in a week-long challenge from November 11-15 to help support The NOOK (Needs Of Our Kids), a non-profit that serves urgent needs of families through referral by local schools.
Students will receive a baggie to send in their NICKELS (all spare change and cash/checks are also appreciated) to help The NOOK raise money to provide new essentials (coats, shoes, socks, underwear, shirts, pants, basic hygiene items and feminine hygiene) for local children in need. The
NOOK is partnering with schools in our community to eliminate barriers to education
for kids in crisis so the child can focus as much energy as possible on achieving in the
classroom. This is a great opportunity to teach our students about the kindness of helping others and how small deeds contribute to a larger collective. Plus, who doesn’t want that Golden Sock award proudly displayed in OUR trophy case?!?
Thanksgiving Lunch at PGES
Wednesday, Nov. 13
Tickets will be available the day of the event.
Adult visitor $6.00
Child Visitor $3.75
Cash and check only.
Turkey with gravy
Cornbread dressing
Chicken Smackers
Mashed Potatoes
Green beans
Assorted fruit
Math Night at PGS
Family Math Night offers an opportunity for you to experience hands-on math fluency activities with your child in a cooperative and fun environment! You will learn how to use common things you already have at home like playing cards, dice, etc. to help your child learn and practice their math facts. We hope to see you there! Everyone who attends will receive a $5 book from from the book fair.
Place: Poplar Grove Elementary School
Date: November 14, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Program
Make plans to attend our Kindergarteners’ Thanksgiving Program November 14 in the PAC beginning at 6:00 (then you can walk on over to the book fair and family math night).
November Calendar
FSD Vision Statement
Excellence in Teaching and Learning for All
PGES Mission Statement
Learning for all. No exceptions.
Contact Us
1030 Excellence Way
Franklin, TN 37069