Zebra Family Update!
January 2023
Happy New Year!
Semester 1 grades will be finalized by your student's teachers early this week and report cards will be mailed home at the end of the week. Keep in mind that semester grades are what determine credits earned and will be reflected on your Zebra's transcript.
The start of the 2023 year also means that we are about to dive into planning for the 2023-2024 school year. Registration begins in January, and our counselors will meet with every 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grader in order to support them in selecting classes for next year.
Keep reading for information about important things happening at Lincoln High School this season!
Sober Grad - Celebrating the Class of 2023
An incredible team of parents and community members come together each year to put together a truly amazing Sober Grad Night for our seniors. The committee is happy to have help from everyone - your student does not have to be a senior for you to contribute your gifts and talents to make this a special night!
- ongoing - Amazon Smiles and Wishlist
- Jan 23, 7pm, LHS Library - First General Meeting
- Feb 24 - Sober Grad Bingo Night
- April - Buyout Fundraisers (See’s Candies & Jamba Juice)
Stay informed:
Facebook | Lincoln Sober Grad
Instagram | lincolnsobergrad
iReady Diagnostic
LHS and TBHS will be giving the iReady diagnostic to students enrolled in English 9, 10, and 11 and Math 1, 2, and 3 in January. The diagnostic covers standards through grade 12 English and Math per the CA Common Core, which is the set of standards we are aligned to for instructional guidance.
The goal is to get data around what students know and gaps in knowledge so we can better support student success in class now and as they prepare for the 11th grade SBAC Tests. This is extra important right now given gaps that were created because of COVID and other factors. The iReady diagnostic is an excellent tool to anticipate gaps in learning and there is a strong correlation between student performance on the iReady diagnostic and CAASPP/SBAC scores. Those scores are an important part of the evaluative "dashboard" that is generated by the state.
We do NOT anticipate using the iReady intervention modules that your student may remember from elementary or middle school. The goal is to use the diagnostic tool (only) to get a sense of gaps in learning. It's our hope that by identifying the gaps, we might better support students but building lessons that best meet student's needs, and the data will support our teachers to be best prepared for daily instruction and intervention time.
LHS Peer Tutoring!
LHS offers an incredible tutoring program that is designed to help students get their homework done, get organized, to ask questions, to get reteaching, and even to take care of test retakes (for some teachers!). We are prepared to offer support in all content areas taught at LHS.
- In Person at LHS Library or online using Google Meet - code: LHStutoring
- M-F from 7:15-8:15am
- M from 2:30-4:30pm
- T-Th from 3:30-5:30pm
Keep in mind, that the library hosts our tutoring program to support students with learning. The library is not open for hanging out during tutoring times - all students must be actively involved in some type of academic activity during the tutoring program hours if they are in the library.
Counseling, College & Career Corner
Each month, the LHS counselors will provide you with information on hot topic items as well as areas of focus with students. Stay tuned for information on all things college, school success, academic planning and mental health support. Should you need to reach out to your child’s counselor, here is our contact information:
Julia Kent: Last names A-Di, jkent@wpusd.org ext 37833
Sherri Sandoval: Last names D0-La, ssandoval@wpusd.org ext 37830
Misty Alarcon: Last names Le-Re, malarcon@wpusd.org ext 37832
Robyn Court: Last names Rh-Z, rcourt@wpusd.org ext 37831
Sruti Vadgama, College & Career Technician, svadgama@wpsud.org
Kristin Gianola, Wellness Center Counselor (Room 14), kgianola@wpusd.org
Nancy Monroe, Wellness Center Counselor (Room 14), nmonroe@wpusd.org
Counseling Update!
As we wrapped up 2022, continuing to support our seniors with their post-secondary plans is foremost on our minds. Letters of Recommendation, private and out state application support and continued exploration are ongoing in an effort to make sure seniors have a solid plan after graduation. That said, we don’t wait to help students plan until senior year. It is a process that includes being aware of options after high school and planning ahead.
This fall and early winter, we met with Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors to support them on awareness and goal setting for high school and beyond. With each grade level, we review graduation requirements, CA university entrance requirements, and provide trade school and military information. After we meet with students, information is emailed home to families through ParentSquare so that you know what your students is hearing and you have the tools to have planning conversations at home.
We will meet again with all students currently in grades 8-11 to plan their course requests for the 2023-24 school year. Students will be working on course selection from mid-January through mid-February. Watch Schoology and ParentSquare for additional details!
We also introduced a tool called Pathful Explore https://pathful.com/explore/ to our Sophomores and Juniors. This interactive website is an exploration and planning platform that prepares students for college and career. It includes interactive tools, assessments, and real world exploration so students can discover and plan their individualized path. We encourage you to ask your Sophomore or Junior about this tool and even better, spend some time exploring it WITH them. Your input is essential to helping your child form a solid plan for after high school.
College & Career Update!
CSU and UC application deadlines have passed, but if your senior need help with Sierra, Sac City College, American River or other colleges and trade school applications please see Mrs. Vadgama. Her office is located at the end of the 70s wing.
If you need guidance on what to do after graduation, drop in the College and Career Center to make an appointment. At home, students (of all grades) and families can check out Pathful Explore (https://virtualjobshadow.com/login/DA7DA9/users/) to take career exploration surveys and explore videos about different careers to get a first hand look at potential areas of interest!
Make sure you are filling out your FAFSA. Everyone who completes one will be entered in a weekly drawing for chance to win a prize. Seniors should listen for their names in the morning announcements!
We are excited to begin honoring students who are receiving college acceptances! We have some fun ways to recognize the Class of 2023 starting this spring. In the meantime, if your Senior has been accepted to college or trade school, let Mrs. Vadgama know so we can get our list started - svadgama@wpusd.org
Wellness Center Update!
The wellness center is in Room 14 and is staffed by two trained counselors (Mrs. Gianola / LHS Grad! and Mrs. Monroe) who work for LHS via a multiyear wellness grant we received from the Placer County Office of Education! They are ready to support in the moment, and are prepared to provide more intensive support for students and families if needed.
We are THRILLED that they are here and ready to support students and families!
What's coming up?
January 2023
- Monday, 1/9: School Resumes after Winter Break
- Tuesday, 1/10: Celebrating our Freshman (3:15 pm)
- Wednesday, 1/11 and Thursday, 1/12: Welcoming our 8th graders from GEMS for a "Shadow a Zebra" preview day
- Monday, 1/16: No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
- Wednesday, 1/18, 6-8pm: Lincoln High School "Zebra Showcase" for incoming students
- Thursday, 1/19, morning: Lincoln Leadership visiting LHS
- Week of January 23rd: Winter Homecoming Week (Dance on Sat., 1/28)
- Wednesday, 1/25, 6 pm: School Site Council Meeting (focus on school safety) [date updated as of 1/9/23]
- January on Wednesdays, 6-8pm: Active Parenting of Teens (offered in Spanish); message pgachet@wpusd.org for more details
Winter/Spring 2023
- Monday, 2/13, 6 pm, ELAC Meeting
- Friday, 2/17-Monday, 2/20: No School (Mid-Term Break)
- February on Wednesdays, 6-8pm: Active Parenting of Teens (offered in Spanish); message pgachet@wpusd.org for more details
- Wednesday, 3/8: Science Expo
- Monday, 3/13: ELAC Meeting
- Friday, 3/17: End of Quarter 3
- Tuesday, 3/21: Career Fair at LHS and Soroptimist Teen Esteem Program
- Friday, 3/31-Monday, 4/10: No School (Spring Break)
- Week of 4/17-4/21 (tentative): SBAC and CAST State Testing
- First Half of May: AP Testing
- Monday, 5/15: Senior Awards and Senior Scholarship Night
- Tuesday, 5/16: LHS hosting School Board Meeting and highlighting LHS students and programs
- Monday, 5/29: No School (Memorial Day)
- Friday, 6/2 (tentative): End of Year "Play Day"
- Tuesday, 6/6-Friday, 6/9: Finals Week
- Friday, 6/9: Graduation for the Class of 2023 / Last Day of School
Visit our community and athletics calendars for more details on special activities, sports, and school events!
What We Stand For:
Vision: Lincoln High School empowers students to develop their potential, to advocate for themselves, and to make a lifelong positive contribution to the community.
Mission: Lincoln High School creates opportunities for all students to gain the education and experiences needed to be successful, knowledgeable, and responsible contributors to society.
Learn about our Student Learning Outcomes here.
Connect with Us!
- Facebook @LincolnHighSchoolWPUSD
- Insta @lhsfightingzebras
- School and Athletics Calendars are here!
Staff Directory
- This directory contains some staff who are no longer at LHS, but it also includes all of our current staff
Specific Course Information
- All of our teachers posted information about their class on Schoology - parents and students can always go back to revisit syllabi and a video introducing your teacher on their Schoology pages: https://wpusd.schoology.com/ > Courses > Select tile for the class you want to learn more about!
General School/Course Information
- Website: lhs.wpusd.org
- Course Catalog: https://lhs.wpusd.org/academics/course-offerings/course-catalog
- Handbook: https://lhs.wpusd.org/our-school/about-us/student-handbook
Email: jhladun@wpusd.org
Website: lhs.wpusd.org
Location: 790 J Street, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916 645 6360