Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, Aug 22, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Netball Zones
Congratulations to all of our Zones Netball participants today, who put in an energetic performance. It’s great to see all the hard work and training of the team members, staff and parents pay off on what turned out to be a perfect day. The results are to be confirmed at the time of writing, but I am sure they will return with many successes to be proud of!
There was certainly a great atmosphere of good-natured competition on the courts, not to mention a prevailing sense of fun and teamwork. Thanks to Karen Moore, our Sports Coordinator, Along with our teacher and parent coaches for giving their time in support of our outstanding teams.
Next week, I will be joined by members of our Senior Leadership Team at the annual Normal and Model Schools (NAMSA) Conference, focusing on matters related to Initial Teacher Education.
In the current workforce climate, this is a subject of particular importance. We all know that it's fantastic teachers who make such a difference, so attracting, recruiting and training world-class educators is essential to ensuring the best for our students.
As many of you will know, our status as a ‘Normal’ institution has historic roots, and is a fundamental part of our DNA as a school. It reflects not only our commitment to investing in the future of our profession, but also our ongoing relationship with the University of Auckland and other teacher education providers that keeps us engaged with research, evidence-based pedagogy and high quality mentoring of those who enter the profession.
It’s a commitment that is of benefit to our learners as much as to our teaching team, so we're looking forward to engaging not only with our Auckland colleagues (Auckland Normal Intermediate, Epsom Normal, Papakura Normal, Sunnyvale Normal, Takapuna Normal Intermediate), but also with the wider network of ‘NAMSA’ schools and tertiary providers from around the country.
Book Week is on the way!
Looking ahead to upcoming school events, Book Week is on the horizon (Week 7), so it’s a good time to plan ahead and get creative for those Book Character Parade costumes (Thursday, 7 September), which is an event the children always look forward to.
Participation is optional, and we encourage dressing specifically as a book (rather than a TV/movie) character on the day - just one of the fun activities lined up for this annual celebration of all things literary.
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Events & Reminders
Friday 23rd August:
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open - 8:15am - 9:15am
- Senior Assembly - 10:00am - 10:30am
- PTA Ice Block Sale - $2 - 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Monday 26th August:
- Mid Term 3 Cohort Entry start
HEADS UP - 2nd - 6th September - BOOK WEEK
Important Sign-in/Sign-out Reminder
They need to meet you at the office to sign out/in on the ipad as we need to ensure we have a complete record of all children arriving and leaving the school for our emergency roll procedures.
Final few tickets remaining! Get yours today:
Instructions on how to register will be sent home tomorrow!
We are so grateful to the very generous local businesses who have donated a range of amazing prizes. Get your kids activities sorted with prizes from these incredible local businesses!!
Kids Artwork Orders now open!
Order forms have been sent home with kids this week for our annual Kids Artwork Fundraiser! Orders are now open and will close on September 2nd.
For all information about this fundraiser and instructions on how to order - please see: https://www.menpspta.co.nz/calendar-art
Thanks to the teachers across the school for encouraging the tamariki to create their masterpieces. And many thanks to Fleur de Vries-Oskamp for coordinating this fundraiser.
For any questions please email menpspta@gmail.com.
Ice Blocks for sale 3pm tomorrow - $2
Celebrate mid term with an ice block - for sale at 3pm on Friday under the sports canopy. $2 each.
Thank you to Anjana, Stacey and their team for coordinating ice block sales!!
Keep collecting those Yummy Apple Stickers!!
The 2024 Yummy Apple Promotion ends on Friday, 20th September. This is the date that all Sticker Collection Sheets must be given to your child's teacher. Any collection sheets that are currently full can be brought to school for early counting. Otherwise, keep collecting and return your collection sheet closer to the due date.
Second hand uniform shop open tomorrow
- 8.15 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at menpspta@gmail.com.
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
- If you have any uniforms that your child no longer fits/needs then please consider donating to the Uniform Shop. Donations can be dropped off at the office. Thank you!
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
School Representative Hilary Edwards