Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
January 19, 2025
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection
- Notes from the Admissions Office
- Nurse Kerr's Corner
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
January Focus: We Walk by Faith... in Fortitude
Spiritual Reflection by Miss Sheila O'Callaghan
We are now in Ordinary Time. Remember, we still try to pray well and Walk by Faith.
Nature can be very harsh during January. It is the hardest time of the year, especially for the poor. We want to remember that hungry and homeless people need our help. Our December Mission Money was given to the St. Vincent de Paul Society to help the poor. They thank us for reaching out to help others.
Sunday, January 19, is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We have several saints to celebrate this week. On Monday, January 20, we remember St. Sebastian, Martyr.
Also remembered on January 20, is Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr. According to St. Cyprian, Pope Fabian, was a very holy man. Because of his holiness he was chosen to be pope, even though he was a lay person. As Pope, Fabian divided the city of Rome into seven parts and appointed a deacon for each part. The deacons were to care for the poor. Pope Fabian was put to death for his faith in the year 250.
January 21, is the memorial of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. She died for her faith at the age of 12. The name Agnes means “pure” in the Greek language. In the Latin language, the name Agnes sounds like “agnus”, which means “lamb”. St. Agnes reminds people of lambs and purity. On this day in Rome, several lambs are blessed. Their wool is used to make stoles for new bishops.
St. Francis de Sales is memorialized on January 24. At the time St. Francis de Sales lived, many people doubted their faith. When Francis became a bishop, he brought many people back to the peace and love of Jesus. He loved children and encouraged them to be considerate and respectful. Remember, St. Francis de Sales is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Wilmington.
January 25, is the feast of the conversion of St. Paul. Paul was an important missionary of the early Church. He wrote many letters. Many of these letters were saved and became part of the Christian Bible. In the years before Paul helped the church, he attacked Christians. Paul is a Greek name. In the Hebrew language, his name was Saul. In the book of Acts you can read about Paul’s conversion. Acts 22: 4-8, 11-16.
Once again, we encourage you to Walk by Faith and heed the words of Saint Francis de Sales: “Be considerate and respectful.” Ask our loving God to send his Holy Spirit to help us.
Please pray for the sick, especially Fr. Mink, Mrs. Miriam Harris, Oliver Conaty, and all the sick of our parish. Please continue to pray for Maureen Engelbert. Pray also for our Armed Forces and First Responders.
Notes from the Admissions Office
Vision for the Future Tuition Assistance - Deadline 13 Days Away!
Applications and all required documentation for the 2025-2026 school year must be received by FACTS no later than January 31, 2025. Tuition assistance through the Diocese of Wilmington is provided to children attending Grades K-12. Families currently receiving tuition assistance from the diocese must reapply. Assistance is not automatically renewed from year to year. 2023 W2 statements are accepted. A family does not need to wait for the 2024 W2 statement. Award notifications will begin as of March 1, 2025. Families seeking tuition assistance from St. Ann School directly will only be considered after first completing this Vision for the Future application.
Please scroll to the bottom of our tuition and fees page for application details.
Nurse Kerr's Corner
It is important to inform families that we have seen an uptick in illness at St. Ann's, consistent with increased rates of illness such as the flu and RSV in the community at large. We request your attention to the following policies outlined in our handbook (in italics):
- Please only send students to school who are in good health. Illness is not something we wish to share at SAS! Students must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before being permitted to return to school. Following this rule will help to keep the entire student body healthy and classrooms fully functional and effective.
Students are not allowed to self-administer medications! Please do not send students to school with medication, in their lunchboxes or otherwise, to help them make it through the day. Please communicate with Nurse Kerr about medication needs.
- If a student becomes sick at school, parents can expect contact from the school nurse. If an early dismissal is deemed necessary by the school nurse, parents are requested to pick up the child or send an approved emergency contact to do so in a timely manner.
Students sent to the nurse as a result of student complaint or teacher concern are evaluated with care by Nurse Kerr. She considers all symptoms when making dismissal decisions, and uses a thermometer that takes temperature by ear to determine fever status. Students dismissed early due to illness are prohibited from participating in extracurricular activities related to St. Ann's on the same day.
Please remind students to wash hands often, cover their mouths, and ask for help when they're not feeling their best. Thank you for helping our community to stay healthy!
Home & School Association Notes
Trivia Night for Adults – February 1st!
Join us for a fun-filled evening of trivia and camaraderie in support of our school community! Test your knowledge and compete with friends while enjoying beer and soft drinks (included in your ticket price). Bring your own dinner, get creative with your table theme, and be ready to win big with our 50/50 raffle (cash only).
🗓 **When:** February 1
🕕 **Doors open:** 6:00pm | **Trivia starts:** 7:00pm
💵 **Tickets:** $30 per person | $210 for a table of 8
🍺 **Beer & soft drinks provided**
🍕 **Bring your own dinner or snacks**
🎉 **Table themes encouraged!**
Get your tickets today and join the fun!
Register Here and Payment Here
Ready to test your trivia knowledge before the big day? Keep an eye on the school’s Facebook and Instagram these next couple of weeks. Trivia questions will be posted at random. If you are the first person to answer correctly on social media, you can claim a prize on trivia night! Must be in attendance to claim your prize!
Father-Daughter Dance
Join us for a magical evening filled with fun, music, and memories!
The Father-Daughter Dance will be held on February 22nd from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
🎶 What's Included:
DJ playing your favorite tunes
A delicious buffet dinner
A fun photo booth to capture special moments
Cost: $35 per person
Bring your dancing shoes and your smiles – this is an event you won't want to miss! 💃🕺
Student Life Notes
Band Lessons on Tuesday 1/21!
The band students have missed two lessons this year (12/9 Holy Day of Obligation and 1/6 snow day). We have scheduled make-up lessons on Tuesday, 1/21, and Friday, 2/21, from 8am-11am. These lessons will meet by grade, rather than by group number. Please review the emailed schedule from Mrs. Wilson, and pack your instruments on Tuesday!
Last Chance to Contribute to the SAS Time Capsule!
St. Ann's celebrated its 125th year of education in 2024! The class of 2000 oversaw the creation of a special time capsule project which our current Student Council opened and displayed for the school during Grandparents Day and during Bishop Koenig's December visit to celebrate Mass.
Now, we are already planning for the 150th anniversary of our school! The St. Ann Student Council will re-dedicate a time capsule during Catholic Schools week later this month to be opened in the year 2049, and they'd like your contributions! Please see below.
New Club Alert!
Perfectly timed this winter season, students are welcome to register for the knitting club! Space is limited.
8th Grade Student & Parent Potluck Dinner
Monday, January 27 - 6:00-7:30 pm
Parents and 8th graders, we are looking forward to a shared meal and meeting about the spring semester of the 8th grade year. We will discuss important items to look forward to including details related to graduation, the annual DC field trip, and end of year celebrations, and related financial commitments to make these special things possible.
If you cannot be in attendance, please let Miss Moore know! We are looking for a few additional side dishes and desserts; if you are able to contribute, please use the Sign Up Genius link below!
Catholic Schools Week - January 25-31, 2025
St. Ann School will celebrate Catholic Schools Week at the end of the month. After sharing a sneak peek of the activities and events designed to highlight and celebrate our mission of faith, academic excellence, and community service last week, we wish to hone in on a few items for careful attention.
Saturday 1/25 & Sunday 1/26 - Celebrating Our Parish
Monday 1/27 - Celebrating Our Community
Tuesday 1/28 - Celebrating Our Students
Wednesday 1/29 - Celebrating our Nation
Thursday 1/30 - Celebrating Vocations
Friday 1/31 - Celebrating Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers
Saturday 2/1 - Celebrating Our Families
Day of Giving
Our 24-hour Day of Giving to St. Ann School begins at noon on Tuesday, January 28th. We hope to raise $25,000 for 2025!
This year we encourage you to ask your employer to match your gift - doubling your donation. We are also seeking donors who will match current gifts!
Visit https://www.thesaintannschool.org/dayofgiving2025 to make a lasting impact. St. Ann School is thankful for your continued support.
Gift Drive for the Sister of St. Francis, Founders of St. Ann School
Please help us show our appreciation for the Sisters of St. Francis as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week! Donations are welcome in the main office.
SAS Students Invited to Enter Catholic Youth Chess Tournament
The Knights of Columbus have provided registration information for students wishing to participate in the March 22 Chess Tournament. Entry costs $15 per player (if registered by March 8). Entries are only accepted by mail. Below you can find an electronic copy of the registration form; hard copies are available in the main office!
Mark Your Calendars!
January 20: MLK Holiday; No School
January 24: T2 Interim
January 26-31: Catholic Schools Week
January 27: 8th Grade Student & Parent Potluck Dinner, 6:00-7:30 pm
February 1: HSA Trivia Night
February 3: HSA Meeting, 6:30 pm
February 13: Half-Day for Students, 11:45 am dismissal - NO After Care
February 14: No School for Students; Faculty Retreat
February 17: Presidents Day Holiday; No School
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm