School News
News From Marion Jordan Elementary
Information from Mrs. Grosch
We are off to a great start at MJ this year! There is always a concentrated effort to establish routines, procedures, and expectations at the beginning of any school year and this year is no different. We physically took all students to various areas of the building (think lunchroom, hallway, recess, bathroom, etc) and taught them what it looks like to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible in each area. We will now focus our efforts on recognizing students for their effort and success in complying with our expectations. Blue Jays, otherwise known as caught being good tickets, will be handed out liberally in the coming weeks. Ask your child about our school-wide expectations and their growing collection of Blue Jays!
Our drop off and pick up routines are coming along nicely with a focus on safety and accuracy. These reminders will serve you well and are worthy of repetition:
- All students should exit on the right, passenger, side of vehicles. Please move or adjust any car seats or boosters so that this is your child's exit from the car.
- All drop off and pick up cars should come to the school via Clyde St. (one block east on Palatine Rd. from the school). Follow the traffic as cars loop through the lot.
- Adults should not be getting out of the car in the pick-up line. This is dangerous, and it interferes with the flow of the traffic.
- School property is deemed a cell free zone. Thank you for putting your phone down, or away, and paying extra attention to any people in the parking lot.
- It does take extra time for some of our students to transition in/out of their car. We thank you in advance for your patience.
If you have any questions or concerns, especially regarding safety, please contact the school office immediately. The safety of our students is a top priortiy as they come and go to and from school each day. We are equally interested in keeping a safe environment for the staff assisting with drop off / pick up. And of course, the safety of you, our parents, navigating the parking lot is important as well. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
We have been lenient about children who have been arriving after the 8:20 bell rings as we all adjust to the new schedule the beginning of a school year brings. It is important for students to be in the building by 8:20am, so they can be seated and ready to learn when our day officially begins at 8:25am. Moving forward, parents will be asked to get out of their vehicles, walk their chilren to the front door, and come into the office to sign their student in if they are late. This is a safety measure and we appreciate your understanding and your efforts to get your child(ren) to school on time each day.
Thank you for sharing your energetic and inquisitive children with us each day. Working with them is a pure delight!
This lucky group got to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the Board of Education Meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Each member of the group is in a new role for this new school year. Mrs. Pruc is our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. Konishi is a new teacher at MJ from TJ, Ms. Lieberman is a new teacher to District 15 and Marion Jordan. Ellie and Sam S. are siblings whose school changed after the attendance boundaries were updated; and Claire G. is a new school leader as a 5th grader this year, while her brother Joshua G. is part of the inaugural year of all day Kindergarten. We were also delighted to have sister Audra G. join us as well.
Car Signs
Car Pick Up
Each family should have received a family car sign. The laminated sign should have your family last name, along with the names of each of your children at Marion Jordan. Car signs are for use when you are picking up your student(s) after school. Kindly display the car sign as you enter the school parking lot so that our staff can call for your student(s) to meet you as you pull around. We appreciate your cooperation with this!
Meet Our New Assistant Principal
My name is Hillary Pruc and I am very excited to be joining Marion Jordan Elementary school as the new Assistant Principal. I am eager to get to know everyone and I would like to start by sharing a little bit about myself. I received my Bachelors in Special Education from Elmhurst College (now University) and my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction as well as in Educational Leadership along with an ELL endorsement from The American College of Education. For sixteen years, I worked in East Maine School District 63. I was a resource teacher for four years and was the self-contained emotional disability teacher for twelve. Last year I was the Assistant Principal at Winston Campus Junior High. I live in Arlington Heights with my husband, Jonathan, and our two children Emma (8) and Oliver (4), and our dog Jesse (2). In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, exercising, and traveling. I am excited to join the Marion Jordan team.
Transportation Information and Bus Tracking App
Thank you for your patience as our transportation department works through the kinks that can occur in a system when 8,000+ students are transported to and from school each day. Routes should be becoming more familiar to our drivers and times should be getting more predictable. As a reminder, please be out at your stop 5 minutes before your stated pick up time. Students are also getting better at finding their bus, boarding and settling in for the ride home. Our focus at both ends of the process is on accuracy and we know efficiency will follow.
In an effort to allow you to track your student(s) bus, you may wish to consider downloading our new parent app, "MyRide K12". This is the same app that High School Districts 211 and 214 are using, so families who have high school students will already be familiar with it.
Details on the new app are available on the transportation page of our district website:
This app will provide you with LIVE transportation information for your student(s), in English or in Spanish. You will also be able to track your student(s) bus, and the app will give you a real-time ETA to their stop.
Blessings in a Backpack
Marion Jordan, along with other District 15 schools, is happy to offer participation in a program called Blessings in a Backpack. The program offers shelf stable food over the weekends for students in need. Bags of food are lovingly packed and sent home each Friday with your student for consumption over the weekend. The bags are distributed in a discreet and caring manner here at school. We have been delighted to offer this program in previous years and are pleased to be able to start it up again this year.
The program runs the full 38 weeks of the school year. There is NO COST to a family for participation in the program and all you have to do is let me know you're interested. These past few years have been difficult for many and we hope you will take advantage of this available resource.
The first day of distribution for this program will be Friday, October 25, 2024. Kindly submit the form below to indicate your interest in participating in the program.
A Link to the Library
Bluejay Books Publishing Center
FALL MAP Testing Information
Grades 2-5
Students in grades 2-8 will participate in MAP Testing in reading and math beginning September 11. MAP tests are unique because they adapt to your child’s responses to measure your child’s skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If your child answers incorrectly, the next question is easier.
These results provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn — whether it is on, above, or below their grade level. MAP tests measure students’ achievement and growth. Teachers use results to identify students with similar learning needs, tailor classroom lessons, and set goals for students. MAP results will be shared with families in early October. For additional information about the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments, simply click HERE.
Erin's Law Information
Sexual Abuse Curriculum
On January 24th 2013, Governor Quinn signed into effect Public Act 097-1147, also known as Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law was named in honor of Erin Merryn, a brave young woman who has crossed the country advocating for laws that will increase awareness of sexual abuse against children. This law has passed in 37 states, Illinois being one of them.
One of the law’s requirements is that schools provide an age/developmentally appropriate presentation to all students relating to sexual abuse and safety skills, which may include a variety of discussions, activities, videos and/or role play scenarios. These topics include concepts such as; safe and unsafe touches, getting help, boundaries, and empowerment. The purpose of this presentation is to provide students with tools needed for personal safety. We also strive to provide a nurturing and caring environment to openly discuss these topics, if a student desires.
Nationwide, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually on the Internet. Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. The median age for reported sexual abuse is 9 years old.
Through this program, aimed at educating and empowering students, we want to provide your child with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual abuse.
Trained staff members will be presenting these lessons, in their classrooms, by winter break to meet the requirements of this law and to offer a safe space to students.
If you have any questions or would like additional information on the Erin’s Law presentations, please contact your building’s clinician or administrator. If you would like your child to opt out of these lessons please call your building principal. The District 15 website also has a list of parental resources for your reference.
FALL FastBridge Assessment Information
Grades K-2
District 15 is committed to supporting the academic growth of every child. To monitor progress, we use the FastBridge Learning assessments. These assessments help us understand how students are developing key foundational skills in reading and math.
Students take these assessments in the fall, winter, and spring. They are tested in the primary language of instruction used in their classroom. For students enrolled in the Dual Language Program, assessments are conducted in both English and Spanish. Each assessment session is brief, taking approximately 20-25 minutes per student.
All students in kindergarten and first grade are assessed in early reading and early math skills. Reading assessments focus on key skills such as recognizing sounds at the beginning of words, identifying letter sounds, breaking words into parts, recognizing common words by sight, reading syllables, and reading simple sentences. Math assessments include identifying numbers, understanding number order, matching numbers to quantities, and learning about place value.
All students in second grade and third grade students in Bilingual classrooms are assessed by reading three, 1-minute, grade- level passages. Math assessments are focused around math fact automaticity (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). These assessments are also administered to students in grades 3-5 who score below the 15th percentile on the MAP assessment. For more information about the FastBridge assessments, please visit our website: FastBridge Assessments.
You can access your child’s FastBridge percentile scores in early-October through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If we believe your child could benefit from additional support, your school will reach out to discuss next steps.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Lori Lopez, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent, Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
Volunteer Opportunities
Room Parents and MORE!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at school this year. Being a room parent is one way to get involved and help in your child's classroom. There are many other opportunities as well. Room parents serve as communication liasions between the teacher and the greater group of parents for a given classroom. They organize and plan for two classroom celebrations (Halloween and Valentine's Day), coordinate volunteers per the teacher's request, support special projects, and may assist with clerical tasks. Being a room parent does not mean you have to do all of the work related to the above tasks, rather, you serve as a coordinator of these roles to ensure students at Marion Jordan have equitable expereinces and events.
Being a room parent is a desired position and we often have more interest than slots available. Room parents are selected by a school-based committee after interested parties indicate their interest for this position. The committee considers whether or not an interested person has been a room parent before, future opportunities to be a room parent, and any special or extenuating circumstances. If you are not identified as an official room parent, there are still lots of ways to help.
Thank you for filling out the questionaire below indicating your interest and ability to volunteer this year. Once room parents are identified, responses will be shared with classroom room parents so they can plan accordingly for the various tasks that can present.
Wednesday, September 11 - MAP Testing Grades 2-5
Friday, September 13 - Early Dismissal @ 2:15pm
Tuesday, September 17 - Picture Day
Wednesday, September 18 - Vision and Hearing Screenings
Wednesday, Sept. 18- Friday, Sept. 20 - FastBridge/CBM Testing Grades K-2
Wednesday, September 18 - KINDERGARTEN and MS. WIGGINS Parent Orientation @ 6pm
Thursday, September 19 - Parent Orientation - Evening Event - Adult Only Attendance
Friday, September 20 - Early Dismissal @ 2:15pm
Tuesday, September 24 - MJ PTA Meeting @ 7pm - MJ Library
Thursday, September 26 - Half Day Student Attendance - 11:35am Dismissal
Parent Workshop Event
The United Palatine Coalition and District 15, along with a few other local agencies, will be hosting a parent night workshop entitled "Starting the School Year Strong!"
Join us for a free parent workshop targeting students 3-14 years old. Learn tips families can use at home to develop skills for a positive school year. Use this opportunity to ask the experts your questions.
Topics include:
Tips to calm and reduce anxiety
Mindset for a healthy relationship
Tools for a successful school year
Importance of daily routines
Time for questions!
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: 6:30-7 pm - meet local service providers; 7-8 pm - panel presentation followed by audience questions
Location: Palatine Library, 700 N North Ct, Palatine.
Registration: Please register here: https://forms.gle/KJqv1vEVwPBnCJew6
See event flyer for more information.
Childcare and translation services will be offered.
For more information contact Anne Campbell at acampbell@upcoalition.org
Attendance Matters
As we begin another school year in District 15, I want to highlight the importance of daily attendance in your child’s academic success.
Regular attendance is key to academic achievement and personal growth. Each day in District 15 offers new opportunities for learning, and we ask that you prioritize your child’s presence in school. Research shows that attendance directly impacts academic performance and helps students feel more connected to their school community.
This year, every District 15 school is encouraging all families to commit to missing 9 days or less for school success. Every lesson, discussion, and interaction contributes to your student’s progress, both academically and socially. Being in school not only fuels learning but also opens doors to extracurricular activities and social connections.
While we understand that occasional absences may happen due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure your student stays in communication with their teachers and promptly completes any missed work.
Thank you for your partnership in making this a successful year of growth and learning.
From the Health Office
Vision and Hearing Screening
Hearing screening must be provided annually for preschool children 3 years of age or older in any public or private educational program, or licensed child care facility, and for all school age children grades kindergarten, first, second and third; are in special education classes; have been referred by a teacher; or are transfer students. These screening services shall be provided in all public, private, and parochial schools. In lieu of the screening services required, a completed and signed report form, indicating the child had an ear examination by a physician and an audiological evaluation completed by an audiologist within the previous 12 months, is acceptable.
Vision screening must be provided annually for preschool children 3 years of age or older in any public or private educational program, or licensed child care facility, and for school age children in kindergarten, second and eighth grades; are in special education classes; have been referred by a teacher; or are transfer students. Such screening services shall be provided in all public, private and parochial schools. In lieu of the screening services required, a completed and signed report form, indicating that an eye examination by a doctor specializing in diseases of the eye or a licensed optometrist has been administered within the previous 12 months, is acceptable.
The parent or legal guardian of a student may object to hearing or vision screening tests for their children on religious grounds. If a religious objection is made, a written and signed statement from the parent or legal guardian detailing such objections must be presented to the local school authority. Marion Jordan Elementary School Screening Date is scheduled for 9/18/24. All students who fall under the state-mandated screening requirements will be screened unless we have a recent vision or audiological examination or religious objection on file in the health office. Please refer to your school's health office with any questions.
Nurse Brooke Buczkiewicz
School Safety Drills
The safety of our students is always a top priority at our school. Our goal is not only to provide a safe environment, but to also prepare our students, staff, and school community to know how to respond if a crisis arises. To that end, each year, schools are required by Illinois School Code to conduct safety drills.
This year, as in years past, we will do 2 lockdown drills, 3 fire drills, 1 bus evacuation drill, and 1 shelter in place drill. For lockdown drills, parents have the option to opt their student out of the drill. The student will still be in the building during the drill, but will sit in a room with a different teacher and talk through the steps of the lockdown procedure instead of taking part in the drill with their classmates. If you would like to opt your student out of lockdown drills, please complete the Safety Drill Opt-Out Form. Our first fire drill will be Tuesday September 24,2024,
and our first lockdown drill will be Thursday, September 26, 2024.
Picture Day Information
There are three ways for families to order school pictures of their student.
1. Prepay online at shop.hrimaging.com or send in flyer on the day of picture day with check/cash.
2. Wait for an email notification that the proof is ready to view, click on the link provided and then you can purchase for up to a week to have the package shipped back to the school.
3. Or lastly, order any time up to a year online and the package will ship to your home.
Family Resources
Palatine Public Library is hosting a free parent workshop for PreK-8 families. Some of our social workers and counselors will host a panel of local experts who will speak about topics including tips to calm and reduce anxiety, healthy relationships, tools for a successful school year and the importance of daily routines. Please see this event flyer for more details.
- Creating friendships is an important part of growing up, but sometimes kids struggle to make friends. Here are some helpful tips for parents (en Espanol) from the Child Mind Institute to help your children develop and practice the key social skills needed to foster successful peer relationships.
- When siblings are different ages, it can be hard to find television shows that they can both watch. Check out this list from Common Sense Media of recommended shows that siblings can enjoy together.
Upcoming Parent Trainings
October 17, 2024
Marion Jordan
Understanding IEPs and the Process
November 6, 2024
Winston Campus Middle School
MJ Social Work Website
Contacting Marion Jordan School
Welcome to Marion Jordan Elementary School, Home of the Blue Jays!
We are located at 100 N. Harrison Ave. Palatine, IL 60067
Our main office phone number is 847-963-5500. Our Absence Line is 847-963-5501.
Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Grosch 847-963-5505 groschj@ccsd15.net
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Hillary Pruc 847-963-5504 pruch@ccsd15.net
School Office Staff: Ms. Jess Veltri 847-963-5580 veltrij@ccsd15.net and Mrs. Kelly Wallin 847-963-5503 wallink@ccsd15.net
School Nurse: Mrs. Brooke Buczkiewicz 847-963-5502 buczkieb@ccsd15.net