Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

February 7, 2025
Message from Mr. Sachtleben...
Dear Sells Middle School Families,
I am writing to share an important update about a transition in leadership at Sells Middle School. At the end of this school year, I will be stepping down as principal of Sells. This has been an emotional decision. I will remain with Dublin City Schools in a different capacity and look forward to continuing to serve our district in a new way.
Serving as the principal of Sells Middle School has been an incredible honor, and I am deeply grateful for the students, staff, and families who make this community so special. While transitions like this are never easy, I know that Sells will continue to thrive with the strong foundation we have built together.
The Dublin City Schools Department of Human Resources will begin the search for the next principal of Sells Middle School in the coming weeks. The role of a building principal is essential to the success and culture of a school, and I am confident the district will work to find a strong leader to continue supporting our students and staff. Once the selection process is complete, the district will share an update with Sells families.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. It has been a privilege to serve this community, and I look forward to finishing the school year strong alongside our students and staff.
Matthew Sachtleben
Principal, Sells Middle School
Admin Email Addresses
Principal: Matt Sachtleben (sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net)
Assistant Principal: Katy O'Neal (oneal_katy@dublinschools.net)
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell (bissell_erin@dublinschools.net)
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka (lanka_jessica@dublinschools.net)
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf (wolf_dawn@dublinschools.net)
CELEBRATION! February Students of the Month!
On Wednesday, we celebrated our February Students of the Month by inviting family to be with us as we honored this achievement. These students have been nominated for this distinguished achievement through their continued demonstration of Rock Pride. Specifically, how they have demonstrated perseverance, respect, integrity, discipline and empathy in and out of the classroom.
We are so proud of each of them and their continued success here at Sells!
6th Grade: Fatima Alfaki, Asha Sharkey, Chance Tackett, Alexis Estes and Kavi Sakthivel
7th Grade: Jameson Klein, Allie Zimmerman, Brielle Culberson and Jocelyn Moctezuma Perez
8th Grade: Lily Hanks, Declan Schwickerath, Kardeair Beecher, Mia Cairns, Renee Bowden and
Wael Riffi
Sells MS Drama Club Proudly Presents...
Show Times:
- Friday, February 14 - 7:00pm
- Saturday, February 15 - 2:00pm
- Saturday, February 15 - 7:00pm
All performances will take place at the Abbey Theater.
The Abbey Theater of Dublin is located inside the Dublin Community Recreation Center at 5600 Post Rd., Dublin, OH 43017. Click here for directions.
Purchase tickets using the button below!
Sweet Spirit Week!!
Monday 2/10 - Wear red, white, pink, and heart-themed accessories
Tuesday 2/11 - Wear cool but simple clothes like jeans, sweatpants, skirt, sneakers, etc
Wednesday 2/12 - Twin with your favorite friend but with a Valentine's Day theme
Thursday 2/13 - Wear your favorite jersey or Sells gear
PTO-Sponsored ALL SCHOOL DANCE...TONIGHT 7:00-8:45pm
The All-School Dance is TONIGHT starting at 7:00pm. Here are the general common commitments we will be outlining for the students that we expect them to follow this evening.
- Doors will NOT open until 7:00pm
- ALL students must be in the building no later than 7:20pm and MUST present a school ID for entrance.
- Students will NOT be allowed to leave early UNLESS a parent is present to pick them up.
- This is not a formal event. Students may wear whatever school-appropriate outfits they choose.
- The Student Code of Conduct will be enforced as this is a school event.
Parents - please be on time at the end of the dance when picking your child up from school.
Please let me know what questions or concerns you have as we get set to host the dance. I am excited to see our students participate in this setting and "dance the night away!"
Protect Passwords!
Students should NEVER share their login information with other students and should always work to protect this. Recently, an incident occurred in which a student's school google account was hacked AND this student never shared his information and still was hacked. Unfortunately, several inappropriate slides and messages were sent to students and teachers at no fault of this student. This incident is still under investigation.
If this should happen to your student(s), parents should immediately report this to the administrative team. Further, immediately change the student's password. This should solve the issue. Once it is reported, the information will be passed along to the District Tech Team for an investigation. The goal would be to identify the person(s) responsible for hacking the account and apply school consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and could possibly involve our School Resource Officer.
Our goal is to keep our students safe and secure while using their school issued chromebook. Having them keep their sensitive information private is the first step. Thank you for discussing this with your child and the importance of maintaining safety while online.
Building Info
8th Grade Parents - HS Scheduling Meetings - Slide decks
Both Coffman and Scioto HS held their parent meetings which welcomed incoming 9th grade students and information was shared regarding high school scheduling and academic planning. Each HS shared their slide deck with us and those can be accessed below for your reference.
Scioto High School Curriculum Night Information
Coffman High School Curriculum Night Information
2024 - 2025 Yearbooks are on sale now!!!
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
February Menus
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at sms_attendance@dublinschools.net
Or leave a voicemail at 614.718.8572
Please do not call the main line for attendance before 9:00am.
Please utilize the attendance EMAIL or attendance VOICEMAIL.
- Students MUST be in Rock period by 8:28am - Anytime after 8:28am is considered LATE and MUST sign in at the Main Office.
- LEAVING EARLY - A note from the parent/guardian should be given to Mrs. Stevenson (Attendance Secretary) first thing in the morning. She will give them a pass to leave class at the given time and your student will meet you in the Main Office at that time. You as the Parent/Guardian will need to come in to the office to sign them out.
- ARRIVING LATE - If your student is arriving late to school due to an appointment, they will need to sign in at the Main Office with Mrs. Stevenson. Medical appointments will be excused with a note from the medical provider.
The complete attendance policy is located in the Middle School Student Handbook on
pages 11-13.
PTO Information
6th Grade Dance Club
Calling all 6th Graders! Don’t miss this year’s Dance Club- Sign up now!
Sign-ups are open for Dublin’s 6th Grade Dance Club starting in February. DJ Matt Ryan will be returning this year to teach dances, hand out prizes and lead more fun activities. The program will still include some light dance instruction—no skills required—and will also include a focus on modern social skills vs. traditional etiquette lessons.
Practices are 2/19, 2/26, 3/5 and 3/10 from 7-8:30PM, and the final dance party will be Sunday, 3/16 in the afternoon. Don’t miss this district-wide event just for 6th graders!
The cost to participate is $40. Sign your student up here by February, 19th.NOTE: Scholarships are available for any student that wishes to participate. Please reach out to your school principal for more information.
You can donate to the Sells PTO all year and it is easy to do! Donations support several
fun, FREE things planned for the students and teachers and they wouldn't be possible
without your support!
Just click link below or your child can drop off a check in the office in an envelope
marked PTO Donation.
Don’t forget to join the Sells Middle School PTO Facebook page!
From Dublin City Schools
Hall of Fame Nominations Sought
The Dublin City Schools Alumni Association is seeking nominations for our 2025 Hall of Fame class. The HOF recognizes alumni and community members in three categories: Young Alumni Achievement Award, Distinguished Alumni Award and Outstanding Service Award. Learn more about the Hall of Fame and nominate an outstanding candidate here.
Show Some Love: Keep Our Schools Healthy!
February is all about sharing kindness—not germs! Help keep our schools full of happy, healthy hearts. Keep your child home if they have:
Fever (100.4°F+), vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
A persistent cough, wheezing, or extreme fatigue
Conjunctivitis (red, crusty, swollen eyes)
Your child may return to school when symptoms improve for 24 hours without medication or after 24 hours of antibiotics (if prescribed). For example, if they had a fever, they must be fever-free for 24 hours without ibuprofen or acetaminophen before returning. Keeping kids home when they’re sick is the best way to show love for classmates and teachers!
Cold Weather Tip
We love outdoor recess! Students will go outside if the ‘Feels Like’ temp is 21°F or higher. Keep them cozy with coats, hats, and gloves so they can enjoy fresh air! Let’s look out for each other this season—because a healthy school is a happy school! Questions? Call your school’s clinic
Looking for a Night of Entertainment?
Dublin Scioto Theatre Presents “Hadestown: Teen Edition” Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, February 23 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at: https://dshstd.booktix.com/. All our schools’ theater and music performances can be found on the district’s performance calendar.
Bowling for their teams and Food!
Join all three Dublin High Schools’ bowling teams in a tri-match next Monday, February 10 at Bowlero Sawmill, 4825 Sawmill Road. During their annual tri-match, the teams will be collecting donations for the Dublin Food Pantry. Join them for a friendly competition on and off the lanes and drop off your donation!
From the City of Dublin
Video Spotlight: Round Table Games
Game on, Dublin! Dublin’s largest game center is bringing people together — one roll, shuffle and move at a time! See why Round Table Games is a must-visit for tabletop fans. Roll the dice and watch.
Family Skate with Blue Jackets, Sunny 95
Bundle up the kids and head to the Riverside Crossing Park Ice Rink for Family Day from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16. Skate while jamming to some tunes, play hockey games and win exclusive Columbus Blues Jackets prizes!
On the Podcast: Abbey Theater Season
Trailblazers, classics and fresh firsts — It's a season at the Abbey Theater where kids, teens and adults can enjoy multiple productions starting right now. Listen to the Link Ahead podcast episode all about it.
Super Bowl Pro Tip: Recycle Your Pizza Boxes
Did you know Rumpke accepts greasy pizza boxes as recycling? Remove any liners before you toss them and compost your leftovers at the Dublin Service Center. What to know.