ELC Family Newsletter
May 2024
Spring Fling: Save the Date!! May 3rd from 5-6:30pm. There will be games, crafts, food, touch a truck, and much more! We are also looking for volunteers to help make the Spring Fling a success. Click Here to see what volunteer opportunities are available!
We are Growing!
ELC Updates from the Office
If you child will not be at school, please call or email your child's teacher AND our secretary Mrs. Kristen.
Transportation Change
If you need to make a transportation change for your child please do so by 10:30 for the AM classes and 2:30 for the PM classes.
Car Signs
If at any time you need a replacement for your car sign, please email kbernal@usd458.org.
A Note from Mrs. Bernal
Hello Families!
I would like to take a quick second to say THANK YOU for making my first year at the Early Learning Center a wonderful one!! This year has been the best and I am SO grateful to be a part of this school!!
Tuition Paying Families
Important Car Line Reminder
Safety is a top priority for us here at the ELC. We have a very firm policy that all of the cars in the carline must have a car sign issued by our school. We understand that it can be inconvenient should the adult picking up your child not have a car sign and need to enter the school. Please be sure to communicate this policy to grandparents and other adults that help with picking up your child from school. Thank you for your help and continued support of our important safety measures. If you are ever in need of an additional car sign, please contact our building secretary, Michele Jeselnik at mjeselnik@usd458.org.
Health Updates from Nurse Corey
End of year is quickly approaching! If you have any medication in the nurse office, we will need to devise a plan on how to get that medication home safely. Please contact me at (913) 662-7150. Thank you!!
If your child has received any school required vaccines throughout the school year and you have NOT provided that updated information to Nurse Corey, please do so as soon as possible.
Please be mindful of the following illnesses and district guidelines for returning to the building:
Diarrhea: two or more loose watery stools during the school day. All students must be free from diarrhea for 24 hours without the aid of any medication before returning to school.
Localized rash: a rash of undetermined origin as a sign of potential illness.
Temperature greater than 100 degrees: all students must be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication.
Uncontrolled coughing: student may be sent home if coughing becomes disruptive to the educational environment.
Thank you for helping keep our school community healthy!
Corey Quattlebaum RN, BSN
School Nurse
Early Learning Center
Basehor-Linwood School District
(p) 913-662-7150
(f) 913-662-0004
Important Dates
1 - Mr. Patrick from Basehor Library visits today!
3 - ELC Spring Fling 5:00-6:30
6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week!
7 - PTO Meeting @ 5PM
15 - Tuition Due Today
17 - Mother's Day Tea Party (Ms. Loriell's Class) @ 2:30 [MPR]
17 - Mother's Day Tea Party (Ms. Debbie's Class) @ 3:30 [MPR]
23 - ELC Preschool Students Last Day
24 - Employee Childcare Student Last Day
The BLAS Food for Kids BackPack Program provides a weekly bag filled with food for PreK-5
school children that are in need and who attend school in the Basehor-Linwood School District.
BLAS delivers the BackPacks to your child’s school at the end of each week to be distributed by school staff in the child’s backpack.
Please call our school nurse, Corey Quattlebaum, at 913-662-7150 if you would like to sign your child up for this program.
Basehor-Linwood ELC PTO
Help our teachers feel appreciated during teacher and staff appreciation week ( May 6th-10th ) with a personal video. Please record a short video message from your child or yourself to their teacher.
Send it to bittybobcatpto@gmail.com by Monday, May 6th! Include the teacher's name in the subject line! Videos will be sent out to teachers on Wednesday May 8th!
Follow the link to view an example!
Thank you for your support,
Basehor-Linwood ELC PTO
PTO Meeting: Our LAST PTO Meeting is Tuesday, May 7th from 5-6pm. Swing on by to hear about what we have up our sleeve to close out the school year!
Spring Fling: Save the Date!! May 3rd from 5-6:30pm. There will be games, crafts, food, touch a truck, and much more! We are also looking for volunteers to help make the Spring Fling a success. Click Here to see what volunteer opportunities are available!
Classroom Art: Silent Auction Items: Be sure to check out your Bitty Bobcats Classroom Art at the Basehor Library and Linwood Library! Follow the Auction Art Link to view the artwork that will be up for auction at Spring Fling on Friday, May 3rd!
Flower Fundraiser: Our Spring Flower Fundraiser is here!! Click here to check out all the Spring Goodies. 50% of proceeds come back to the ELC PTO.
--Orders due May 15th
--ships to you for $6.99 per order
Ronald McDonald PopTab: Keep those pop tabs coming!! Kiddos are working towards their final goal.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week: May 6th-10th we are going to be in our Teacher & Staff Appreciation ERA!! We have a fun filled Taylor Swift Era's themed week for our ELC Teachers and Staff! Check out the Flyer below to see how you and your Bitty Bobcat can participate and show our ELC Staff and Teachers some love! You can also find all of our staff's favorites by clicking HERE!
Basehor-Linwood Parents as Teachers
Basehor Community Library
Storytime will be on break from May 14- May 29
Storytime returns on June 4th
Tuesday = Birth-2 at either 10:00 AM or 10:30 AM
Wednesday = Family Storytime 10:00 AM
(Wed may be outside depending on weather so have a blanket in the car just in case)
Wiggle Workshop will be on break from May 17-May 31
Wiggle Workshop will return on June 7th
Wiggle Workshop
Friday = 10:00 AM (Downstairs)
Read to a Dog returns on May 4th and Signing up for a slot will begin on April 29th (Grades K-5th)
Lego Club will be on the last Wednesday of the month May 29th from 4:00 - 5:30 PM (Grades K-5th)
Sign Up begins: May 20th for Birth-6th grade!
Start Reading: May 27th
First Prize can be collected on June 3rd
See The Summer Reading Flyer for all the details of the summer events!
Linwood Community Library
May 11 at 10:30 am: Cozy Book and Tea Club
May 16 at 4:30 pm: Juggling
May 16 at 6 pm: Movie NIght
May 25 at 11 am: Art with Trevor
Closed for Memorial Day Monday, May 27
May 29 at 1 pm: Potluck Luncheon
StoryTime - every Friday at 10 am
Knitting Club - every Monday at 4:30 pm
Yoga - every Monday at 5:30 pm
Play Time - every Tuesday at 10 am
Art Club - 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 4:30pm
2024-25 Enrollment Information
New Student Application to Enroll for 2024-2025
The application to enroll for new students is now open and is available via our website (elc.usd458.org). This would be the form to complete for any child who has not attended the ELC district preschool.
**If you have a child that is a younger sibling of a current student, you will complete this form for the younger sibling.
**If your child is enrolled in the district childcare and they will attend the district preschool for the first-time next year, this is the form you will complete.