CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of October 6, 2024
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
10/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Schools Closed for Students)
10/8: 1st Quarter Progress Reports Released Online
10/18: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
10/31: 1st Quarter Ends
11/1: 3-Hour Early Dismissal
11/5: General Election Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
11/18: 1st Quarter Report Cards Released Online
11/27-11/29: Thanksgiving Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
12/18: 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Released Online
12/20: 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
12/23- 1/3: Winter Break
Large Purses/Bookbags/Backpacks and Fanny packs
Please note that students are allowed a small clutch/purse (~6”x9”) is acceptable use to carry for personal needs. A pencil pouch that clips into a binder is suggested to minimize the chance of lost items.
Scholars are carry and wear to a Large purses / bookbags / backpacks / fanny packs will be asked to store them in their lockers. Only during short-term emergency situations will students be allowed to get these items which must be returned to lockers immediately
after use.
We would like to inform you that on October 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Prince George's County Public Schools will conduct a system-wide lockdown drill. The drill will last no more than 10 minutes. These drills are essential to ensure our students and staff are well-prepared to respond effectively in emergency situations. By practicing, we enhance school safety and help everyone feel confident in knowing what to do in the event of an actual emergency. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.
October Character Trait: Persistence
Food and Nutrition Services (School Meals): Free and Reduced Meal Application
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.
Synergy ParentVUE
Synergy is PGCPS' new Student Information System. It is critically important that families activate their ParentVUE account. This will allow parents to view student schedules, attendance, and grades.
If you have questions or need support please click here: ParentVUE Support and FAQ
From the Staff
Hispanic Heritage Month- Cultural Dress Down Day ( Friday 10/11/24)
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month students are invited to participate in a cultural dress-down day this Friday, October 11, 2024. This means that students can wear clothing representing their cultural background and heritage. Students may also bring a flag to represent their culture.
Students are reminded that the PGCPS dress code policy is still in effect for dress-down days. Do not wear clothing that exposes any parts of the body. We look forward to your participation.
The CMIT North Equity Team
Parent-Teacher Conference Day 10/7/24
Our first parent-teacher conference day is on October 7. Please know that you can reach out to your scholar's teacher at any time to schedule a conference, if the slots are full. Additionally, progress reports and report cards (except 4th quarter, which will be mailed) are only available via ParentVUE. If you are having issues accessing your ParentVUE account, please reach out to our registrar, Mrs. Torres.
Accelerated 2 Students Perform Integer’s Song!
We’re excited to share a fun and engaging video featuring our Accelerated 2 students singing Integer's Song, written by Mr. Field. This catchy tune helps students grasp important math concepts while tapping into their creative sides.
The song teaches how to work with integers through memorable lyrics and a lively chorus that reminds us of key rules, such as adding and subtracting negative numbers and the "two negatives make a positive" rule. The students not only had a blast performing but also reinforced their understanding of integers in a unique and unforgettable way.
Check out the video of their performance below and see how learning math can be both educational and fun!
Integers Song: https://youtu.be/IGQ_c2cl_Pg?si=JHmEapOqSMQ_MerH
8th Grade Safe Dating Section- Mrs. Curry (Health)
Hello Students and Parents,
Attached is a copy of the next section we will be covering in class. The first day for this section will be on 10/8 for A Day and 10/9 for B Day. Students will be given a pre-test and a post-test during class on the 3rd and 4th of October, that would be graded for completion.
Also, all students will be completing a group project due at the end of this section, more information to come, as we get closer to the end.
World Cultures and Geography- Mrs. Traore's Class
Please click the link to access the classroom newsletter.
What Do I Love About Myself- Dr. Wilkins' Science Class
In Dr.Wilkins class, 6th graders completed a self-love activity. Students were asked to create an online poster telling what they love about themselves. They had to list 3 things they love, and how they protect their happiness.
PSAT 8/9 Preparing for Success [7th and 8th grade]
It's never too early (or too late) to prepare for the PSAT 8/9. Emails were sent to 8th grade parents with PSAT 8/9 resources and information regarding specialty program information.
If you are the parent of a 7th grade student, your scholar can begin practicing NOW!
Free PSAT 8/9 Test Prep
- Kaplan (https://www.kaptest.com/study/psat/)
- Princeton (https://www.princetonreview.com/college/free-psat-practice-test)
- College Board (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/practice/practice-tests)
Testing Rules (read this to avoid a canceled score!)
Save the Date: Specialty Programs Showcase (PGCPS)
Join us on Thursday, Nov. 7 to explore Specialty Programs opportunities for students in Grades Pre-K-12! Grade 8 families are encouraged to attend to explore various high school specialty programs. Remember, your PSAT scores matter for specialty programs!
Athletics & Clubs
Get Involved: Join a Club Today!
Looking to explore new interests and make new friends? Now’s your chance! We have a variety of exciting clubs open for sign-up on a first come, first serve basis—so don't wait! From robotics to chess, aviation to environmental initiatives, there’s something for everyone. The clubs listed in the attached form are open to all students, no invitation or application needed. Spots are limited, so be sure to secure your place! For other clubs not listed, participation is by invitation or requires an application through the club sponsor.
Sign up for the available STEM Clubs using this link: https://forms.gle/ZZLwuF5njMAjsqVp6
Baseball and Softball Game Schedule
Baseball and Softball season is here! Please come out and support our student athletes! I look forward to seeing everyone there.
MLK MS vs CMIT-N at MLK 9/24 5:30pm
Benjamin Tasker, MS vs CMIT-N at Tasker, MS 9/26 5:30pm
Hyattsville, MS vs CMIT-N at Dwight Eisenhower, MS 10/2 5:30pm
Buck Lodge, MS vs CMIT-N at Buck Lodge 10/8 5:30pm
Samuel Ogle vs CMIT-N at Samuel Ogle, MS 10/10 5:30pm
Dwight Eisenhower vs CMIT-N at Eisenhower, MS 10/15 5:30pm
Athletic Eligibility
CMIT North Middle School participates in competitive athletics with other PGCPS middle schools. To be eligible students must have the following:
1. Complete the Athlete Participation Packet and return completed forms to the Athletic Director;
2. Have and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA;
3. Review and agree to the PGCPS Parent/Student Athletic Handbook;
The requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field for tryouts.
Fall Sports: Baseball, Softball
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer
Spring Sports: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer
Families are encouraged to complete the requirements over the Summer months to ensure eligibility when seasons begin. Athlete Participation Packets and physicals are good for the entire school year.
PTO Announcements
PTO Executive Board
Below, please find information on:
1. Joining the PTO and Paying Dues for SY 2024-2025
2. Fundraiser: Dinner Night at Chick-Fil-A in Laurel on October 9 from 4-8pm
3. Volunteers Needed: Fall Festival on Friday, October 25, 2024
4. Next PTO Meeting - Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 6:30-7:30pm
5. PTO Meetings for 2024-2025 School Year
6. Become a Volunteer!
1. Join the PTO and Pay Dues for SY 2024-2025
We invite you to join the CMIT North Middle School PTO to help advance our purpose and support our scholars. Our members vote on how we use our resources, what initiatives to focus on, and who should lead the organization.
Remember that per our bylaws, “Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a current student at CMIT North Middle, or a parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for an incoming student who will attend CMIT North Middle beginning the next school year, may be a General Member of the Organization. A General Member who has paid dues consistent with [the bylaws] shall be considered a member in good standing and shall have voting rights.”
Also, “A General Member must have paid their dues at least 10 calendar days before a General Membership Meeting to be considered a member in good standing with voting rights.”
Membership Dues: $15 per school year. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the current school year.
Please click here to join the PTO: https://forms.gle/GioZCXCopzziBPXg6
2. Fundraiser: Dinner Night at Chick-Fil-A in Laurel on October 9 from 4-8pm (Flyer Below)
Please join us for food and fun at the Laurel Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, October 9 from 4-8pm. Please come support CMIT North Middle Academy and your PTO! Twenty (20) percent of the night's sales will be donated to the school's PTO, which will further support our scholars, teachers, and administration. When ordering, let them know that you're supporting CMIT North Middle Academy.
Note: Mobile orders do not apply. See the attached flyer.
If you have any questions, please contact the PTO at info_nmspto@cmitacademy.org.
3. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Fall Festival - Friday, October 25, 2024 (9am-11am) - The PTO is sponsoring the Fall Festival for our CMIT scholars. We need volunteers to assist with setup and with various activity stations. Whether you're helping with games, food, or logistics, your contribution will help create a memorable experience for our scholars. Remember you must be cleared to volunteer. Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/gskgNh3kZ6PAgWnQ8
4. Next PTO Meeting - Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 6:30-7:30pm
If you missed the meeting on September 12th, the presentation and recording will be posted on the PTO Events page (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto-events/).
Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 10th. We will vote to elect our Recording Secretary at this meeting. We also will vote to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2024 meeting (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pJlJ2-Q5XiI8ZbsLNC5-PzfCg-DNHinE/view?usp=drive_link).
See below for the Zoom information. If you have any questions, please email us at info_nmspto@cmitacademy.org.
5. PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year
PTO meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, beginning at 6:30pm ET. These dates also can be found on the PTO home page and Events page. (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto/)
Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET
Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 6:30pm ET (Tentative)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91837250197?pwd=vCsu0ZymxK9eTBCJPhnbJ2qs8NjRP9.1
Meeting ID: 918 3725 0197
Passcode: PTO2425
Presentations, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings can be found on the PTO’s Events page (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto-events/).
6. Become a Volunteer!
It’s a new school year, so whether you are a new or returning volunteer, it’s time to submit your application and complete the approval process. In order to volunteer at CMIT North Middle Academy, you must be a PGCPS-approved volunteer. Visit the PGCPS Volunteer page for more information and to access the application: Volunteer at Your School (pgcps.org) (https://www.pgcps.org/offices/ograc/volunteer).
Community Connections
Greetings Parents and Students!
I’m Cassandre Mais, your new Care Coordinator at Healthlincs. Through the Mental Wellness Continuum (MWC) grant from the state of Maryland, I’ll be offering support to your school this year.
As your Care Coordinator, I’m here to help with a variety of needs, including:
- Food and nutrition assistance
- Guidance on health insurance
- Tutoring and academic resources
- Career support
- Medical transportation
- Clothing
- Rental assistance
We also have a team of licensed therapists available for both in-person and virtual (Zoom) therapy sessions to support your student's mental health and well-being. For CMIT N Middle School, Toni Sessions LPC, LCPC, will be the assigned therapist.
Please feel free to reach out if you need any support. We’re here to assist you throughout the school year.
Looking forward to serving you!
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.