Parmenter Press
August 16, 2024
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A Note from the Office
We look forward to welcoming staff to the building on Monday and Tuesday the 26th and 27th. Students in grades 1-12 will have their first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th. We will finally be complete on Thursday, August 29th when we welcome our kindergarteners to join us for their first day of school!
The school is ready to receive all of the students thanks to the tireless efforts of our custodial staff. Mr. Chuck, Mr. Francisco, and Mr. Rob, have the building sparkling! Mrs. Rourke has been hard at work registering new families, answering questions, and preparing for the school year ahead. We would not be able to function without the incredible work done by these crucial members of the Parmenter community!
We ask that all families review the CIRCLE with students before the first day of school. We show: Caring, Inclusion, Respect, Courage, Leadership, and Effort at Parmenter. These values are not just for students, but also for staff and families. We will continue to practice what it takes to live by these core values. Please review Helping Kids Back Into The School Routine to get some good tips on how to start the year on the right foot.
Finally, we must thank our PCC (Parent Communication Council) for their support this summer. They will be present at our Popsicles with the Principals event for new kindergarten students on Monday, tours for new-to-Parmenter families on Thursday, and will host a lunch for staff on the 27th. Please, if anyone is looking to get involved in any way, please reach out to our gracious and supportive PCC. Please find their information below.
Mrs. Harvey and I are geared up to begin the school year. This will be a special year for this community. We're honored to be part of the Parmenter legacy.
Be well,
Evan Chelman, Principal
Staffing Updates!
Please join us in welcoming the following staff who are returning to Franklin and/or Parmenter in new positions or roles?
Ms. Tina McMullen - Third Grade Teacher
Ms. Jen Lyons - Second Grade Teacher
Ms. Michaela Geary - Fifth Grade Teacher
Ms. Jessica Margolin - SAC
Ms. Kathy Bakalars - Kindergarten Teacher
Ms. Jasmine Medunick - IT Teacher
Ms. Louann Swan - Library ESP
Ms. Emily Lacharite - ABA Tech
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Attendance and Tardy Policy
School Hours:
Doors Open for Students at 8:15 AM
Late Morning Bell – 8:30 AM
Dismissal Bell – 2:45 PM
Attendance and Tardy Policy – The Franklin Public Schools expects parents and students to make every reasonable effort to have their children attend school each day. The continuity of day-to-day instruction is a critical dynamic to the overall success of each student.
The school doors open at 8:15 a.m. and all students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready for the day to begin by 8:30 a.m. It is important that your child arrives on time in order to minimize disruption to learning and maximize community-building opportunities. This is an essential learning time for all students as important interventions, enrichment, and community building experiences happen during this time. Students arriving after 8:30 will be marked tardy and must report to the office, with an adult, for a late pass before reporting to the classroom. Please make every effort to regularly get your child to school on time.
Arrival of Students
Arrival of Students – Staff members will be positioned in various areas to assist your child’s entrance into school. Students should not be dropped off at school prior to 8:15, as there is no supervision until that time.
There is a drop-off zone for students directly in front of Parmenter School on Wachusett Street. The blue painted curb and signs mark this area. This is for drop-off only - no parking is permitted in this zone.
The crossing guard will assist with directing cars into the loop. All cars must pull into the school loop by taking a RIGHT TURN ONLY. Cars may NOT enter the loop taking a left (coming from King St. area). If you are coming from this area, you must pass the school and line of cars (lined up along Wachusett St.) and turn around to wait at the end of that line.
All cars enter the loop and pull up along the “blue zone” (blue line marked along the sidewalk curb). Students must exit the car as soon as the car is stopped in the blue zone (do not wait until the car has pulled up closer to the main entrance of the school). Parents/caretakers should not exit the car - children being dropped off in the loop must be able to exit the car independently (out of the passenger side of the car - not the driver’s side).
If your child is not able to independently exit out of the passenger side of the car or if you choose to park and walk your child to the main entrance of the school, parents/caregivers may park on Wachusett Street (before or after the signs) and walk your child on the sidewalk perpendicular to the school entrance. One other option is to park in the side parking lot by the cafeteria and walk your child along the front sidewalk to the main entrance. The gymnasium (upper) parking lot is not a drop-off/pick-up area as driving through the lot compromises the safety of all pedestrians. Parents/caregivers may NOT park in the visitor parking spots within the loop. Cars parked there for arrival will be asked to follow the pick-up line in the loop (that extends down Wachusett St.).
We consider our looper line and parking lot a cell phone free zone in order to ensure the safety for all students/families.
Dismissal of Students
Dismissal of Students – Dismissal begins at 2:45 PM beginning with loopers, buses and vans. Wachusett Street Walkers and King Street Walkers are dismissed after the buses depart. Bus passes will be distributed on the first day of school (if they are available for pick-up sooner, we will let you know). If your child is not registered for the bus and you would like to learn more about Transportation, please contact the district offices through the information on their website linked here. Solutions staff will pick up students attending their program within the school building.
“Loopers”: Parents/caregivers pull into the loop and wait in the carline (students are first dismissed from their classrooms and later in the dismissal process, wait along the outside brick wall). Families must place a name card that is visible to staff members on the windshield. Staff rely on this system to call students out of the school in a quick and efficient manner. We consider our looper line and parking lot a cell phone free zone in order to ensure the safety for all students/families.
All cars must pull into the school loop by taking a RIGHT TURN ONLY into the loop. Cars may NOT enter the loop taking a left (coming from King St. area). If you are coming from this area, you must pass the school and line of cars (lined up along Wachusett St.) and turn around to wait at the end of that line.
All cars enter the loop and pull up along the “blue zone” (blue line marked along the sidewalk curb). Students must be able to enter the car independently (only through the passenger side of the car - not the driver’s side).
Similar to last year, there is no “parent pick-up” option as there was in years past. Parents/caregivers that are picking up their child from school must remain in their car within the car loop. Parents/caregivers of walkers, if you are meeting your child, please remain on Wachusett St. or King St. as you wait for the students to walk across the street with the assigned Crossing Guard being sure not to block residents’ driveways.
The gymnasium (upper) parking lot is not a drop-off/pick-up area as driving through the lot compromises the safety of all pedestrians. Parents/caregivers may NOT park in the visitor parking spots within the loop. Cars parked there for dismissal will be asked to follow the pick-up line in the loop.
Important Forms
Important Forms for the Beginning of the School Year (click on the form links to submit):
Important Forms for the Beginning of the School Year (click on the form links to submit):
Student Dismissal Form - It is essential that we have this form completed before Wednesday, August 21, 2024 so we are able to dismiss your child to the accurate location.
We are excited to announce that Parmenter School (along with two other schools in the district) qualifies for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This eliminates the need for families to fill out a free and reduced application. Instead, all families will receive an “income form” in their child’s folder on the first day of school. This will allow families to receive other program benefits!
6-Day Cycle for Specials!
This year, elementary schools will continue 6-day cycle format. Each class has one special per day and six different specials during the 6-day cycle: Art, Music, Physical Education (PE), Health, Library, and Instructional Technology (IT).
We look forward to sharing more information about all unified arts classes as the year progresses. Please have your child wear sneakers on their PE/Health days. (Alternatively, your child is welcome to keep a pair of sneakers in their cubby at school.) Your child’s teacher will provide the schedule for their class.
Please click the button below for a copy of the FPS School Calendar with 6-Day Cycle days.
Breakfast & Lunch
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that school districts will continue to provide free meals to all interested students, regardless of status. This means that every student in the Franklin Public Schools is entitled to one free breakfast and/or lunch each day, if interested. Students will be charged for any second meals or a la carte items including a la carte milk or water. Breakfast will be served as a grab-and-go option.
School lunch menus will consist of the "main" menu and several other options. Menus and other information can be found on Franklin Public Schools' Titan Website. Students do not need to pre-order lunches but should be aware if they are getting breakfast and/or lunch at school or bringing lunch in from home.
Welcome! From the Parmenter PCC
A sincere welcome/welcome back to our wonderful Parmenter families! We hope you all had a great summer! We would like to start by introducing our 2024-2025 PCC board members to you:
Chair: Amy Papagno
Co-Chair: Cassie Sixt
Treasurer: Brent Bulock
Secretary: Catherine Redfern
The board has been meeting throughout the summer and is very excited for a new school year filled with awesome programs and events for our students and their families!
Enjoy the final week of summer!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
August 28th - First Day of School for Grades 1-12
August 28th - Kindergarten Orientation 9-9:45am
August 29th - First Day for Students Kindergarten
August 30th - No School
September 2nd– No School – Labor Day
September 17th - Early Release Day
September 19th- Open House 5:00-6:45pm
September 25th - Picture Day
About Us
Email: chelmane@franklinps.net
Website: https://www.franklinps.net/g-m-parmenter-elementary-school
Location: 235 Wachusett Street, Franklin, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 541-5281