Paws for News
CBES Monthly Newsletter
In the spirit of gratitude, I want to share how honored we are to be part of your child's educational journey. Each day, we witness their curiosity, enthusiasm, and determination to learn new things, and it fills us with immense pride and joy. Thank you for being such a valuable part of our school family. We certainly couldn't do this without you! We are so grateful for every bit of encouragement, every volunteer hour, every smile and wave in the car line, every night you spend reading with your child - all of it! Together, we are creating a nurturing and supportive environment for our students to learn and thrive.
As Thanksgiving break approaches, I sincerely hope you are able to enjoy spending time with those that you love. 💗
Megan Hoyt, Principal
Share a Note of Thanks
Each day we are filled with gratitude for the village that works together to educate our students. This month, we encourage you to send a note of thanks to any staff member who has impacted the life of your child in a positive way. We will print these and present them to our staff members. The messages sent so far have brought many smiles! Please click this link or scan the QR code if you wish to send a message.
American Education Week is November 18-22
This week is American Education Week! We love celebrating public education and honoring the individuals that work together to make a difference every day. Students are encouraged to participate in the week's activities. Thank you for your support!
Updates & Reminders
- We need your help! Please help us preserve our playground area and new fencing by not allowing your children to play unsupervised. Our fence has already sustained damage in several areas due to climbing, pulling up at the bottom, etc. We are also experiencing graffiti damage.
- Car Rider Pick-Up: Please ensure your car rider pick-up tag is prominently displayed to help us with an efficient and safe dismissal.
- All early dismissals and transportation changes must occur before 1:45 pm.
Important Information
Attendance Matters!
Did you know that starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, regular attendance is essential for students gaining the academic and social skills they need to thrive? Research shows that when students are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year or 18 days over an entire school year), they are less likely to read proficiently by third grade, achieve in middle school, and graduate from high school.
- Socially: They are truly missed! Staff and fellow classmates notice when your child is not at school. We take a personal interest in the well-being of our students. We want them here so that they can learn the social skills, along with the academic skills, that lead to productive lives. Practicing those skills begins early.
- Academically: In the typical school day, a student receives between 90 and 120 minutes of language arts instruction, 60-75 minutes of math instruction, and 30-45 minutes of science and social studies instruction. Students miss out on discussion, collaboration with peers, and assistance from their teacher; all of which are so crucial for a deep understanding and application of skills. When they come back the next day, they have a gap in their learning and are not ready to move to the next step with their classmates.
Is there a time you should keep your child at home? Absolutely! When your child is sick, we certainly do not expect him/her to come to school. We also have a full-time nurse on staff. She will be able to help you if you have questions.
Your child will be the most successful when we work together. Please help us by insuring your child attends school regularly, and we will deliver the best possible instruction while he/she is here! Three things to keep in mind:
- Even if the absence is "excused," your child still missed the instruction.
- Even if the absence is "excused," the days count toward "chronic absenteeism".
- Chronic absenteeism is tracked by the state.
Understanding Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy. What's the Difference?
Chronic absenteeism is legally defined as "any students who misses 50% or more of the instructional day for any reason for 10% of the enrollment period." For elementary students, that equates to being absent for 18 days - whether excused or not - during the school year. Again, all absence types contribute to this number - excused, unexcused, suspensions, tardy arrivals, and early dismissals.
Another consideration with absences is whether they meet the threshold of truancy, which then becomes a legal matter. Truancy is defined as "a student between the ages of 6-17 who has accumulated 3 consecutive or a total of 5 or more unexcused/unlawful absences during the academic year. Continued unexcused absences after the truancy intervention process begins may result in referral to family court and/or the involvement of the Department of Social Services."
We understand that circumstances at times can be challenging. If you are in need of some assistance, please reach out. It is our desire to work with you and help you if you are in need. We have access to resources that may be able to provide support for you and your family.
We want and need your child at school each and every day!
Written Excuses for Absence
When your child must be absent, you have a maximum of 3 days to send an excuse. Excuses may be sent to the teacher, or you may click the button below for our convenient online form. Please note that per YSD 1 policy, excuses will no longer be accepted after the 3-days.
We Would Love to Hear from You!
Cub Calendar
Week of November 18 - American Education Week
November 21
November Birthdays Treat Table during lunch
GOTR Practice 5K after school - Let's cheer them on!
November 25
Naglieri Testing
November 26
Career Day
November 27-29
Thanksgiving Holiday 🦃
Winter Map Window - December 2-20
December 3
Pics with Santa 🎅
December 6
Last Day for 1st Semester Safety Patrol
December 7
GOTR Reindeer Romp 5K in Rock Hill
Hickory Grove Christmas Parade - 3 pm
December 10
School Board Meeting - 6:30 pm
December 12
4th Grade Holiday Program - 6 pm 🎵
December 13
Field Trip: 3rd Grade to Nutcracker
Thank You Lunch for Safety Patrol, Cotton's Pals, Student Leaders
York Christmas Parade - 6 pm
December 19
December Birthdays Treat Table during lunch
Holiday Parties
December 20
End of 2nd 9 Weeks
1/2 Day for Students - Dismiss at 11:30
Ms. Hoyt Gets Slimed! (Dance Fit Fundraiser Incentive)
Winter Break is December 23-January 3 ⛄